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Charles III was on Saturday crowned monarch of the United Kingdom (UK) and 14 other Commonwealth realms in the UK's first coronation since 1953 at Westminster Abbey in central London.5月6日,英国国王查尔斯三世在伦敦威斯敏斯特大教堂举行英国自1953年以来的首次加冕仪式,查尔斯三世成为英国和14个英联邦国家的元首。The coronation service lasted about two hours and involved various stages, including recognition, oath, anointing, investiture and crowning, followed by enthronement and homage.加冕仪式持续了约2小时,其中步骤包括承认、宣誓、受膏、授权和加冕、而后是登基和致敬。At 12:02 pm (1102 GMT), Charles III was formally crowned as the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby placed St Edward's Crown onto the head of the monarch. The congregation sang a hymn; bells at the historic church rang; trumpets sounded, and gun salutes were fired across the country to mark the moment.当地时间下午12:02(格林威治标准时间1102),随着坎特伯雷大主教贾斯汀·韦尔比将圣爱德华王冠戴在查尔斯三世头上,查尔斯三世正式加冕。为了纪念这一时刻,会众唱起了赞美诗,古老教堂敲响钟声,小号声响起,全国各地鸣枪致敬。King Charles III, 74, ascended to the throne in September last year following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.在查尔斯三世的母亲伊丽莎白二世女王去世后,74岁的国王查尔斯三世于2022年9月登上王位。Queen Camilla was also coronated on Saturday in a much simpler ceremony, as she was anointed and crowned with Queen Mary's Crown.5月6日,王后卡米拉也举行了更为简单的加冕仪式,她被涂上了圣油,并戴上了玛丽王后的王冠。King Charles III and Queen Camilla will return to Buckingham Palace in procession after the service at Westminster Abbey, using the same route they took this morning in reverse, with thousands of spectators lining the streets.在威斯敏斯特教堂的行程结束后,国王查尔斯三世和王后卡米拉将返回白金汉宫,沿着早晨来时的路途返回,返程街道两旁有数千名观众。The ceremonial events concluded with the royal couple and members of the royal family watching a large formation fly-past on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in the afternoon.5月6日下午,随着国王、王后和英国王室其他成员在白金汉宫阳台上观看飞行表演,加冕仪式结束。Monarch英/ˈmɒnək/ 美/ˈmɑːnərk/n.君主Coronation英/ˌkɒrəˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ 美/ˌkɔːrəˈneɪʃn/n.加冕礼