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The four individuals directly involved in the Moscow concert hall attack have been charged with terrorism, local media reported on Monday.3月25日,据俄国当地媒体报道,直接参与莫斯科音乐厅袭击事件的四人已被指控犯有恐怖主义罪。A Moscow district court sent all the four suspects, identified as citizens of Tajikistan, to pre-trial detention. They will remain in custody until May 22, Russia's TASS news agency reported.莫斯科地区法院将所有四名嫌疑人(确认为塔吉克斯坦公民)送审前拘留。据俄罗斯塔斯社报道,他们将被拘留至5月22日。On Friday night, gunmen fired indiscriminately at concertgoers at Crocus City Hall in suburban Moscow, leaving at least 137 people dead. A large blaze later led to the collapse of the building's roof.3月22日晚上,持枪歹徒在莫斯科郊区克罗库斯市政厅向音乐会观众无差别开枪,造成至少137人死亡。随后发生大火,音乐厅屋顶被烧毁。Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address that preliminary investigation showed the Ukrainian side was preparing a "window" for the perpetrators to cross the border. He promised to identify and punish all those behind the attack and declared March 24 a day of national mourning.俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京在电视讲话中表示,初步调查显示乌克兰为肇事者越境准备了“窗口”。总统做出承诺,将查明并惩罚所有袭击事件的幕后黑手,并将3月24日定为全国哀悼日。day of national mourning全国哀悼日indiscriminately英 /ˌɪn.dɪˈskrɪm.ɪ.nət.li/美/ˌɪn.dɪˈskrɪm.ə.nət.li/adv.无差别地