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A court in Guiyang, capital of Guizhou province, opened a retrial of a widely followed child abduction and trafficking case on Friday, after some criminal facts were newly discovered.10月11日,在发现了新的犯罪事实后,广受关注的余华英拐卖儿童案在贵州省省会贵阳市中级人民法院开庭重审。The case involved Yu Huaying, who had been sentenced to death by the Guiyang Intermediate People's Court last year for abducting and trafficking 11 children in the 1990s for financial gain.被告人余华英为谋取经济利益,在20世纪90年代拐卖11名儿童,于去年被贵阳市中级人民法院判处死刑。Yu later appealed to a higher court, and the Guizhou High People's Court ordered the intermediate court to rehear the case because it determined that the original ruling omitted some criminal facts.被告人余华英当庭表示上诉。贵州省高级人民法院对余华英拐卖儿童案作出二审裁定,发回重审,法院认为,原判遗漏原审被告人余华英其他的犯罪事实。The omitted facts refer to six other children suspected of being abducted and trafficked by Yu. The intermediate court said on Friday that the total number of victims in Yu's case increased to 17 between 1993 and 2003.遗漏的犯罪事实涉及其他6名疑似被余华英拐卖的儿童。11日,贵阳中院表示,1993年至2003年间,余华英拐卖的儿童增至17人。China Central Television said that Yu met a man, Gong Xianliang, while she was in her 20s and working away from home. She later gave birth to a boy while living with Gong, and, due to a lack of financial resources, the two sent their son to Hebei through a middleman and sold him for 5,000 yuan ($707), starting Yu's illegal journey of abducting children to collect money.据央视报道,余华英在20多岁外出打工时结识了男子龚显良,两人同居期间,余华英生下一个男孩。由于经济拮据,二人通过中间人将亲生儿子送到河北,以5000元人民币(约707美元)的价格卖掉,从此开始了拐卖儿童非法敛财之路。The 17 victims came from 12 families, including five where Yu had abducted two children at a time, and some children were abandoned by her, Xinhua News Agency said, adding that the victims and their families requested the court to severely punish the woman.新华社报道称,这17名受害者来自12个家庭,其中有5个家庭均被余华英一次拐走2个孩子,有的孩子被她拐走后中途遗弃。受害儿童和家属希望法院能严惩余华英。The intermediate court said it will announce the verdict of the retrial at a later date. In September 2023, Yu, 60, a native of Yunnan province, stood at trial at the intermediate court for the first time. She was identified as benefiting from abducting and trafficking children from Chongqing and Guizhou to Hebei province between 1993 and 1996.贵阳中院表示将在晚些时候宣布重审判决。2023年9月,60岁的云南人余华英首次在贵阳中院出庭受审。她被认定在1993年至1996年期间从重庆和贵州拐骗11名儿童到河北省出卖。At the time, the court said that Yu carried out the abductions with Gong, who died during the course of the case, adding that two other people who participated in the abductions had also been dealt with in separate cases.当时,贵阳中院称,余华英与龚显良一起实施了绑架,龚显良在案件审理期间死亡。同时,还有另外两名参与绑架人员在不同案件中受到了处理。Considering the large number of children Yu abducted and the fact that her offenses were extremely severe and had a negative effect on society, the court imposed the death penalty on her, and also stripped Yu of her political rights for life and confiscated all of her personal assets.考虑到余华英拐卖儿童数量众多,且罪行极其严重,社会影响恶劣,法院判处余华英死刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产。Yu pleaded guilty during the trial, but she soon appealed for leniency in sentencing for the offenses to the high court.余华英当庭认罪,但她很快向贵州省高院提起上诉,要求对其罪行从轻量刑。At the beginning of this year, the high court sent Yu's case back to the intermediate court because some criminal facts were incomplete, stressing "in order to thoroughly investigate all the criminal facts, a retrial is necessary."今年年初,贵州省高院因部分犯罪事实不清楚,将余华英拐卖儿童案发回重审,强调“为查清上诉人余华英全部犯罪事实,应予重审”。Yu's case aroused the public's widespread attention in 2022 when police in Guiyang received a report from Yang Niuhua, who was snatched by Yu in Guizhou and taken to Hebei in 1995.余华英拐卖儿童案受到公众的广泛关注。2022年,贵阳警方接到杨妞花的报案,她于1995年在贵州被余华英拐卖到河北。Over the years, Yang, a native of Guiyang, never stopped searching for her family. In April 2021, thanks to a video she posted on the video-sharing platform Douyin, she was reunited with her family a month later after receiving a successful DNA match from relevant tests.多年来,贵阳人杨妞花从未停止过寻亲的脚步。2021年4月,她在短视频社交平台抖音上发布了一段视频,在通过相关检测DNA比对成功一个月后,她与家人团聚。In June 2022, after Yang returned to her hometown, she went to Guiyang police to provide clues about her abduction. Yu was soon captured in Chongqing.2022年6月,杨妞花回到家乡后,向贵阳警方提供了自己被拐骗的线索。不久,余华英在重庆被抓获。About a month before Yu's retrial, her husband, Wang Jiawen, also pleaded guilty to child trafficking, with a Yunnan court expected to announce the verdict at a later date.在余华英案重审前约一个月,她的丈夫王加文也承认犯有拐卖儿童罪,云南法院预计将在晚些时候宣布判决结果。abductionn. 拐骗,绑架traffickingn. 非法贩卖confiscatev. 没收,充公leniencyn. 宽大处理rehearv. 再审,复审