英语新闻丨2023 was warmest year on record in China

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A climate change monitoring report from the National Climate Center said on Monday that 2023 was the warmest year on record since meteorological records began, surpassing the previous global temperature record.国家气候中心1月8日发布的气候变化监测报告表明,2023年为全球有气象记录以来的最热年份,打破最暖纪录。The global average temperature for 2023 exceeded the 2016 high by 0.14 C.2023年的全球平均气温比2016年的最高气温高出0.14℃。The report added that the global surface average temperature in 2023 was 1.42 C higher than preindustrial levels from 1850 to 1900, and 0.53 C higher than the average from 1991 to 2020.报告称,2023年全球表面平均温度较工业化前水平(1850年至1900年平均值)高出1.42℃,较1991年至2020年平均值偏高0.53℃。The latest predictions from the National Climate Center indicate that the ongoing moderate El Nino event will persist until spring, affecting global surface temperatures.国家气候中心最新预测显示,当前正在经历的中等强度的厄尔尼诺事件将持续到2024年春季,预计将对全球表面温度产生影响。In China, the average temperature in 2023 reached a historical high, surpassing the 1991 to 2020 average by 0.81 C.我国2023年平均温度创下有气象观测记录以来的历史新高,较1991年至2020年平均值偏高0.81℃。Despite some weak cold fronts this week, temperatures are expected to quickly rebound, the National Meteorological Center said.国家气象中心表示,尽管本周迎来几股弱冷空气,但预计气温将迅速回升。On Jan 14, the maximum temperatures in many areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are expected to return to above 20 C.预计1月14日,长江中下游地区多地最高气温将回到20℃以上。Cities including Hefei in Anhui province, Wuhan in Hubei province and Hangzhou in Zhejiang province are forecast to have temperatures reaching or exceeding 20 C, more than 12 C higher than the local mid-January averages, resembling temperatures typical of March.安徽合肥、湖北武汉、浙江杭州等地气温都有望达到20℃甚至以上,比当地1月中旬同期要偏高12℃以上,暖如常年3月。英文来源:中国日报