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The world's authority on color has spoken: 2024 is the year of "Peach Fuzz."世界权威色彩机构潘通公布2024年度流行色为“柔和桃”。Pantone describes the orange-pink hue as gentle, warm and cozy, subtly sensual and heartfelt.潘通色彩研究所形容这种橘粉色柔和、温暖、舒适,带点小性感,而且很贴心。Peach Fuzz, a "velvety peach tone" is meant to represent "our desire to nurture ourselves and others" and "whose all-embracing spirit enriches mind, body, and soul."潘通在介绍“柔和桃”的时候说道,这种“天鹅绒般柔和的桃色”意在代表“我们关爱自己和他人的愿望”,这种“无所不包的精神将会充实我们的身心和灵魂”。Pantone's colors of the year end up shaping product development and consumer decisions in fashion, industrial and interior design, product packaging and other industry areas.潘通的年度流行色最终会影响产品研发方向、消费者购买时装的选择、工业和室内装潢、产品包装和其他产业领域。"At a time of turmoil in many aspects of our lives, our need for nurturing, empathy and compassion grows ever stronger as does our imaginings of a more peaceful future," said company vice president Laurie Pressman. We needed a color "whose gentle lightness and airy presence lifts us into the future," Pressman added.潘通副总裁劳里·普雷斯曼表示:“在一个生活的许多方面都受到影响的动荡年代,当我们期待一个更加和平的未来时,我们对滋养、共情的需求也变得前所未有的强烈……我们需要一种温柔轻盈又梦幻的颜色,支持着我们走向未来。”Many on social media agreed with the pick, describing it as beautiful and refreshing. Others panned the color as boring, out-of-touch and unflattering.许多人都在社交媒体上为“柔和桃”点赞,认为这个颜色美丽又清新。但也有一些人认为这个颜色乏味、落伍、不衬肤色。One tongue-in-cheek critique characterized the peach as "a very democratic shade considering it doesn't look good on anyone."一位网友半开玩笑地表示“柔和桃”是“非常平等的颜色,因为谁穿这种颜色的衣服都不好看”。Tongue-in-cheek 英/'tʌŋin'tʃi:k/ 美/ˌtʌŋɪnˈtʃik/adj. 开玩笑的