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China plans to send astronauts to the moon before 2030, a space official said on Monday.5月29日,中国载人航天工程办公室副主任林西强表示,中国计划在2030年前实现中国人首次登陆月球。Lin Xiqiang, deputy director of the China Manned Space Agency, said at a news conference at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China that the country's space authorities have launched the manned lunar program.在酒泉卫星发射中心举行的新闻发布会上,中国载人航天工程办公室副主任林西强披露,中国航天主管部门已经启动载人登月阶段任务。"The overall goals are to realize China's first manned landing on the moon before 2030, carry out scientific exploration and related technological demonstrations on the lunar surface, develop a commutation and short-term stay system for crews, and develop human-robot integrated testing and other key technologies," Lin said.林西强说:“总的目标是在2030年前实现中国人首次登陆月球,开展月球科学考察及相关技术试验,突破掌握载人地月往返、月面短期驻留、人机联合探测等关键技术。”"Our astronauts will walk on the moon, collect samples around the landing site and perform some in-situ research. This will lead off our manned missions from low-Earth orbit to deep space and help deepen mankind's knowledge about the origin and evolution of the moon and the solar system," the official noted.林西强指出:“我们的宇航员将在月球上行走,在着陆点周围采集样本并进行一些原位研究。这将推动载人航天技术由近地走向深空的跨越式发展,深化人类对月球和太阳系起源与演化的认识。”Lin made the remarks while answering a question from China Daily on whether and when China will send its astronauts to the moon.在回答中国日报关于“中国是否以及何时将宇航员送上月球”的问题时,林西强发表了上述言论。To realize this mission, Lin's office has arranged the research and development of all relevant systems, including the Long March 10 new crew-carrying rocket, a lunar landing capsule and a lunar extravehicular suit. New rocket testing and launch facilities will also be constructed, he added.为了实现这一使命,中国载人航天工程办公室安排了所有相关系统的研发,包括长征十号新型载人运载火箭、月面着陆器和登月服。林西强补充说,还将新建火箭发射场相关测试发射设施设备。Lin said that the office will publish notices in due course to solicit scientific payloads to be carried during the manned mission as well as conceptual designs for the mission's lunar rover.林西强说,中国载人航天工程办公室将适时发布通知,征集载人任务期间携带的科学有效载荷以及载人任务月球车的概念设计。According to the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, the nation's major carrier rocket maker, the Long March 10 will be 88.5 meters tall, roughly equivalent to the height of a 31-story residential building. The gigantic rocket will have a liftoff weight of 2,187 metric tons and will be capable of transporting spacecraft weighing at least 27 tons to an Earth-moon transfer trajectory.中国主要运载火箭制造商——中国运载火箭技术研究院称,长征十号运载火箭的高度将达到88.5米,大致相当于一座31层住宅楼的高度。这枚巨型火箭的起飞重量为2187公吨,能够将至少27吨重的航天器运送到地月转移轨道。Astronaut英/ˈæstrənɔːt/ 美/ˈæstrənɔːt/n.宇航员,太空人Manned英/mænd/ 美/mænd/adj.载人的Lunar英/ˈluːnə(r)/ 美/ˈluːnər/adj.月亮的