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英语新闻︱云南一小学500多学生“零近视”:每天3小时运动、10个半小时睡眠Three hours of outdoorplay and no mobile phones, electronic pads or long hours of screen staring-that's the secret to zero myopia at a primary school in SouthwestChina's Yunnan province.三小时的户外活动,没有手机、电子平板,不长时间盯着屏幕——这就是云南省一所小学实现学生零近视的秘诀。Having no nearsightedstudents is considered to be a remarkable achievement in China. The prevalenceof myopia for primary school students stands at 35.6 percent nationwide, andthe rate rises to nearly 81 percent for senior high school students, accordingto official data released last year.一所学校如果没有近视学生,这在中国就是一项了不起的成就。据去年发布的官方数据显示,全国小学生的近视率为35.6%,高中生则近81%。As Wantang PrimarySchool, which is in Yunnan's lush green mountains, came into the spotlight, parents, educators and eyespecialists began discussing whether its experiences can be replicatednationwide to counter the rising level of myopia across China.随着大山深处的湾塘小学成为人们关注的焦点,家长、教育工作者和眼科专家都开始讨论在全国范围内复制湾塘小学经验的可能性,以应对中国学生日益上升的近视率。Yang Chenhao, head ofthe ophthalmology department at theChildren's Hospital of Fudan University, said that while the school is a uniquecase, some of its measures are highly worth learning, such as keeping childrenaway from mobile phones and getting them outdoors more often.复旦大学儿童医院眼科主任杨晨皓表示,虽然这所学校是一个特别的案例,但它的一些措施非常值得学习——比如让孩子远离手机,更多地出门运动。"The greatestchallenge would be to shift mindsets of educators and parents amid intenseacademic competition these days," he said. "I think it is importantto spread the awareness that academic grades should not be the sole focus.Instead, physical, mental and eye health of children should beprioritized."杨晨皓补充道:“在如今巨大的学习压力下,转变老师和家长的思维方式是很大的挑战。家长和老师们不能只看重学习成绩,更该关注儿童的身体、心理和视力健康。”Yang Qingyi, a facultymember at the school, which has 536 students, said that all children arerequired to go outside during class breaks. "Even for quiet kids, weencourage them to take a walk outside," he said.这所学校有536名学生。该校教职工杨清义表示,课间休息时,所有孩子都被要求到户外活动。“即使是安静、不爱动的孩子,我们也鼓励他们到户外散散步,”他说。The boarding school inthe remote countryside in the Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecturemakes the best of its basic infrastructure and resources to instill a passionfor sports and exercise among its students, such as tying cleaning cloths intoa large knot to practice throwing or doing stair jumps.这所寄宿学校位于红河哈尼族彝族自治州的偏远山村。湾塘小学充分利用各类基础设施,培养学生对运动的热情,比如说清洁布就可以用来扎成结练习投掷或跳楼梯。When the three sportsteachers are occupied, school administrators and teachers of other subjectsalso double as trainers to teach basketball and table tennis.当三位体育老师有事的时候,学校管理人员和其他学科的老师也会兼任教练,教学生篮球和乒乓球。"If there is onepiece of advice that we can share on achieving zero myopia, I would say largeamounts of outdoor activities," said Sun Fubiao, the primary school'sprincipal.校长孙付标说:“如果要我们分享一条实现零近视的建议,那就是多进行户外活动。”Sun said that a numberof his students' parents are migrant workers living in other areas, so theschool has installed six public phones on campus while forbidding use ofpersonal cellphones or other electronic devices.孙校长说,很多学生的父母在外地打工,所以学校在校园里安装了6部公用电话,但禁止学生使用手机或其他电子设备。"Inteacher-parent WeChat groups, we frequently remind parents to pay attention tokids' eye health when they are at home for weekends or vacations," headded.他补充说:“在老师和家长的微信群里,我们经常提醒家长,在孩子周末和假期在家时要注意他们的用眼健康。”Sun said that duringhis seven years at the school, he has never encountered any student withnearsightedness. However, Sun himself and five other staff members at theschool wear glasses due to myopia.孙校长说,在这所学校的7年里,他从未见过任何一名学生近视。不过,孙校长和其他五名教职工因为近视都戴着眼镜。"I always findwearing eyeglasses a nuisance. Its very hot here in Honghe and I sweat profusely, causing the eyeglasses to slip offmy nose," he said. "I do not want to see the next generationhave to go through all the hassle, so it's natural for us to attachsignificance to protecting eyesight."孙校长说:“我总是觉得戴眼镜很麻烦。红河这里非常热,而且我很容易出汗,眼镜经常从鼻子上滑下来。我不想看到下一代像我这样,所以我们很重视保护孩子们的视力。”Nationwide, theattention on optical health has also been growing. A number of measures, suchas reining in the number of new online games, rolling out regular eyeexaminations, and prohibiting giving homework to first- and second-graders,have been implemented in recent years.在全国范围内,人们也越来越关注视力健康。近年来,政府已经实施了一系列措施保护学生的视力,如限制新网络游戏的数量、开展定期眼科检查、禁止给一二年级学生布置家庭作业等。Zhou Xue, the motherof a 9-year-old boy in Jiangsu province, said that at least seven of the 46children in her son's class wear glasses. "Anxiety about vision health isvery real these days. We parents often discuss which brand of eye-protectiondesk lamp or eyedrops is best, or which hospital's ophthalmologist is the mostreliable."江苏一名9岁男孩的母亲周雪表示,她儿子所在班级的46个孩子中,至少有7人戴眼镜。“现在家长真的很担心孩子们的视力,我们经常讨论什么牌子的护眼台灯和眼药水最好,哪家医院的眼科医生最可靠。”At school, her son isinvolved in a variety of outdoor activities, such as running, jumping rope anddoing pushups.在学校里,她的儿子会参加各种户外活动,比如跑步、跳绳和做俯卧撑。Thanks to strictsupervision from the local education bureau, Zhou said she believed no schoolwould dare to sacrifice outdoor activities for extra academic work nowadays."But as his mother, I do not want to see him lag behind in school due toless time spent on studying. Its still really hard to achieve a balance."由于当地教育局的严格监管,周雪称她相信如今没有哪所学校敢为学业牺牲学生户外活动的时间。“不过作为他的母亲,我不希望他因为花在学习上的时间少了所以在学业上落后,想要达到平衡仍然很难。”记者:王小予李映青myopia英[maɪˈəʊpiə];美[maɪˈoʊpiə]n.近视lush英[lʌʃ];美[lʌʃ]adj.葱翠的ophthalmology英[ˌɒfθælˈmɒlədʒi];美[ˌɑfθælˈmɑlədʒi]n. 眼科学profusely英[prə'fju:slɪ];美[prəˈfjuslɪ]adv.十分慷慨地;毫不吝惜地;丰富地