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A video showing a French man taking selfies on a nearly empty Great Wall under the burning sun in Beijing went viral on Chinese social media.北京夏日炎炎,一名法国男子在几乎空荡荡的长城上自拍的视频在中国社交媒体上疯传。With temperatures as high as 40 C, many Chinese netizens were amazed that he visited the Great Wall on such a hot day and admired his resistance to the heat.气温高达40度,许多中国网民对他在这么热的天参观长城感到惊讶,并赞叹他对高温的抵抗力。With the topic "French man visiting the Great Wall under 40 C" trending on Weibo, a Twitter-like platform in China, a Weibo user named Zhao Xiao Xie said: "Does it ever occur to him why there are no other visitors?"微博(中国类似推特的平台)上有“法国男子40度高温逛长城”的话题,一位名叫赵晓谢(Zhao Xiao Xie)的微博用户说:“他不好奇为什么长城没人吗?”The man in the video is David Ban, a cast member on tour with the French musical drama Romeo et Juliette in Beijing, according to news outlet Beijing Youth Daily on Saturday.据北京青年报报道,这位令人佩服的“勇士”是来自法国的音乐剧演员大卫·班(David Ban),目前作为法国音乐剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》演出人员在北京巡演。"It sure was a hot day. But the view I saw from the Great Wall left a deep impression and the magical feeling made me forget about the high temperature." he told the reporter.他告诉记者:“那天确实气温很高,但我站到长城上时,长城的美景给我留下了深刻的印象,站在长城上的感觉太奇妙了,让我忘记了高温。”He said there were few visitors that day, and for some time he felt he was the only one there. "I felt full of power at that moment. After all, the Great Wall is a place I only saw on TV and in books. There is a song called Les Rois Du Monde in the musical drama, meaning king of the world. At that moment, I felt like I was the king of the world."他表示,那天长城上确实没什么人,有一刻他发现自己是独自一人走在长城上。“那一刻我感觉自己充满了力量。毕竟那是我以前只在书里或者电视上看到的地方,我们的音乐剧里有一首歌叫 Les Rois Du Monde,意思是世界之王,那一刻我感觉我就是世界之王。”David told the reporter life is a gift. "In my life, I have the chance to be here in China, to get to meet so many Chinese audiences and to get to know a different culture."大卫·班还对记者说生活就是馈赠:“我有机会来到中国,见到这么多中国观众,了解到不同的文化。”As for the lyrics for his song on the Great Wall, he said part of the lyrics were from their musical drama, and part were his own version to express his admiration for the Great Wall.至于他在长城上唱的歌,他说部分歌词来自音乐剧,部分是他自己的版本,以此表达他对长城的钦佩。Temperature英/'temp(ə)rətʃə/美/'tɛmprətʃɚ/n.气温Heat英/hiːt/美/hiːt/n.高温