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As Chinese athletes delivered a series of stunning performances at the Paris Olympics this past weekend, resulting in a record haul of medals, three key words and phrases — dominance, breakthroughs and a perfect finish — prevailed in conversations across social media platforms.巴黎奥运周期结束后,中国代表团在巴黎奥运会上展现了近乎完美的实力,金牌数创境外参赛历史新高。各大社交媒体平台上用三个关键词总结此次巴黎奥运会——统治力、突破、圆满收官。On Sunday evening at South Paris Arena, Li Wenwen won the women's+ 81 — kilogram weightlifting event, securing the fifth gold for the Chinese weightlifting team at this Olympics. Her victory earned China its 40th gold at the Paris Games, nicely capping the delegation's medal quest.8月11日晚,在南巴黎竞技场,李雯雯获得女子81公斤级举重冠军,这是中国举重队在巴黎奥运会上赢得的第5枚金牌,也是中国代表队本届奥运会的第40枚金牌,为中国代表团的奖牌征程画上了圆满句号。Saturday evening saw the perfect finish for China's table tennis and diving "dream teams", which have won all 13 titles up for grabs in the two disciplines.8月10日晚,中国乒乓球和跳水“梦之队”完美收官,包揽了两个项目共计13枚金牌。The table tennis competition wrapped up with China defeating Japan 3-0 in the women's team final, securing its fifth consecutive Olympic championship in the event and also winning China its fifth table tennis title at this edition of the Games.乒乓球项目以中国女团以3-0战胜日本女团圆满结束,这是中国连续五次卫冕该项目的奥运冠军,同时也是中国队在本届奥运会上获得的第5枚乒乓球项目的金牌。"We're thrilled to have won today's gold medal. With only three years of preparation since the Tokyo Games, we've made significant progress," said Sun Yingsha, who claimed two gold medals and one silver in Paris.巴黎奥运会上获得两金一银的孙颖莎表示:“我们很高兴能赢得今天的金牌。自东京奥运会以来,虽然我们只准备了三年,但已经取得了长足的进步。”In the men's 10-meter platform diving final, defending champion Cao Yuan clinched gold, helping China achieve its clean sweep of all eight diving titles at the Games. This marked Cao's fourth Olympic appearance, earning him a career total of four gold medals, one silver and one bronze from London 2012 to Paris 2024.Since the Chinese diving team debuted at the Los Angeles Games in 1984, it has consistently won gold medals, but achieved a clean sweep for the first time in Paris.在男子10米跳台决赛中,曹缘夺得金牌,成为卫冕该项目的冠军,中国包揽了本届奥运会跳水共计8个项目的金牌。这是曹缘从2012年伦敦奥运会到2024年巴黎奥运会第四次亮相奥运会,共获得4枚金牌、1枚银牌和1枚铜牌。自1984年在洛杉矶奥运会上首次亮相以来,中国跳水“梦之队”在巴黎首次实现跳水项目金牌包揽。Also on Saturday, twins Wang Liuyi and Wang Qianyi clinched gold in the duet event of artistic swimming with a total score of 566.4783, marking China's first Olympic victory in a discipline that demands grace, poise, incredible lung power and flawless acrobatic skills.8月12日晚,双胞胎姐妹王柳懿/王芊懿在花样游泳双人项目中以总成绩566.4783分夺得金牌,该项目集艺术与优雅、身体平衡、高肺活量和高超技巧于一体,这是中国首次在该项目上获得金牌。Earlier, the sisters also contributed to China's gold medal in the artistic swimming team event.此前,这对双胞胎姐妹还参加了花样游泳团体决赛,为中国在该项目中夺金做出卓越贡献。The boxing events ended on Saturday, with China winning three gold medals and two silver medals in the 13 weight divisions.拳击比赛于8月10日结束,中国在13个不同重量级别中共获3枚金牌、2枚银牌。In the women's 75kg boxing final at Roland Garros, Li Qian of China secured gold. She had won bronze in this weight class at Rio 2016 and silver at Tokyo 2020. In men's weightlifting, Liu Huanhua won gold in the 102kg category in his Olympic debut, marking China's first gold in the men's heavyweight division.在罗兰·加洛斯体育场举行的女子75公斤级拳击决赛中,来自中国的李倩夺得金牌。她曾在2016年里约奥运会上获得该项目的铜牌,在2020年东京奥运会上获得银牌。男子举重比赛中,刘焕华在奥运会首秀中夺得举重102公斤级金牌,这是中国在男子重量级比赛中获得的首枚金牌。In rhythmic gymnastics on Saturday, the Chinese team secured gold in the group all-around final with a total score of 69.80, giving China its first Olympic gold medal in the sport8月10日举行的团体艺术体操全能决赛中,中国代表队以总成绩69.80 分夺得金牌,这是中国历史上获得的首枚奥运会团体艺术体操全能项目的金牌。South Paris Arenan.南巴黎竞技场Roland Garrosn.罗兰·加洛斯体育场