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Two people died as of 4 pm on Monday and more than 52,000 were evacuated from flood-prone areas in Beijing as heavy rainfall triggered by Typhoon Doksuri pounded the capital for the third consecutive day.受台风“杜苏芮”的影响,北京自7月29日开始连续强降雨,截至31日下午16时,此轮强降雨导致2人死亡,转移受暴雨威胁民众超过5.2万人。The inclement weather led to the cancellation of dozens of flights, affected many bus routes and prompted city authorities to issue the highest alert for flooding.恶劣天气导致数十个航班取消,公交线路受到影响,北京市发布洪水红色预警。The onslaught of Doksuri, which plowed into eastern China's Fujian province on Friday and then moved toward northern China, was most pronounced in Beijing's western districts, including Mentougou and Fangshan.28日,台风“杜苏芮”登陆福建,随后向北部移动,并对北京西部的门头沟和房山等地区造成了显著的影响。Two people were found dead in a river in Mentougou on Monday morning following heavy downpours, which started on Saturday evening, according to the district government.门头沟区政府表示,29日晚间门头沟遭遇强降雨,8月1日在该区的河道中发现两具尸体。As of 3:30 pm on Monday, the average precipitation in the district reached 320.8 millimeters. A weather station on Miaofeng Mountain recorded the maximum rainfall — 580.9 mm.截至31日下午15点30分,门头沟区平均降雨量320.8毫米,妙峰山气象站测得最大雨量580.9毫米。More than 52,000 Beijing residents were relocated by Monday evening and all tourist attractions closed down to avoid potential risks, city authorities said.为了避免潜在风险,北京市有关部门表示,截至31日晚间,北京全市共转移受威胁群众5.2万余名,全市所有景区已关闭。A video uploaded by local media showed snapped tree branches and damaged cars, left behind by receding floodwaters, swamping riverbanks in Mentougou, which by Monday afternoon had evacuated 5,000 people.当地媒体上传的一段视频显示,洪水退去后折断的树枝和受损的汽车淹没了河岸。截至31日下午,门头沟区已转移群众5000人。Fangshan district also grappled with serious flooding. To curb the rising river levels, 2,000 police personnel were dispatched to help build dams.房山区同样遭遇了严重洪灾,2000名武警官兵驰援房山垒筑堤坝,防止河水暴涨导致的危险。Beijing received average rainfall of 170.9 mm in 40 hours, starting on Saturday night, which is equivalent to the city's average total rainfall for the month of July, official data showed.官方数据显示,从29日晚间起的40小时内,北京地区的平均降雨量为170.9毫米,与全市7月份平均总降雨量相当。The local water authority issued a red alert for flooding at 11 am on Monday, and people were advised to work from home.北京市水文总站于31日上午11点发布了洪水红色预警,并建议市民居家办公。The Beijing Meteorological Service said that heavy rainfall will continue in the city through Monday night, and some areas might experience rainstorms. It forecast light to moderate rainfall on Tuesday.北京市气象台表示,强降水将持续到31日晚间,局地暴雨。气象台预测1日将会有小到中雨。Vehicular traffic was severely affected on Monday as heavy rainfall flooded roads, and a road near a shopping center in western Beijing caved in on Sunday. More than 260 bus routes across the city suspended operations by 1 pm, according to the Beijing Public Transportation Group. All bus services in Yanqing and Huairou districts were suspended.31日,暴雨淹没道路,车辆交通受到严重影响。30日,北京西部一个购物中心外围道路坍塌。北京公交集团表示,截至下午13点,全市260多条公交线路暂停运营,延庆和怀柔地区暂停所有的公交服务。Beijing Capital International Airport canceled 40 flights, while many trains to and from Beijing were delayed. Passengers traveling on a train from Wuhai West in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region to Beijing Fengtai Railway Station were reportedly stranded for more than 30 hours. By Monday afternoon, they were all transferred to safety.北京首都国际机场取消航班40架次,往返北京的火车大面积延误。据报道,一列从内蒙古乌海西开往北京丰台的列车在途中滞留30多个小时,截止31日下午,所有乘客已被转移到安全地带。Neighboring Hebei province had also activated the highest alerts for rainstorms, flooding and waterlogging.毗邻北京的河北省也发布了暴雨、洪水和内涝的最高预警。Heavy downpours have drenched parts of northern China since Saturday, after Typhoon Doksuri moved inland and increased the risks of flooding and landslides.随着台风“杜苏芮”向内陆移动并增加了洪涝和山体滑坡的风险,自29日起,中国北方部分地区遭遇强降雨。The Ministry of Water Resources has maintained a Level II emergency response in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and deployed 10 teams for flood response.水利部在京津冀地区启动II级应急响应,并部署10个工作组指导洪水防御工作。Meanwhile, Typhoon Khanun — the sixth typhoon of this year — is moving closer. It has prompted Zhejiang province to activate a Level IV emergency  response, the lowest in China's four-tier emergency response system.与此同时,随着年的第6号台风“卡努”逼近,浙江省启动防台风Ⅳ级应急响应,该等级是中国四级应急响应系统中最低的一级。Rainfall英/'reɪnfɔːl/美/'ren'fɔl/n. 下雨,降雨Flood英 /flʌd/美 /flʌd/n.洪水Flight英 /flaɪt/美 /flaɪt/n. 航班