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Scams targeting seniors took center stage at this year's annual "315 Gala" event hosted by State broadcaster China Central Television on Wednesday, which coincides with World Consumer Rights Day on March 15.3月15日,由国家广播公司中国中央电视台主办的年度世界消费者权益日"315晚会 "上,针对老年人的诈骗成为焦点。The gala took aim at livestreaming hosts who try to sell "magic drugs" to elderly people by appealing to their sympathy and gullibility.晚会瞄准了那些推销"灵丹妙药"的直播主持人,他们试图通过利用老年人的同情心和轻信心理来向他们推销。They call themselves "sons" and "daughters" to their elderly viewers and put on made-up dramatic shows where the drugs are used to save people's lives and solve family disputes.他们对老年观众自称是"儿子 "和 "女儿",并上演捏造的戏剧性节目,比如用药物来拯救人们的生命和解决家庭纠纷。In one of the livestreams, the host, Ma Hongliang, claimed that a worker for a company died while trying to harvest snow lotus (Saussurea involucrate), a rare plant in high altitude that people believe can cure diseases.在其中一个直播节目中,主持人马洪亮声称,一家公司的一名工人在试图采摘雪莲(Saussurea involucrate)时死亡,这种雪莲是一种高海拔地区的稀有植物,人们认为它可以治疗疾病。To make amends, the company then decided to give the employee's mother its products made of snow lotus, which cured her disease. Ma claimed that the drug can cure tumors and that snow lotus can be harvested only once every nine years.为了弥补损失,该公司随后决定将用雪莲制成的产品送给该员工的母亲,并治愈了她的疾病。马洪亮声称,这种药物可以治疗肿瘤,而且雪莲每9年才能采摘一次。She had decided to destroy the product, but was talked out of it by an "expert" who claimed to be from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, after which she decided to sell the product to her viewers.她曾决定销毁该产品,但被一位自称是中国科学院的"专家 "劝阻,之后她决定将该产品卖给她的观众。However, the product is only general food that called snow lotus seed and not a medicine.然而,该产品只是名为雪莲子的一般食品,并不是药品。A manager surnamed Yin said his company is responsible for selling such products to live-streaming hosts, which are all normal food products such as candy and drinks.\一位姓尹的经理说,他的公司负责向直播主持人销售此类产品,这些产品都是糖果和饮料等正常食品。"All the stories are fake ones and people in the live-streaming shows are hired actors. It's all fake," Yin said.尹经理说"所有的故事都是假的,直播节目中的人是雇佣的演员,这些都是假的"。The channels of all the livestreaming hosts exposed during the gala have been suspended.晚会期间被曝光的所有主播频道均已暂停。The market regulation bureau of Handan, Hebei province has arrived at the supply company Yin works with and sealed off the food products found there, according to CCTV.据中央电视台报道,河北省邯郸市市场监管局已抵达尹某工作的供应公司,并封存了在那里发现的食品。Market regulation authorities also took away the company's computers and other data found there. The live-streaming hosts have not been found and local police have started an investigation into the event.市场监管部门还带走了该公司的电脑和在那里发现的其他数据。主播还没有找到,当地警方已经开始对该事件进行调查。Gullibility英[ˌɡʌləˈbɪləti]美[ˌɡʌləˈbɪləti]n. 轻信Dispute英 [dɪˈspjuːt]美 [dɪˈspjuːt]n. 争端