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英语新闻︱“40℃进不了全国高温排行榜”冲上热搜,网友:我们正在见证历史The summer of 2022 is on track to become the hottest since China began compiling complete meteorological records in 1961 as a scorching heat wave is forecast to smother most parts of the country in the coming two weeks, triggering fresh concerns over drought, heat damage to crops and new peaks in energy consumption, China's weather authority said.气象部门表示,今夏有望成为中国1961年有完整气象记录以来最热的夏天。据预测,未来两周,中国大部分地区高温天气仍将继续,引发了人们对高温干旱影响农业生产以及能源消耗达到新高峰的担忧。The National Meteorological Center said extreme high temperatures will continue in many parts of the country, especially in the Turpan area of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, the Sichuan basin and regions in the middle and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.中央气象台表示,全国多地将持续极端高温天气,特别是在新疆维吾尔自治区的吐鲁番地区、四川盆地和长江中下游地区。It said that in some areas, high temperature could reach 40 C, possibly breaking records. Since Friday, the center has issued a red alert for extreme heat for three straight days.中央气象台称,部分地区可能会突破40摄氏度,或打破高温纪录。自12号以来,中央气象台连续三天发布高温红色预警。Chen Tao, chief forecaster at the National Meteorological Observatory, said a national temperature red alert is issued when the highest temperature in areas across four or more provincial-level regions in the past 48 hours hits 40 C and above and is forecast to persist in those regions.中央气象台首席预报员陈涛表示,过去48小时,四个及以上省区部分地区连续出现最高气温40度及以上,预计未来仍将持续,在这种状况下,中央气象台发布了高温的红色预警。"Since late July, there have been large-scale and high-intensity high temperatures in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River due to an abnormally strong subtropical high pressure system in the western Pacific," Chen Tao said. "Based on our analysis, the system will continue and high temperatures will persist in those regions for the coming two weeks."陈涛说:“今年7月下旬到现在,长江中下游地区出现了范围大、强度高的高温天气,其产生原因和大气环流异常状况有一定关系。”陈涛补充道:“预计在未来两周,副热带高压仍将控制这些地区,我国南方地区的大范围高温天气仍将持续。”Chen Lijuan, chief forecaster at the National Climate Center, said high temperatures have lingered in many parts of southern China since June.中国气象局国家气候中心首席预报员陈丽娟表示,自6月以来,南方多地持续高温天气。"While this year's duration of regional high temperatures has yet to surpass the record of 62 days in 2013, it is set to break the record and become the hottest year since 1961," she said.陈丽娟说:“此次区域性高温过程持续时间将超过2013年的62天,今年高温天气综合强度可能将为1961年有完整记录以来最强。”Shanghai, which entered its 41st day of temperatures above 35 C on Sunday, has experienced six days with high temperatures above 40 C this summer.8月14日,上海出现第41个高温日(气温超过35℃),上海今夏已有6天气温超过40℃。The city's temperature hit 40.9 C on July 13, equaling the highest temperature in Shanghai since records began in 1873. Wang Zhi, chief forecaster at the Shanghai Meteorological Observatory, said the city will continue to experience hot weather over the next 10 days, with the highest temperature up to 41 C.7月13日,上海的气温达到了40.9℃,创下了自1873年有正式气象记录以来新纪录。上海中心气象台首席预报员王智表示,未来10天,上海市将持续高温天气,最高气温可达41℃。The neighboring province of Zhejiang is expected to experience similar temperatures. Zhejiang has seen temperatures between 39 C and 43 C since July, with the highest reaching 43.1 C in Sanmen county, Taizhou city and 42.9 C in Yongjia county, Wenzhou city. Both readings are historical local new highs, the Zhejiang Meteorological Observatory said.