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Ten people were confirmed dead and one other remained trapped after the roof of a school gymnasium collapsed Sunday in Qiqihar city, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province.7月23日,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市龙沙区第34中学体育馆楼顶发生坍塌,事故已造成10人死亡,1人被困。The roof collapse was reported at 2:56 pm Sunday, according to the provincial fire and rescue department.据省消防救援部门称,屋顶坍塌事故发生在23日下午2点56分。There were 19 people at the gymnasium covering about 1,200 square meters at the No 34 Middle School in Longsha District when the accident occured. Four people escaped on their own and 15 were trapped, the municipal search and rescue headquarters said.龙沙区第34中学的体育馆占地约1200平方米,市搜救指挥部表示,事故发生时,馆内共有19人,其中4人自行脱险,15人被困。As of 5:30 am Monday, 14 people had been rescued, among whom four were pulled out without vital signs, and six died after treatment failed. Rescue efforts are still underway.截至24日5时30分,已搜寻到14人,其中4人被救出时已无生命体征,6人经全力救治无效死亡。目前救援工作仍在进行中。Preliminary investigation found that construction workers illegally placed perlite on the roof of the gymnasium during their construction of a teaching building adjacent to the gymnasium. Under the influence of rainfall, the perlite soaked in water and gained weight, resulting in the roof collapse. 初步调查发现,与体育馆毗邻的教学综合楼施工过程中,施工单位违规将珍珠岩堆置体育馆屋顶。受降雨影响,珍珠岩浸水增重,导致屋顶荷载增大引发坍塌。The gymnasium's walls have a grid structure, and the roof is made of concrete slabs, according to local authorities.据当地政府介绍,体育馆的墙体为网架结构,顶棚为混泥土板。An in-depth investigation is ongoing. Those in charge of the construction company have been taken into police custody.深入调查仍在进行中。施工单位责任人已被公安机关控制。Roof英/ruːf/ 美/ruːf/n.屋顶;顶部Collapse英 /kəˈlæps/美 /kəˈlæps/vi.倒塌;vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;Trap英 /træp/美 /træp/vt. 困住,使陷入绝境;使受限制