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A consumer selects tomatoes at a supermarket in Linyi city, East China's Shandong province on June 12.6月12日,一名消费者在山东临沂的一家超市挑选西红柿。China's consumer prices increased modestly in June while factory-gate prices saw a slowdown in annual declines, official data showed on Wednesday.7月10日的官方数据显示,中国6月份居民消费价格指数(CPI)小幅上涨,而工业生产者出厂价格指数(PPI)的年度跌幅有所放缓。The country's consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, rose by 0.2 percent year-on-year in June after a 0.3 percent rise in May, the National Bureau of Statistics said.国家统计局表示,衡量通货膨胀的主要指标——CPI继5月份上涨0.3%之后,6月份同比上涨0.2%。Within the CPI, food prices dropped 2.1 percent year-on-year in June versus a 2 percent annual contraction in May. Notably, the price of fresh vegetables declined 7.3 percent in June, following a 2.3 percent rise in May. Pork, a staple in Chinese cuisine, saw prices go up by 18.1 percent in June after a 4.6 percent growth in May. 6月份食品价格同比下降2.1%,而5月份同比降低2%;继5月份上涨2.3%之后,6月份新鲜蔬菜价格下降了7.3%。猪肉作为家庭主菜,在5月份增长4.6%之后,其6月份价格上涨了18.1%。Meanwhile, non-food prices posted a 0.8 percent rise compared with a year earlier in June, flat with the rise in May. The growth in energy narrowed from 3.4 percent in May to 3.1 percent in June. Prices of gas-powered cars and new energy vehicles declined 6 percent and 7.4 percent, respectively.6月份,非食品价格同比上涨0.8%,涨幅与上月相同。非食品中,能源价格上涨3.1%,涨幅回落0.3个百分点;扣除能源的PPI上涨0.1%,涨幅与上月相同,其中燃油小汽车和新能源小汽车价格分别下降6.0%和7.4%。On a month-on-month basis, the CPI dropped 0.2 percent in June versus a 0.1 percent decline in May. 按月来看,6月份CPI下降0.2%,而5月份下降0.1%。The growth in core CPI, which excludes volatile food and energy prices and is deemed a better gauge of the supply-demand relationship in the economy, rose by 0.6 percent year-on-year in June, unchanged from the growth in May.扣除食品和能源价格的核心CPI同比上涨0.6%,涨幅与上月相同,继续保持温和上涨。Dong Lijuan, an NBS statistician, attributed the year-on-year CPI growth to a well-stocked market, while the PPI declined due to factors including the international commodity price fluctuations and insufficient demand for some industrial products in the domestic market. 国家统计局统计师董莉娟表示,CPI同比增长是由于市场储备充足,而PPI下降则受国际大宗商品价格波动和国内市场部分工业产品需求不足等因素影响。China's producer price index, which gauges factory-gate prices, dropped by 0.8 percent from a year ago in June, narrowing from a 1.4 percent fall in May, the NBS said. 国家统计局表示,全国PPI在6月份同比下降0.8%,较5月份1.4%的降幅有所收窄。On a month-on-month basis, the PPI dropped 0.2 percent in June after a 0.2 percent rise in May, according to the NBS.环比由上月上涨0.2%转为下降0.2%。ConsumerPriceIndex (CPI)n.居民消费价格指数Producer Price Index(PPI)n.工业生产者出厂价格指数