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China reported 106 monkeypox infections between June 2 and 30, but the virus' spread is primarily among sexual contact between men, and the possibility of a large-scale domestic outbreak is low, health experts said.6月2日至6月30日,中国内地(不含港澳台)新增报告106例猴痘确诊病例。专家表示,该病毒主要在男男性行为人群之间传播,国内大规模流行的可能性很低。The southern province of Guangdong reported 48 cases, while Beijing reported 45. The remaining cases were detected in Jiangsu, Hubei, Shandong and Zhejiang provinces, according to a report released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday.7月14日,中国疾控中心发布6月猴痘疫情监测情况,报告显示,广东省报告48例,北京报告了45例,剩余病例分布在江苏、湖北、山东和浙江。No severe cases or deaths were reported, it added.报告显示,无重症、死亡病例。"The majority of cases were found among men who have sex with men, suggesting the virus is mainly transmitted through homosexual contact," said the China CDC. "The risk of infection through other contact is low, and most nonsexual close contacts have not been infected."中国疾病预防控制中心表示:“绝大多数病例为男男性行为人群,主要通过男男性接触传播,其他接触方式传播风险低,除性接触以外的绝大多数密切接触者未发生感染感染。”It added that most of those who contracted the virus were detected when they visited hospitals, and their main symptoms were fever and swollen lymph nodes.另外,大部分感染者是在就诊时发现,绝大多数病例临床表现为发热和淋巴结肿大。Shi Guoqing, deputy director of the China CDC's emergency operations center, said during a group interview on Friday that only one of the 374 nonsexual close contacts ended up getting infected, and that person shared a bed with a confirmed case.中国疾控中心卫生应急行动中心副主任施国庆在14日的集体采访中表示,除性接触以外的密切接触者有374人,其中仅1人因与确诊病例同床居住感染。"Compared to the transmission of COVID-19, influenza and other respiratory diseases, the spread of the monkeypox virus is slow. There will likely be isolated clusters of infection, but the possibility of widespread infection is low," Shi said.施国庆表示:“与新冠病毒感染、流感等呼吸道传染病传播速度相比,猴痘传播速度较慢,但也可能出现局部聚集性疫情,出现大范围传播的可能性较低。”"The monkeypox control strategy should focus on stepping up awareness campaigns and strengthening multichannel surveillance of medical institutions, key groups and inbound and outbound travelers," he said, adding that inbound passengers do not need to provide negative test results for monkeypox.他说:“猴痘防控策略主要是加强宣传,加强医疗机构、重点人群和出入境人员等多渠道监测。”施国庆补充,从境外回国,不需要提供猴痘核酸阴性检测证明。Shi said that confirmed cases and people suspected of contracting the virus should be transferred to designated hospitals for isolation and treatment. Some of those with mild infections can consider home isolation.施国庆说,猴痘疑似病例和确诊病例应及时转运至医疗机构进行隔离治疗,一些病情较轻的病例可以考虑居家隔离。There is no need for close contacts of cases to isolate, but they should avoid sexual contact and monitor their health for 21 days.病例密切接触者无需隔离,但须避免性接触,并进行21天的健康监测。Li Tongzeng, a doctor in the respiratory and infectious disease department at Beijing YouAn Hospital, said that most monkeypox cases are mild or moderate, and patients are able to recover without special intervention.北京佑安医院感染综合科主任医师李侗曾表示,大多数猴痘病例是轻度或中度的,患者无需特别干预就能康复。"Globally, the hospitalization rate for monkeypox stands at around 6 percent, and 0.1 percent require admission to intensive care units," he said.李侗曾说:“在全球范围内,猴痘的住院率约为6%,需ICU治疗的比例约为0.1%。”The World Health Organization said in a report released on Friday that 112 countries and regions reported nearly 88,300 confirmed monkeypox cases between Jan 1,2022 and July 11, 2023, including 149 deaths.当地时间7月14日,世界卫生组织(世卫组织)发布报告显示,2022年1月1日至2023年7月11日期间,全球112个国家和地区累计报告8.83万例确诊猴痘病例,其中包括149例死亡病例。The WHO declared the current monkeypox outbreak a global public health emergency in July 2022 but lifted the designation in May.2022年7月,世卫组织宣布猴痘疫情构成“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”,2023年5,世卫组织宣布猴痘疫情不再构成“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”。Monkeypox英 /'mʌŋkipɔks/美 /'mʌŋkipɔks/n. 猴痘Case英 /keɪs/美 /keɪs/n. 病例Infection英 /ɪnˈfekʃn/美 /ɪnˈfekʃn/n. 〈医〉传染,感染