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英语新闻|中国人口60年来首次下降China's population dropped last year for the first time in about six decades, heralding a period of negative growth, but experts and officials said it would not immediately affect the strength of the nation's labor force, and the labor supply situation remains positive.去年中国人口出现 60 年来首次下降,这预示着中国将进入一段人口负增长时期,但专家和官员表示,短期内不会影响中国劳动力实力,我国劳动力供应形势依然保持良好。 They also stressed the need to roll out more robust incentive policies to encourage childbirth in order to counter the growing aging trend and avert a sudden sharp decline in population.他们还强调,为了应对日益增长的老龄化趋势,避免人口急剧下降,我们需要推出更有力的激励政策来鼓励生育。 The country's overall population fell by 850,000 year-on-year to 1.41175 billion in 2022, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday.1月17日,国家统计局表示,到2022年,我国总人口为14.1175亿,同比下降85万人。 "The decline was primarily caused by a decrease in newborns, as well as less willingness to have babies, delays in getting married and having babies, and the shrinking population of women of childbearing age," said Kang Yi, head of the bureau.国家统计局局长康义表示:“人口出生率下降的主要原因是新生儿数量减少、生育意愿降低、结婚和生育推迟以及育龄妇女人口减少。” About 9.56 million babies were born last year, down from 10.62 million in 2021. The birthrate stood at 6.77 births per 1,000 people in 2022, down from 7.52 in 2021.去年中国约有956万婴儿出生,低于2021年的1062万人。另外,中国2022年的出生率为每千人6.77人,低于2021年的7.52人。 Both rates last year were the lowest in history, according to data from the bureau.国家统计局数据显示,2022年我国出生人口总数和出生率都达到了历史最低值。 Meanwhile, the death rate nationwide was 7.37 per 1,000 people last year, putting the natural growth rate at negative 0.6 per 1,000 people, said the bureau.国家统计局还表示,去年全国人口死亡率为7.37‰,自然增长率为-0.6‰。 "Negative population growth is a natural outcome of socioeconomic development, and many countries are experiencing this process," Kang said during a news conference held by the State Council Information Office.康义在国务院新闻办公室举行的新闻发布会上表示:“人口负增长是社会经济发展的自然结果,许多国家都正在经历这一过程。” He added that the decline is expected to persist but there is no need to overstress the situation.康义补充说,这种下降预计会持续下去,但没有必要过度担心。 "The key to the demographic issue is matching the size and structure of the population with the industrial system," he said. "Currently, our labor supply still exceeds demand, and a falling population does not necessarily mean that our demographic dividend is lost."康义说:“人口问题的关键是使人口规模、人口结构与工业体系相匹配。”他补充说:“目前,我国劳动力仍然供大于求,人口减少并不一定意味着人口红利的丧失。” Kang added that the country's labor quality and education level are improving and are compatible with its industrial development. "We have a positive labor supply situation," he said.康义表示,我国正在提高的劳动力素质和教育水平与工业发展相适应。他还说:“我国劳动力供应情况良好。” Zhang Xuying, deputy head of the China Population and Development Research Center, said that Japan and 19 European nations have grappled with population declines since 1950.中国人口与发展研究中心副主任张旭英表示,自1950年以来,日本和19个欧洲国家一直在努力应对人口下降问题。 In China, the total fertility rate — the average number of children born to each woman of reproductive age — fell below the replacement level of 2.1 in 1992, which is below the minimum threshold for keeping a stable population.在中国,总生育率(每个育龄妇女生育的平均子女数)在1992年降至2.1的更替水平以下,低于保持人口稳定的最低限度。 This means that the momentum for negative growth has been building in China for over 30 years, Zhang said in an article released on Monday by the China Population and Development Research Center.1月16日,张旭英在中国人口与发展研究中心发表的一篇文章中表示,这意味着中国经济负增长的势头已经持续了30多年。 Officials said earlier that the fertility rate in 2020 was 1.3.此前官员曾表示,2020年的人口生育率为1.3。 Even if the nation manages to increase and maintain the fertility rate at 2.1, negative population growth will persist due to the accumulated impact of years of low fertility, he said.他说,由于中国多年低生育率的累积影响,即使国家设法提高并保持2.1的生育率,人口负增长也将继续持续。 "China has a massive population and its demographic advantage is notable," he said. "There is still great potential in tapping into demographic resources to bolster economic development."他说:“中国不仅人口众多,而且人口优势显著,”他还表示:“我国利用人口资源优势,在促进经济发展方面仍有很大潜力。” Data released by the bureau shows that China's working age population — people age 16 to 59 — was about 875.6 million last year, or 62 percent of the total population.国家统计局发布的数据显示,去年中国劳动年龄人口(16岁至59岁)约为8.756亿,占总人口的62%。 Yuan Xin, a demography professor at Nankai University in Tianjin, said China's labor supply will remain stable in the coming years.天津南开大学人口学教授原新表示,未来几年中国的劳动力供给将保持稳定。 However, experts said intensified efforts are needed in the next few decades to incentivize childbirth, as issues ranging from an aging society to a labor shortage will likely loom large by the end of this century.然而,专家表示,从老龄化社会到劳动力短缺等问题可能会在本世纪末凸显出来。因此,未来几十年仍需加大力度鼓励生育。 In May 2021, China announced that all couples could have three children, up from two, and rolled out a series of supportive measures to encourage childbirth. Since then, local governments have also launched a range of policies such as monthly subsidies for families with a third child.2021年5月,中国实施一对夫妻可以生育三个子女的政策及配套支持措施。政策实施后,地方政府也推出了多项措施,例如对三孩家庭按月发放补贴。 Yuan said supportive policies aimed at encouraging childbirth should be long-standing and stable, and differences in policies between urban and rural areas, and first and third babies, should be decreased.原新表示,旨在鼓励生育的扶持政策应该是长期和稳定的,应减少城市和农村以及第一胎和第三胎的政策差异。 Incentive英 [ɪnˈsentɪv] 美 [ɪnˈsentɪv]n. 激励Demographic英 [ˌdeməˈɡræfɪk] 美 [ˌdeməˈɡræfɪk]adj. 人口的