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About 2.6 billion people globally – 38% of the world population – are already overweight or obese. But on current trends that is expected to rise to more than 4 billion people (51%) in 12 years’ time, according to research by the World Obesity Federation.目前全球已有26亿人口(占世界总人口的38%)超重或肥胖。但据世界肥胖联合会的研究显示,按照目前的趋势,12年后,这一数字预计将上升至40亿以上 (占世界总人口的51%)。Without widespread use of tactics such as taxes and limits on the promotion of unhealthy food, the number of people who are clinically obese will increase from one in seven today to one in four by 2035. If that happens, almost 2 billion people worldwide would be living with obesity.该机构认为,如果没有普遍对垃圾食品征税或对其广告加以限制,临床诊断为肥胖症的人数将从现在的占比七分之一增加到2035年的四分之一——近20亿人患肥胖症。Those with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 are judged to be overweight, while people whose BMI is at least 30 are deemed to be obese. Evidence shows that obesity increases someone’s risk of cancer, heart disease and other diseases.体重指数(BMI)为25的人被认为是超重,而BMI指数30以上则被认为是肥胖。有证据表明,肥胖会增加患癌症、心脏病和其他疾病的风险。Obesity among children and young people is on course to increase faster than among adults. By 2035 it is expected to be at least double the rate seen in 2020, according to the federation’s latest annual World Obesity Atlas report.目前,儿童和青年群体中肥胖症患者增速比成年人更快。根据世界肥胖联合会最新发布的年度《世界肥胖地图》,到2035年,儿童和年轻人的肥胖症率预计将至少是2020年的两倍。It is expected to rise by 100% among boys under 18, leaving 208 million affected, but go up even more sharply – by 125% – among girls the same age, which would see 175 million of them affected.预计18岁以下男性肥胖率将翻一番,达到2.08亿人,但在同龄女孩中,这一数字将增长更快,达到125%,这将导致1.75亿女孩患肥胖症。Prof Louise Baur, the federation’s president, said the stark findings were “a clear warning that by failing to address obesity today, we risk serious repercussions in the future.该机构主席路易丝·鲍尔教授表示,这些惊人的发现“清晰地警示我们,如果今天不能解决肥胖问题,我们将在未来面临严重的后果。”“It is particularly worrying to see obesity rates rising fastest among children and adolescents.”“尤其令人担忧的是,肥胖率在儿童和青少年中上升最快。”“Governments and policymakers around the world need to do all they can to avoid passing health, social and economic costs on to the younger generation,” Baur added.“全球各国政府和政策制定者需要尽其所能避免将健康、社会和经济成本转嫁给年轻一代。”The World Obesity Federation wants governments to use tax systems; restrictions on the marketing of foods that are high in fat, salt or sugar; front-of-pack labels; and provision of healthy food in schools to address rising obesity.该联合会希望各国政府采取税制、限制高脂肪高盐高糖食品的营销、包装正面贴标签,以及在学校提供健康食品等措施来应对不断上升的肥胖问题。Clinically英 [ˈklɪnɪkli]   美  [ˈklɪnɪkli]adv. 临床地Adolescent英 [ˌædəˈles(ə)nt]   美  [ˌædəˈles(ə)ntn. 青少年