英语视频丨60秒学会制作苏州方糕 一口江南,人间圆满!

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Today,今天We'll make a traditional Suzhou rice pastry, Fanggao.我们来做一道We'll make a traditional Suzhou rice pastry, Fanggao.经典的苏州点心:方糕Fanggao is made of plain rice and sticky rice,方糕由大米和糯米制成with different fillings and sizes.可制成不同尺寸填充不同馅料The first step第一步we sift the flour in the mould我们将米粉筛入模具and build an even layer.并且将表面抹平after that然后we put our date and walnut filling in the middle.我们将枣和核桃制成的馅料we put our date and walnut filling in the middle.放在中间Then we sift the flour接着我们再将米粉筛入模具中to make the second layer接着我们再将米粉筛入模具中on the top of the filling.覆盖在馅料上方When the layer is built,随后我们用刮刀we use a spatula to flatten the surface of the mould.将表面整理平整Make sure there's no gap in between.确保中间没有空隙Finally we steam it.最后上锅蒸熟After steaming, Fanggao is done.The Fanggao we made today我们这次制作的方糕is date paste and walnut filling.是红枣核桃馅Traditionally Fanggao can be made传统方糕也可以使用with rose paste玫瑰薄荷等馅料and mint paste filling as well.玫瑰薄荷等馅料The design for Fanggao is different around Suzhou.在苏州方糕造型各式各样We use different elements of Suzhou garden在方糕的设计中for the design of Fanggao会用到苏州园林的不同元素to show customers the culture and beauty of Jiangnan.以此展现江南的文化和韵味Pastry英 [ˈpeɪstri]      美 [ˈpeɪstri]n. 糕点Sift英 [sɪft]         美 [sɪft]v.筛Paste英[peɪst]        美[peɪst]n.馅料