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Super Typhoon Yagi has ravaged South China's Hainan province, leading to four fatalities and 95 injuries. It has affected more than 526,100 individuals in 19 cities and counties. The economic impact has surpassed the devastation caused by Super Typhoon Rammasun a decade ago, reported by Fan Shaoli, director of the department of emergency management of Hainan province, during a press briefing on the emergency response to Super Typhoon Yagi on Saturday evening.超强台风“摩羯”袭击中国海南省,造成4人死亡,95人受伤。受灾城市19个,超过52.61万人受灾。9月7日晚,海南省应急管理厅厅长番绍立在超强台风“摩羯”应急响应新闻发布会上表示,此次台风造成的经济损失已超十年前超强台风“威马逊”造成的损失。The total damage to infrastructure in Hainan province is estimated at 728 million yuan. This includes 458 million yuan in losses from 26 national and provincial roads, as well as 103 other roads, amounting to over 400 kilometers in total. Water transport facilities, including passenger terminals and equipment, have suffered around 100 million yuan in damage. Road transport losses are estimated at around 27 million yuan. Civil aviation infrastructure has incurred 112 million yuan in loss with the Haikou Meilan International Airport being significantly impacted, with ongoing projects in the airport facing loss of about 31 million yuan.海南省基础设施总损失估计为7.28亿元人民币。其中,26条国道、省道和103条其他道路受损,总长超过400公里,损失4.58亿元人民币。水上交通设施,包括客运码头和相关设备,损失约1亿元人民币。公路运输损失估计约为2700万元人民币。民航基础设施损失1.12亿元,海口美兰国际机场受灾严重,机场在建项目损失约3100万元。In response to the devastation caused by Super Typhoon Yagi, rapid emergency measures have been put into action. A total of 312,600 people have been relocated, with 76,000 individuals urgently resettled and a cumulative total of 140,700 individuals moved to safety, as of 5 pm on Saturday.截至9月7日15时,台风“摩羯”共造成全省19个市县52.61万人受灾,已紧急避险转移31.26万人,目前已紧急转移安置7.6万人(累计转移安置14.07万人)。In Wenchang city, where the typhoon made landfall, the economic impact of Wenchang is projected to exceed 32.7 billion yuan ($4.6 billion). More than 25,000 houses have been damaged by the impact of Super Typhoon Yagi. Nearly one-third of the roads in the city are blocked by fallen trees, causing significant transportation disruptions. Additionally, 139 10KV power lines have been disrupted, accounting for about 65 percent of the total power lines in the area, Fan said.经初步统计,文昌全市房屋受损2.5万余间,近1/3道路因树木倒伏无法通行,10kV线路累计停电139条,通信基站受损792个、断电率82.3%,11家水厂有8家因停电停供,农作物受灾面积约27万亩、绝收约16万亩,林木受灾面积约4.81万公顷、占比46%,截至目前,预计直接经济损失327亿元。The impact of Super Typhoon Yagi has resulted in damage to 792 communication base stations in Wenchang, leading to an 82.3 percent power outage rate in the affected areas. Out of the 11 water plants in the region, eight have been forced to cease operations due to power shortages.文昌全市房屋受损2.5万余间,近1/3道路因树木倒伏无法通行,10kV线路累计停电139条,通信基站受损792个、断电率82.3%,11家水厂有8家因停电停供。The typhoon has also taken a heavy toll on agriculture and forestry in Wenchang, with 270,000 acres of crops affected by the disaster. Of this total, 160,000 acres have been completely destroyed, leading to significant losses for farmers and agricultural communities. Furthermore, forest land damage is estimated at 48,100 hectares, representing 46 percent of the total forested area in the region.农作物受灾面积约27万亩、绝收约16万亩,林木受灾面积约4.81万公顷、占比46%。Despite the significant threat posed by the typhoon to the facilities and equipment at the Hainan commercial spacecraft launch site in Wenchang, the situation is being managed, and post-disaster recovery efforts are advancing smoothly, said Wei Bo, vice mayor of Wenchang.文昌市人民政府副市长魏波表示,台风对海南商业航天发射场设施设备造成严重威胁,目前风险可控,灾后应急恢复工作正有序进行。Haikou was also severely impacted the typhoon, resulting in direct economic losses estimated approximately 26.324 billion yuan. As of 5 pm on Friday, the typhoon has affected 1.2681 million people, leading to the urgent relocation of 105,500 individuals and leaving 209,800 in need of assistance, said Mayor Ding Hui. One fatality was confirmed, along with 401 collapsed houses and 32,424 damaged houses. The storm also caused over 167,800 trees to fall and affected 56,742 hectares of crops. The city is now grappling with significant challenges in the aftermath of the typhoon, with recovery efforts and support for the affected population becoming a top priority, said Ding.海口市也受到台风严重影响,直接经济损失约263.24亿元。海口市市长丁晖表示,截至9月7日17时,受台风“摩羯”影响,海口全市受灾人口126.81万人,紧急转移群众10.55万人,需救助群众20.98万人,因意外死亡1人,倒塌房屋401间,损坏房屋32424间,树木倒伏167800余株,农作物受灾面积56742公顷,造成直接经济损失约263.24亿元。目前,海口市正努力应对台风带来的重大灾难,恢复重建和受灾群众救助成为当务之急。