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Tian'anmen Rostrum, a symbol of the nation, reopened to the public on Tuesday after undergoing several years of renovation, according to its management authority.天安门城楼管理部门表示,经过数年的修缮,天安门城楼于6月13日(星期二)恢复对外开放。Tian'anmen was the principal entryway into the Imperial Palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties spanning from the early 15th century to the early 20th century.在15世纪初至20世纪初的明清时期,天安门是进入故宫的主要入口。Many historic events were held at the gate, including the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China on Oct 1,1949.天安门见证了许多历史事件,包括1949年10月1日的中华人民共和国开国大典。According to the WeChat account of the management authority of Tian'anmen Rostrum, people can make reservations to visit through its website or WeChat account at least one day in advance.“天安门城楼参观预约”微信公众号显示,市民游客须提前一天通过官方网站或微信公众号预约参观。There are no on-site tickets available and the authority has not authorized any third-party institutions or individuals to act as ticket agents.目前没有设置现场售票,也未授权任何第三方机构或个人代理门票业务。Enthusiasm for visiting the rostrum from the public is high, with the website showing that tickets from Tuesday to Sunday have already sold out. Tickets starting from next Tuesday have not been released yet.市民游客参观天安门城楼的热情高。,网站显示,本周门票全部约满,下周二起的门票尚未开放预约。"I am more than excited to hear the news," said Xu Xiaohan, a senior university student studying in Beijing. "As a student from another province, I have always wanted to see the remarkable scenery of Beijing from the rostrum."一名北京的大四学生徐晓涵(音译)说:“听到天安门城楼开放参观的消息后,我非常兴奋。作为一名外省的学生,我一直想在天安门城楼上欣赏北京的风景。”Li Xiaoli, a 62-year-old resident in Beijing, who comes from Shanxi province, said she will ask her son to make a reservation for her to go to the rostrum.来自山西的62岁北京居民李晓丽(音译)表示,她会让儿子帮她预约,让她登上城楼。"I have learned about it from our Chinese textbooks from when we were little kids. It has always been my wish to feel the history and glory of our country by standing there," she said.李晓丽说:“我小时候就在语文课本上就了解了天安门城楼,我一直希望能登上城楼感受我们国家的历史和辉煌。”The opening of Tian'anmen Rostrum provides a chance for people to have a deeper understanding of the city and its history.天安门城楼的开放为民众提供了深入了解北京及其历史的机会。After Chairman Mao Zedong announced the founding of the People's Republic of China on Oct 1, 1949, from the Tian'anmen Rostrum, the site only opened its doors for important national events, such as receiving distinguished foreign guests, until 1988 when it was officially opened to the public.1949年10月1日,毛泽东主席在天安门讲台上宣布成立中华人民共和国,此后的几十年间,天安门城楼仅在举行重要国事活动时开放,用于接待外国贵宾。直至1988年,天安门城楼才正式向公众开放。At the beginning, the price for entry was 10 yuan ($1.40) for domestic visitors. The price was not low at that time, but more than 600,000 visits were recorded in 1988 alone, according to a report in China Today magazine.开放初期,国内游客的门票是10元(1.40美元)。据《今日中国》报道,10元的票价在当年并不便宜,但仅在1988年就有60多万人次参观。Tian'anmen Rostrum has been closed to the public since June 2018 for maintenance and construction work.2018年6月,天安门城楼启动修缮,停止向公众开放。Another cultural relic, the Drum Tower and Bell Tower, will reopen to the public starting onThursday, announced its management authority on Monday.北京市钟鼓楼文物保管所12日宣布,钟鼓楼将于2023年6月15日(星期四)起恢复对外开放。Lying on the central axis of the capital, the Drum Tower and Bell Tower were built in 1272 and rebuilt twice after fires. At one period in history, they were the time-telling center of the city during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties (1271-1911).位于首都中轴线的鼓楼和钟楼建于1272年,曾因火灾重建了两次。元、明、清时期(1271-1911),钟鼓楼曾是北京城的报时中心。Rostrum英/'rɒstrəm/美 /'rɔstrəm/n. 城楼Reopen英 /riː'əʊp(ə)n/美 /ˌri'opən/v. 重新开放Renovation英 /ˌrenəˈveɪʃn/美 /ˌrenəˈveɪʃn/n. 翻新;整修Reservation英 /ˌrezəˈveɪʃn/美 /ˌrezərˈveɪʃn/n.预约