浙江预计也将持续高温天气。7月以来,浙江大部分地区极端气温都在39℃到43℃,台州市三门县最高达到43.1℃,温州市永嘉县最高达到42.9℃。浙江气象台表示,这两地的数据都是当地历史新高。High temperatures in Chongqing are also forecast to continue. The Chongqing Meteorological Observatory said that through Aug 22, the highest temperatures in most parts of the municipality will be between 38 C and 42 C. It said that in some areas, the temperatures will reach 43 C and 44 C, close to or exceeding records for the city.重庆也将持续晴热高温。重庆气象台表示,到8月22日,该市大部分地区的最高气温将在38℃到42℃之间,部分地区的最高气温将达到43℃到44℃,将接近或超过历史同期极值。"High temperatures and heat waves in summer are normal from a climatic point of view, but the duration, intensity and scope of high temperatures and heat waves this summer have indeed reached a very strong level," said Chen Lijuan. "In the context of global warming, high temperatures and heat waves may become a new normal."“夏季出现高温热浪事件,从气候角度来讲是正常的,但今年夏天高温热浪事件持续的时间、强度,以及影响范围,确实达到一个非常强的水平。”陈丽娟指出,在全球气候变暖背景下,高温热浪事件可能成为一个新常态。Affected by the high temperatures, some areas in the Sichuan basin and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have already experienced drought. In the future, this drought may continue or get worse, said Chen Tao.陈涛表示,受高温天气影响,我国四川盆地到长江中下游地区已经出现了气象干旱状态,未来一段时间,这种气象干旱有可能进一步持续或加重。"The high temperature weather has a certain adverse impact on agricultural production in the southern region, and continuous high temperatures are not conducive to the growth and development of some crops, especially some forest and fruit crops," Chen Tao said. "For example, tea trees or fruit such as citrus and mangoes in east and southeast China are vulnerable to high temperatures and heat damage."陈涛说:“高温天气对南方地区的农业生产有一定不利影响,持续高温不利于部分农作物,特别一些经济林果作物的生长的和发育。例如江南地区的茶树,或柑橘、芒果等水果,容易受到高温热害威胁。”Chen Tao suggested that measures be taken in response to high temperatures such as timely water replenishment and sprinkler irrigation to help cool down crops and remove fruit that has been affected by heat damage as soon as possible.陈涛提醒,针对高温天气,要尽早采取措施,及时进行补水作业和喷灌降温,尽快清除已经受到热害影响的果实。Chen Lijuan also cautioned that the drought may last through the autumn.陈丽娟分析称,未来可能会出现夏秋连旱。"According to our analysis, the possibility of less precipitation in the Yangtze River Basin in the later autumn is still relatively large, especially in the middle and lower reaches of the region," she said.陈丽娟说:“根据分析,后期秋季长江流域降水偏少的可能性仍然比较大,尤其是中下游地区有可能会出现夏秋连旱。”In cities, a surge in electricity demand is one of the most noticeable effects of excessive heat.在城市中,用电需求激增是持续高温所引发的最显著的影响之一。Chen Tao suggested relevant departments adopt emergency plans based on temperature forecasts to ensure power supplies and advised the public to minimize outdoor activities and drink lots of water to avoid heat stroke and other conditions easily induced by high temperatures.陈涛建议相关部门应根据气温预报做好应急预案,保障电力供应。高温天气期间,公众要尽量减少长时间户外活动,及时补充水分,避免热射病及其他高温易诱发的潜在疾病影响。"It is especially important to note that as the hot weather continues, students who are at home on vacation must stay away from dangerous waters to prevent drownings," said Chen Tao.“特别需要注意的是,正值暑期,在炎热的天气下,休假在家的学生游水避暑时,一定要注意远离危险水域,防止发生溺亡事故。”陈涛提醒道。记者:林淑娟编辑:李金昳scorching英[ˈskɔ:tʃɪŋ];美[ˈskɔrtʃɪŋ]adj. 极热的,烧焦似的;苛刻的;尖酸刻薄的drought英[draʊt];美[draʊt]n. 久旱,旱灾replenishment英[rɪ'plenɪʃmənt];美[rɪ'plenɪʃmənt]n. 补给,补充