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The pursuit of higher education and better work opportunities are the main reasons Chinese students study at foreign universities at the undergraduate level, while the opportunity to broaden their children's experience is what parents want most, according to a new report that came out on Saturday.6月10日,《中国学生留学白皮书-本科篇》报告发布,报告显示寻求更高学历与更好的工作机会是中国学生选择本科留学的主要原因,拓宽子女的眼界则是父母最为看重的。Based on client information from overseas consultancy EIC Education, the report found that when choosing a destination for overseas study, students most value the ranking of the school or the major, the quality of education on offer, and career prospects, while parents are most concerned about safety.启德留学客户服务数据显示,在选择留学目的地时,学生最看重的是学校或专业的排名、教育质量和就业前景,而家长最关心的则是安全问题。Students worry most about too much homework and academic stress, followed by safety and the language barrier. For parents, safety is their greatest concern, as well as cultural differences and racism.学生最担心功课太多和学业压力大,其次是安全问题和语言障碍。家长最关注安全以及文化差异和种族主义问题。In terms of choosing universities, both students and parents pay the most attention to the ranking of the university and their major. For parents, the employment rate is the third most important factor, but is only seventh in importance for students.在择校方面,学生和家长最看重学校和专业排名。就业率是家长第三关注的因素,但仅为学生第七关注的因素。The report also found that from January to May, the number of consultations for overseas study increased by 43 percent year-on-year and by 12 percent on the same period in 2019.报告显示,2023年1-5月留学咨询量与2022年同期相比增幅达43%,与2019年同期相比也上涨了12%。The 10 most favored majors in the last three years include economics, computer science, business, communications and media research, math and finance.过去三年最受欢迎的十大专业包括经济学、计算机、商务、传播与媒体研究、数学和金融。As a result of inflation, tuition fees are higher this year compared with 2019. Students going to the United Kingdom are expected to pay 170,000 to 400,000 yuan ($24,000 to $56,000) in fees annually in 2023, up from 90,000 to 360,000 yuan per year in 2019.受到通货膨胀的影响,2023年本科留学费用相较于2019年出现了增长。以英国为例,2019年英国本科每年的学费区间为9-36万人民币,预计2023年这一数字将上升至17-40万人民币(合2.4万至5.6万美元)。Tang Yingying, 23, got a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney last year and is pursuing a master's degree at the same university.23岁的唐莹莹(音译)去年从悉尼大学本科毕业,目前继续在悉尼大学攻读硕士学位。She chose the university because it recognizes scores from the Chinese national college entrance exam, or gaokao, and also because Australia is more inclusive and has fewer incidents of discrimination.她之所以选择这所大学是因为它承认中国高考成绩,也因为澳大利亚更具包容性,歧视事件更少。Tang said her gaokao scores only qualified her to study at Shanghai University if she were to choose to study in China, so the University of Sydney was a natural choice.唐莹莹表示,如果她选择在中国读本科,那么她的高考成绩只能进入上海大学,所以对她来说,悉尼大学是一个正常的选择。However, while entry requirements might be lower at some foreign universities, they have stricter standards for graduation, she said, adding that she has worked very hard to perform well in her studies and is also doing internships.然而,虽然部分外国大学的入学要求可能较低,但他们对毕业的标准更严格。唐莹莹不但努力学习,而且她也尽力做好实习工作。"I know that a student with overseas study experience is not as popular a choice on the domestic job market as they used to be, but studying abroad has helped me to grow a lot, it has opened up my horizons and allowed me to make friends with people from different countries and regions."“我知道有海外留学经历的学生在国内就业市场上不像以前那样受欢迎,但出国留学让我成长了很多,开阔眼界,结交来自不同国家和地区的朋友。”Chen Xiaojing studied at the University of Toronto for her undergraduate degree and at University College London for her postgraduate degree. She now teaches English at an overseas study consultancy company in Beijing.陈晓静本科就读于多伦多大学,研究生就读于伦敦大学学院。目前,她在北京一家留学咨询公司从事英语教学工作。The 24-year-old said she chose to study in Canada because it is more open to foreign students who want to work there after their studies, but still decided to come home to work to be close to her family and friends.这位24 岁的女士表示,她之所以将加拿大作为留学目的地,是因为留学生留加就业较为容易,不过为了和家人朋友保持密切联系,陈晓静依旧决定回国工作。"The reason I didn't choose the United States was that I felt it was not safe there and wasn't suitable for students who are more introverted, like I am," she said.陈晓静说:“我没有选择美国是因为我觉得美国不安全,不适合像我这样内向的学生。”"If I only consider things from the perspective of cost, it is likely that it will take a very long time for me to earn back the money I have paid over the years on studying overseas, but it is still a worthwhile experience because it allowed me to meet different people, live a different life and become more understanding and inclusive."“如果我只从成本的角度考虑,那么我可能要花很长时间才能赚回这些年海外留学的费用。即便如此,我依旧觉得留学是一段有意义的经历,留学海外让我认识不同的人,过不同的生活,变得更加通情达理和包容。”Motivation英 /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃn/美 /ˌmoʊtɪˈveɪʃn/n. 动机Abroad英 /ə'brɔːd/美 /ə'brɔd/adv. 到国外,在国外Undergraduate英 /ˌʌndəˈɡrædʒuət/美 /ˌʌndərˈɡrædʒuət/n. 本科