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A judge in the US state of Delaware voided the $56 billion compensation package of Tesla chief executive Elon Musk on Tuesday, siding with a shareholder who claimed the entrepreneur was overpaid.1月30日,美国特拉华州的一名法官宣布特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的560亿美元赔偿方案无效,法官和该公司一位股东观点一致,认为这位企业家的薪酬过高。The judge in Delaware Chancery Court ruled that the plaintiff, a Tesla shareholder named Richard Tornetta, was "entitled to rescission", approving the annulment of Musk's 2018 humongous compensation agreement worth as much as $55.8 billion.特拉华州衡平法院法官裁定,原告、特斯拉股东理查德·托内塔(Richard Tornetta)“有权撤销”,批准废除马斯克2018年价值高达558亿美元的巨额赔偿协议。Judge Kathaleen McCormick added that the parties must now "confer" and then submit a joint letter "identifying all issues, including fees, that need to be addressed to bring this matter to a conclusion at the triallevel".凯瑟琳·麦考密克法官补充说,双方现在必须“协商”,然后提交一封联名信,确定需要解决的所有问题,包括费用,以便在审判阶段得出结论。The electric vehicle maker's share price fell more than 3 percent in after-hours trading following the publication of the 200-page ruling. In a message posted on X, formerly Twitter, shortly after the decision was announced, Musk — currently ranked by Forbes magazine as the world's richest person — wrote, "Never incorporate your company in the state of Delaware."在这份长达200页的裁决发布后,这家电动汽车制造商的股价在盘后交易中下跌了3%以上。 在该决定宣布后不久,目前被《福布斯》杂志评为世界首富的马斯克在X(前身为Twitter)上发布的一条消息中写道,“永远不要在特拉华州注册你的公司。”A lawyer for Musk did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 马斯克的律师没有立即回应置评请求。"We are enormously grateful for the court's thorough and extraordinarily well-reasoned decision in turning back the Tesla board's absurdly outsized pay package for Musk," Greg Varallo, who represented the shareholders, said in a statement shared with Agence France-Presse. "The court's hard work will redound directly to the benefit of Tesla investors, who will see the dilution from this gargantuan pay package erased," he added.股东代表格雷格·瓦拉洛(Greg Varallo)在法新社分享的一份声明中表示:“我们非常感谢法院彻底且极其合理的决定,取消了特斯拉董事会向马斯克提供的高得离谱的薪酬方案。法院的辛勤工作将直接回报特斯拉投资者的利益,他们将看到这一巨额薪酬方案所带来的稀释作用被消除”。Musk's 2018 compensation plan was "the largest potential compensation opportunity ever observed in public markets by multiple orders of magnitude", McCormick wrote in her decision.麦考密克在决定中写道,马斯克的2018年薪酬计划是“公开市场上观察到的最大的潜在薪酬机会,增长了多个数量级”。The unusual plan, valued at a maximum of $55.8 billion, would allow Musk to receive Tesla shares in 12 tranches, based on hitting certain performance criteria. Musk was sued, along with Tesla and some other members of the company's board of directors; the case went to trial in 2022.  这项价值最高558亿美元的不寻常计划将允许马斯克根据达到某些业绩标准分12批获得特斯拉股票。马斯克、特斯拉和公司董事会的其他一些成员都被起诉;此案于2022年开庭审理。During his trial in Delaware, Musk told the courtroom that investors "thought we would fail and go bankrupt", at the time the pay deal was approved. "We were in quite a tough position at the time. We were losing a lot of money," he said. "The probability of survival was extremely low."在特拉华州的审判期间,马斯克告诉法庭,在薪酬协议获得批准时,投资者认为我们会失败并破产。当时我们的处境相当艰难,们损失了很多钱,生存的可能性极低。compensation agreement补偿协议