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China will ratchet up resources to accelerate the building of basic systems for data and leverage innovative digital technologies to bolster industrial upgrading, part of a broader push to promote the high-quality development of the economy and foster new quality productive forces, said officials, company executives and experts.专家表示,中国将加大资源投入,加快数据基础体系建设,利用创新数字技术促进产业升级,推动经济高质量发展,培育新质生产力。Heightened efforts should be made to boost the deeper integration of the digital and real economies, vigorously develop the core industries of the digital economy, and advance the digital transformation of industries, said Qin Boyong, vice-chairwoman of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the country's top political advisory body.全国政协副主席秦博勇表示,希望进一步用好数博会平台,更好推动数字中国建设,为贵州高质量发展和现代化建设贡献力量。Qin made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the China International Big Data Industry Expo 2024, which kicked off on Wednesday in Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou province.8月28日,秦博勇于贵阳开幕的2024中国国际大数据产业博览会开幕式上发表了讲话。She stressed the need to speed up the construction of basic systems for data and data infrastructure, press ahead with reforms related to the market-oriented allocation of data elements, use digital technologies to drive the urban digital transformation and the development of digital villages, and expand international cooperation in the digital economy domain.她强调,要持续促进实体经济和数字经济深度融合,加快推进数据基础制度和基础设施建设,以数字化转型全方位赋能经济社会发展,筑牢数字安全屏障,主动拓展国际合作,全面推动数字经济高质量发展。Xu Lin, Party secretary of Guizhou, said the province will make more efforts to build intelligent computing industrial clusters with a key focus on artificial intelligence technology, nurture a batch of industry-specific large language models, push forward the construction of data centers and expand the application scenarios of data elements in more fields.省委书记、省人大常委会主任徐麟表示,贵州将以人工智能技术为重点,把发展数字生产力作为发展新质生产力的重要突破口,聚焦算力、赋能、产业三个关键,着力构建算力协同发展机制,培育以人工智能为驱动的智算发展新模式。Often dubbed China's big data hub, the mountainous province of Guizhou is the country's first national big data comprehensive pilot zone, and has been promoting the big data industry as the backbone of the province's high-quality social and economic development.贵州作为数字经济发展的先行者,是全国首个国家大数据综合试点区,一直把大数据产业作为全省经济社会高质量发展的支撑力量。Xu said that Guizhou's total computing power has reached 40 EFLOPS, making it one of the regions with the strongest intelligent computing capabilities nationwide. EFLOPS is a unit of the speed of computer systems, equal to one quintillion floating-point operations per second.徐麟表示,全省总算力规模40 EFLOPS,贵州已成为全国智算能力最强的地区之一。 EFLOPS表示每秒执行一千万亿次的浮点运算。Liu Liehong, head of the National Data Administration, said the administration is working with relevant departments to study and formulate policies concerning the data industry, in order to unleash the value of massive data resources and improve the competitiveness of China's data industry.国家数据局局长刘烈宏在开幕式上表示,国家数据局正会同有关部门研究制定产业发展政策,将从优化产业布局、培育多元经营主体、强化政策保障等三个方面系统布局培育壮大数据产业。"As a new type of production factor, data has been deeply integrated into various areas of the economy and society," Liu said, while emphasizing the significance of the cultivation of the data industry in fostering new quality productive forces and driving the country's high-quality economic growth.“数据产业是一个新兴产业,主要是指利用现代信息技术对数据资源进行开发,推动其流通应用,以实现数据要素价值。”刘烈宏表示,培育数据产业对培育新质生产力、推动我国经济高质量增长具有重要意义。Chen Zhongyue, chairman of China Unicom, said the company is beefing up efforts to promote the construction of new types of infrastructure, facilitate the development of next-generation wireless communication technology, and accelerate the industrial applications of its self-developed large language model, called Yuanjing.中国联通董事长陈忠岳表示,公司正加大力度推进新型基础设施建设,促进下一代无线通信技术发展,加快自主研发的“元景”大模型的产业应用。Chen said the company has developed 35 industry-specific Yuanjing models, which have benefited urban governance, information consumption and industrial manufacturing, adding that more efforts are needed to make breakthroughs in the key technologies of big data and LLMs, and provide more intelligent, convenient digital services in Guizhou.陈忠岳表示,目前公司已研发出35个行业“元景”模型,赋能城市治理、经济运行、信息消费、工业制造等领域成效明显。下一步,公司还需加大大数据、大语言模型等关键技术的突破,为贵州提供更加智能、便捷的数字服务。Qi Xiangdong, chairman of Chinese cybersecurity company Qi-Anxin Technology Group, said that as new cybersecurity-related challenges, such as privacy and data leakage, have appeared along with the development of AI and data sharing, safeguarding data security is important in bolstering data transactions and developing the digital economy.中国网络安全公司奇安信集团董事长齐向东表示,在大数据时代,数据的共享和传播能产生更多价值,但数据被窃取会导致企业核心竞争力丧失。因此,数据安全是数字经济和数据交易的核心问题,只有解决了安全疑虑,数字经济才能快速发展。