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The death toll from Israeli airstrikes in Gaza has risen to 232, with 1,697 others injured, according to an update from the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza on Saturday.根据巴勒斯坦加沙地带卫生部门10月7日的最新消息,以色列对加沙地区的空袭造成的死亡人数已上升至232人,另有1697人受伤。The airstrikes were carried out in response to an earlier rocket attack by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).此轮空袭是对先前巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯)火箭弹袭击的回应。In a rare public statement, the head of Hamas, Mohammed Deif, said that “5,000 rockets” had been fired into Israel to begin what he termed “Operation Al Aqsa Storm”.在一次罕见的公开发言中,哈马斯领导人穆罕默德·迪夫称,射向以色列的“5000枚火箭弹”开启了他口中的“阿克萨风暴”行动。Hamas, the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, claimed to have captured a number of Israeli officers and soldiers, adding that they are being held in “safe places.”哈马斯是目前控制加沙地带的军事组织。该组织声称已捕获数名以色列官员和士兵,并补充说他们正处在“安全的地方”。In response, the Israeli military said it had targeted Hamas sites and headquarters with dozens of warplanes across various regions of the coastal enclave. Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz also said his country would cut off the power supply to the Palestinian enclave in the wake of the Hamas attack.作为回应,以色列军方称他们已针对哈马斯沿海飞地多个地区的领地和指挥部派出若干架战斗机。以色列能源部长伊色列·卡茨表示,面对哈马斯的攻击,以色列将停止对巴勒斯坦飞地供电。Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced in a national address that Israel was “in a state of war” and ordered “a full mobilization of reserves.”以色列总理内塔尼亚胡在一次全国讲话中表示,以色列正处于“战争状态”,需要“尽可能调动一切资源”。Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas held an emergency meeting with key officials, emphasizing the right of the Palestinian people to defend themselves against Israeli forces and settlers.巴勒斯坦总统马哈茂德·阿巴斯同政府要员召开了紧急会议,强调面对以色列的军队和殖民者,巴勒斯坦人民有权捍卫自身安全。Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)n.巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯)Enclave英/ˈenkleɪv/美/ˈenkleɪv/n.飞地(指在本国境内的隶属另一国的一块领土)