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The Shenzhou XVI spacecraft will set out on Tuesday morning to transport three Chinese astronauts to the Tiangong space station, according to the China Manned Space Agency.据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,神舟十六号载人飞船将于5月30日上午出发,将三名中国航天员送往天宫空间站。It will be the debut flight for China's third generation of astronauts and will become the first time for any Chinese civilian to fly out of Earth.这将是中国第三代航天员的首次飞行,也是非解放军军人的普通人第一次飞出地球。Lin Xiqiang, deputy director of the China Manned Space Agency, said at a news conference on Monday morning at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China that the crew members — mission commander Major General Jing Haipeng, Colonel Zhu Yangzhu and Professor Gui Haichao — are scheduled to ride on board the Shenzhou XVI spaceship that will be lifted by a Long March 2F carrier rocket at 9:31 am Tuesday from the oasis-like Jiuquan center in the barren Gobi Desert.5月29日上午,中国载人航天工程办公室副主任林西强在酒泉卫星发射中心举行的新闻发布会上表示,5月30日上午9点31分,由长征二号F火箭运载的神舟十六号载人飞船将在酒泉发射中心升空,飞行乘组由景海鹏、朱杨柱、桂海潮组成。The Long March 2F rocket would start to be filled with propellants at the service tower on Monday morning, he said.林西强表示,长征二号F运载火箭将于5月29日上午在服务塔开始推进剂加注。After the Shenzhou XVI spacecraft enters the orbit, it will activate the rapid rendezvous-docking mode to approach and connect with the radial port on the Tianhe core module, according to the official.据官方介绍,神舟十六号载人飞船入轨后,将采用自主快速交会对接模式对接于天和核心舱径向端口。Jing's team will take over the Tiangong space station from their peers in the Shenzhou XV, mission commander Major General Fei Junlong, Senior Colonel Deng Qingming and Senior Colonel Zhang Lu, who arrived on Nov 30. By now, Fei's crew has stayed in orbit for six months.神舟十六号三位航天员将从神舟十五号三位航天员手中接管天宫空间站,神舟十五号三位航天员费俊龙、邓清明和张陆于2022年11月30日进驻中国空间站,迄今已经在轨生活超过6个月。The Shenzhou XVI crew will stay inside the Tiangong space station for around five months and is scheduled to return to Earth in November. They will carry out several spacewalks during the mission to mount equipment outside the station and maintain the massive orbital outpost, Lin said.林西强说,神舟十六号乘组人员将在天宫空间站内驻留约五个月,并计划于11月返回地球。乘组人员将在任务期间进行几次太空行走,以进行舱外载荷安装及空间站维护维修等任务。In addition to spacewalks, their major tasks also include assisting with the docking and departure of visiting spacecraft such as cargo ships and space-based telescope, conducting scientific experiments and technological demonstrations, and hosting science lectures, according to him.据林西强介绍,除太空行走外,三位航天员的主要任务还包括协助来访的货船、空基望远镜等航天器对接离港,开展科学实验和技术演示,举办科普讲座等。Jing and Zhu are members of the People's Liberation Army's Astronaut Division while Gui is a doctoral supervisor at the Department of Spacecraft and Launch Vehicle Technology of the School of Astronautics of Beihang University in Beijing. All of the three crew members hold a doctorate.航天员景海鹏和朱杨柱来自中国人民解放军航天员大队,而桂海潮是北京航空航天大学宇航学院航天飞行器技术系教授与博士生导师。三名乘组成员均有博士学位。This will be the fourth time for Jing to fly into space, making him the most experienced astronaut in China.这将是景海鹏第四次进入太空,他成为中国经验最丰富的航天员。Zhu, spaceflight engineer in the Shenzhou XVI, and Gui, science payloads specialist of the mission, are the first in the country's third-generation astronauts to engage in spaceflight.神舟十六号航天飞行工程师朱杨柱和载荷专家桂海潮是我国第三代航天员中首批从事航天飞行的人。As of now, all of the Chinese astronauts who have been on spaceflights are members of the People's Liberation Army. They are the first two generations of astronauts who were selected from experienced Air Force aviators.截至目前,所有进行过航天飞行的中国航天员都是中国人民解放军军人。他们是从经验丰富的空军飞行员中选拔出来的前两代宇航员。The third generation of astronauts has civilians recruited from researchers and engineers.第三代宇航员中有从研究人员和工程师中招募的人。There are 17 men and one woman in this generation in three groups: seven spacecraft pilots, another seven as spaceflight engineers and the last four as science payloads specialists.我国第三批航天员共有17名男航天员和1名女航天员入选,他们分为三组,分别是7名航天驾驶员、7名航天飞行工程师和4名载荷专家。Earlier this month, the Tianzhou 6 robotic cargo spaceship set out from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province to transport materials for the next manned missions, becoming the first spacecraft to visit the Tiangong space station this year.本月早些时候,天舟六号货运飞船从海南文昌航天发射场发射,为接下来的载人任务运送物资,这是今年首艘造访天宫空间站的航天器。Orbiting about 400 kilometers above the ground, the Tiangong currently consists of three major components, the Tianhe core module and Wentian and Mengtian science lab modules, and is connected with two visiting craft, the Shenzhou XV crew ship and the Tianzhou 6 cargo ship.天宫号在离地面约400公里的轨道上运行,目前由天和核心舱和问天、梦天实验室舱三个主要部分组成,并与神舟十五号船员和天舟六号货运飞船两艘来访飞船相连。Reporter: Zhao LeiSpacecraft英/ˈspeɪskrɑːft/ 美/ˈspeɪskræft/n.宇宙飞船,航天器Spaceflight英/ˈspeɪsflaɪt/ 美/ˈspeɪsˌflaɪt/n.航天;宇宙飞行