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Chinese sprint legend Su Bingtian on Monday announced he will not race at this year's World Athletics Championships and the Hangzhou Asian Games due to injuries.6月12日,中国短跑名将苏炳添官宣,因身体原因,他将不会参加今年的世锦赛和杭州亚运会。"Because of my physical condition, I have decided not to participate in the trials for this year's World Athletics Championships and the Asian Games. I am ending my 2023 season," Su, the men's 100m Asian record holder, wrote on Weibo.苏炳添是男子100米亚洲纪录保持者,他在微博上写道:“由于身体原因,我已经决定不参加即将开始的世锦赛和亚运会田径项目选拔赛,并提前结束2023赛季。”"As a 34-year-old sprinter, I have sustained many injuries through the years which have made it difficult to prepare for this season. I have been struggling to cope physically with my training, and my team has conducted a series of tests on my body. I have also sought advice and help from many people.“作为一名34岁的短跑运动员,多年积累的伤病和流行病后身体机能的变化,给我今年的备战带来了不同程度的困难。自从身体在训练中出现不良反应,队伍为我进行了一系列的检查与测试,并积极地向各方咨询、寻求帮助。”"Therefore, based on expert medical opinion and after discussions with my team, I have to give up on this season. A period of rest and recuperation is required to ensure I can have a longer athletic career. I will pay close attention to the forthcoming world championships and the Asian Games, and I will be cheering for all of Team China's athletes."“最终,经过专家建议与团队协商,为了能够更好地延长竞技运动生涯,我不得不放弃今年的比赛,进行一段时间的休息与调整。接下来,我会持续关注布达佩斯世锦赛和杭州亚运会中国队的表现,为队友们加油、喝彩。”The shock announcement instantly became a trending topic on Chinese social media. The hashtag "Su Bingtian quits 2023 world championships and Asian Games" had been viewed over 15 million times in just an hour, with netizens wishing the veteran a speedy recovery.突如其来的官宣迅速成为中国社交媒体上的热门话题。仅一小时内,“苏炳添决定不参加世锦赛和亚运会”这个话题就已突破1500万次浏览量,网友们纷纷祝愿这位名将能够早日康复。Su has been one of China's brightest stars on the track in recent years.近年来,苏炳添一直是闪耀在中国体坛的一颗明星。He dashed into the history books at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 by becoming the first Chinese to reach an Olympic 100m final, refreshing the Asian record to 9.83 seconds in the process in his semifinal.他在2021年的东京奥运会上创造历史,成为首位进入奥运男子100米决赛的中国选手,并在半决赛中以9.83秒的成绩刷新亚洲纪录。Last year, Su became an Olympic medalist after Team China was promoted to third place in the men's 4x100m relay final in Tokyo due to the disqualification of second-place Britain over a failed drugs test.去年,由于英国队因一次药检不合格而被取消资格,苏炳添和中国队在东京男子4x100米接力决赛上获得了铜牌。In 2015, Su became the first-ever Asian-born sprinter to break the 10-second barrier in the 100m. In 2018, he twice equaled the previous Asian record of 9.91, and clocked 9.92 to take that year's Asian Games 100m title in Jakarta.2015年,苏炳添成为第一位突破10秒大关的亚洲选手。2018年,他两次追平了之前的亚洲纪录9.91秒,并以9.92秒的成绩赢得了雅加达亚运会100米冠军。As the reigning Asian Games 100m champion, Su was expected to be one of the main attractions for home fans in Hangzhou. His best performance this season was a 60m gold (6.59 sec) at an indoor meet in Gothenburg, Sweden in February.作为亚运会百米冠军,苏炳添有望成为杭州主场球迷最受瞩目的选手之一。在本赛季中,苏炳添的最佳表现是在瑞典哥德堡的室内比赛中获得60米金牌(成绩为6.59秒)。"Su started this season with a victory in February, which was considered a sign that the veteran could shine at the world championships and the Asian Games this year. After that indoor event, Su originally planned to compete in more events to level up his condition," read a commentary by thepaper.cn.据澎湃新闻一篇评论所述,“苏炳添在二月份取得胜利,被视为这位资深选手今年在世锦赛和亚洲运动会上有机会取得辉煌表现的迹象。在那次室内赛事之后,苏炳添原本计划参加更多比赛以提升状态。”"Su Bingtian had already said that Hangzhou could be his last Asian Games and he really hoped to go for glory again on the track. He has reached the twilight of his career. He has trained for the last two years in Guangdong, where he also acted as a mentor for younger runners.“苏炳添曾表示杭州可能是他最后一次参加亚运会,他非常希望能够在赛场上再创辉煌。他已经步入职业生涯的黄昏阶段。在过去两年里,他一直在广东进行训练,并担任年轻跑者的导师。”"Su has been trying his best to maintain his own fitness. He wanted to display the persistence which will inspire the younger generation to keep up his pace."“苏炳添一直在努力保持自己的身体状态。他想展现出坚持不懈的精神,激励年轻一代跟上他的步伐。”Su stressed that he is not entertaining any thoughts of retirement just yet, and should his recovery go as planned, he will be targeting a spot at next year's Paris Olympics.苏炳添表示,他目前并不考虑退役,如果恢复顺利,他将力争参加明年的巴黎奥运会。"I won't stop chasing my dreams. I will use this period to recover and I will prepare as best I can for the Paris Olympics," he wrote on Weibo.他在微博上写道,“与此同时,我也不会停下逐梦的脚步!我会利用这段时间积极恢复,全力以赴地备战2024巴黎奥运会。”"I want to thank everyone for all their care and support. See you again next season."“感谢所有人对我的关注与支持。期待下个赛季见!”Su's withdrawal is a blow to Team China's hopes of topping the podium in Hangzhou, with the recent form of other nations — particularly Japan — suggesting the host faces an uphill task to claim gold in the 100m and 4x100m competitions.对期望在杭州亚运会上夺冠的中国队而言,苏炳添的退出是个不小的打击。尤其是近期日本等国的表现显示,作为东道主的中国在100米和4x100米比赛中面临着巨大的挑战。Xie Zhenye will now spearhead China's challenge in Hangzhou. The 29-year-old holds the 200m Asian record and was a member of the medal-winning 4x100m relay team in Tokyo.谢震业将成为中国队在杭州的领军人物。这位29岁的选手持有200米亚洲纪录,并且是东京奥运会获奖的4x100米接力队的成员。Xie's fastest 100m time this season was 10.05 in Chongqing earlier this month after spending months at a training camp in the United States.谢震业本赛季100米的最快成绩是在本月初在重庆达到的10.05秒,此前他在美国的一个训练营度过了几个月。"The national championships were the first event I participated in since my return from the training camp, where I made many adjustments," said Xie after the nationals.谢震业在全国锦标赛后表示:“全国锦标赛是我从训练营回来后参加的第一个比赛,我进行了很多调整。”"I've still got the trials for the Asian Games and world championships to come this year. These are all tough challenges, and I will have to keep leveling up. I feel like I've been pretty solid this year.“今年我还有亚洲运动会和世界锦标赛的选拔赛。这些都是艰巨的挑战,我需要不断提升自己。我感觉我今年的表现相当稳定。”"I hope I can make some breakthroughs at this year's Asian Games at home."“我希望能在今年的亚洲运动会上取得一些突破。”Athletics英/æθˈletɪks/美/æθˈletɪks/n.田径,竞技Sprinter英/ˈsprɪntə(r)/美/ˈsprɪntər/n.短跑选手