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Harvard University and researchers at its affiliated medical institutions are facing multiple accusations about their academic integrity.哈佛大学及其附属医疗机构的研究人员正面临多项关于学术诚信的指控。The investigation at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, or DFCI, associated with Harvard Medical School and considered one of the top centers for cancer research and treatment in the United States, involves four of its senior cancer researchers and administrators.丹娜-法伯癌症研究所(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,简称DFCI)与哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School)有关联,被认为是美国顶级的癌症研究和治疗中心之一,该研究所的四名高级癌症研究人员和管理人员参与了这项调查。Harvard Business School's professor Francesca Gino was put on administrative leave following claims that her work included falsified data.哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)教授弗朗西斯卡·吉诺(Francesca Gino)被勒令行政休假,原因是她被指控工作中存在伪造的数据。Dana-Farber disclosed details about the investigation after molecular biologist Sholto David published earlier this month on what he said were signs of image manipulation in papers by Dana-Farber researchers.2024年1月的早些时候,分子生物学家舒尔托·大卫(Sholto David)发表了他所说的丹娜-法伯研究人员的论文中存在图像操纵的迹象,随后丹娜-法伯公司披露了调查的细节。For nearly three years, David has been engaged in identifying and publicizing information about faulty academic papers.近三年来,大卫一直致力于发现和公布错误学术论文的信息。David contacted Dana-Farber and Harvard Medical School with his concerns, submitting a list of papers he said contained problems.大卫联系丹娜-法伯和哈佛医学院,表达了他的担忧,并提交了一份他认为存在问题的论文清单。The Harvard-affiliated medical institute said it already has initiated the retraction of six papers and is in the process of correcting 31 others following the investigation into data falsification.哈佛附属医学研究所表示,在调查数据造假后,已经开始撤回6篇论文,并正在纠正另外31篇论文。More than 50 papers, including four co-authored by Laurie Glimcher, the institute's CEO and president, are still under review, Rollins said.罗林斯(Rollins)说,有50多篇论文仍在审查中,其中包括该研究所首席执行官兼总裁劳里·格里姆彻(Laurie Glimcher)与人合著的四篇论文。The institute has not determined whether misconduct occurred.该研究所尚未确定是否发生了不当行为。William Hahn, DFCI's executive vice-president and chief operating officer; Irene Ghobrial, senior vice-president for experimental medicine; and Harvard Medical School's professor Kenneth Anderson were also mentioned by David in the allegations of data manipulation.DFCI执行副总裁兼首席运营官威廉·哈恩(William Hahn);实验医学高级副总裁艾琳·古布里勒(Irene Ghobrial);以及哈佛医学院教授肯尼斯·安德森也被大卫提到涉嫌操纵数据。Plagiarism allegationsEarlier this month, Claudine Gay stepped down as Harvard president after she faced numerous allegations of plagiarism in her past academic publications. Gay had requested corrections to her dissertations that involved an academic misconduct claim, while she said she "stands by her research".  本月早些时候,克劳丁·盖伊(Claudine Gay)辞去了哈佛大学校长一职,此前她在过去的学术出版物中面临多项剽窃指控。盖伊曾要求对涉及学术不端行为的论文进行更正,但她表示自己“坚持自己的研究”。In a statement by Rollins to The Harvard Crimson, the school's student newspaper, David contacted DFCI with allegations of data manipulation in 57 manuscripts. Rollins said 38 were articles in which DFCI researchers "have primary responsibility for the potential data errors".在罗林斯给哈佛校报《哈佛深红报》(Harvard Crimson)的一份声明中,大卫联系了DFCI,指控其在57份手稿中操纵了数据。罗林斯说,其中38篇文章中DFCI研究人员“对潜在的数据错误负有主要责任”。Glimcher and the other three researchers did not respond to several inquiries from the Journal.格里姆彻和其他三位研究人员没有回应《华尔街日报》的多次询问。molecular biologist n. 分子生物学家manuscriptn. 手稿;草稿