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The sudden death of an elderly female giant panda named Cheng Gong, mother of the popular panda star Hua Hua, as well as the actual mother of the major character Po in the US animation Kung Fu Panda, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Southwest China’s Sichuan province, shocked panda fans nationwide and sparked heated discussion online on Monday.在中国西南部四川省成都大熊猫繁育研究基地,一只名叫成功的老年雌性大熊猫突然死亡,她是熊猫明星花花的母亲,也是美国动画《功夫熊猫》中主要角色阿宝的实际母亲,这一事件在9月4日震惊了全国的熊猫迷,并在网上引发了热烈讨论。The research base announced the death of the panda on late Sunday, saying that the female panda passed away at the panda house on Sunday morning at the age of 23, equivalent to a 70 to 80-year-old human. 9月3日晚间,成都大熊猫繁育研究基地(以下简称“研究基地”)发文称,雌性老年大熊猫“成功”于3日早间在兽舍内死亡,终年23岁,约等同于人类70-80岁年龄。According to a statement released by the research base on Sunday night, Cheng Gong had been consuming bamboo normally in recent days and her fecal matter and body weight were normal. Her fur was bright and her overall condition was good. Breeders on the night shift noted Cheng Gong was in good condition on Saturday night.根据研究基地3日晚间发布的声明,“成功”采食竹笋正常,粪便量及体重正常,被毛光亮,整体状态良好。9月2日晚间,夜班饲养员观察其健康状态良好。She was found dead lying on her left side. Her body was stretched, surrounded by a large quantity of outer skin of bamboo shoots she had consumed the night before, with no abnormal observations made within her habitat, the statement said.声明表示,“成功”被发现死亡时,处于左侧卧状态,体态舒展,周围有大量前一晚采食剩下的笋壳,兽舍内未见异常情况。On Sunday afternoon, the research base initiated the pathological analysis and comprehensive evaluation in collaboration with the zoo pathologists in the province.9月3日下午,研究基地已联合省内病理学专家、动物病理学专家等开展病理学分析和综合评估。According to media reports, Cheng Gong was born with twin sister named Cheng Ji on Sept 11, 2000 at the research base. She had become well known for her obsession with hygiene.据媒体报道,成功于2000年9月11日出生在研究基地,是有名的“洁癖公主”,它的双胞胎妹妹名叫成绩。The topic of the sudden death of Cheng Gong trended on China’s social media platforms across Monday morning, with over 2.41 million netizens expressing condolences to the hero panda mother who gave birth to nine cubs including the popular star panda He Hua, more commonly known as Hua Hua, at the research base.9月4日上午,“成功”突然死亡的话题成为中国社交媒体平台的热门话题,超过241万网民向这位熊猫妈妈表示哀悼。成功在熊猫基地诞下9只幼崽,其中包括广受欢迎的明星熊猫“和花”,“和花”更广为人知的名字是“花花”。As of Monday morning, over 8,700 netizens left messages on Sina Weibo praising the hero panda mother who had contributed to panda breeding throughout her entire life. They also called for the early disclosure of the cause of death.截至9月4日上午,超过8700名网友在新浪微博上留言称赞这位熊猫妈妈,称赞其一生都在为熊猫繁殖做出贡献。网友们还呼吁尽早公布死亡原因。Other netizens were shocked that Cheng Gong had reached such an old age since she gave birth just three years ago to the youngest twin cubs, He Hua and He Ye on July 4, 2020.其他网友则对成功在三年前的2020年7月4日生下最小的一对双胞胎“和花”和“和叶”感到震惊。Source:Global TimesIntern:Zang TianyiFemale 英/ˈfiːmeɪl/ 美/ˈfiːmeɪl/adj.雌性的;n.女人;雌性动物Panda英 /'pændə/美 /'pændə/n. 熊猫