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Giant female panda, Xiang Xiang, currently at the Ueno Zoo in Japan, will return to China on February 21, according to Japan's Kyodo News Agency.日本东京上野动物园的雌性大熊猫香香要回家了,归期定在了2月21日。Visits only be allowed through a pre-selected lottery. Up to 2,600 visitors will be able to see the 5-year-old each day until Feb 19, according to Kyodo News.自2023年1月21日起,参观香香采用事先抽签制,游客1月6日后可通过网站提交抽签申请,每天最多2600人中签,参观截止于2023年2月19日。Fans waited up to four hours at Tokyo's Ueno Zoological Gardens to catch a glimpse of a popular female giant panda, with only a month left before she is sent back to China.1月20日是采用事先抽签制参观香香的前一日,上野动物园从开园前就排起了长队。队尾指示牌一度显示此处需等待4小时。According to an agreement between China and Japan, Xiang Xiang would have moved to China when 24 months old, but since many Japanese hoped it could stay in the country a little longer, the zoo decided to return her at the end of 2020. Affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the deadline was postponed.最初,根据中日之间的协议,香香会“在满24个月时归还”中国。但由于她圈粉无数,日本多次申请延期,最终决定将“香香”归还日期延迟至2020年12月。之后又受新冠疫情影响,归还期限推迟了几次。The media outlet previously reported that Xiang Xiang was often called "a cute and charming star that fascinates tourists" in Japan. Xiang Xiang was born in June 2017. It is the first panda cub born in the zoo over the past 29 years.香香是日媒口中“呆萌可爱迷倒游客的招牌女孩”。2017年6月,香香在日本出生,是上野近29年来首次诞生熊猫宝宝。熊猫的性成熟时间在4岁或5岁,要找雄性对象,回到中国选择范围更广、更为合适。Giant pandas reach breeding maturity at the age of four or five, so when it comes to findingothermales, with a wider and more suitable choice back in China.Lottery英 [ˈlɒtəri]     美 [ˈlɑːtəri]n. 彩票Glimpse英 [ɡlɪmps]     美 [ɡlɪmps]n.一瞥Postpone英[pəˈspəʊn]   美[poʊˈspoʊn]v.使延期