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Hideo Shimizu, a former member of Unit 731, the notorious Japanese germ-warfare detachment during World War II, arrived by plane in the city of Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on Monday evening, expecting to testify and expose the crimes committed by the unit during the Japanese invasion of China during the war.北京时间8月12日晚,731部队原队员清水英男乘飞机抵达哈尔滨,731部队是二战期间臭名昭著的日本细菌战基地,清水英男此行是为了证实和揭露侵华日军在二战期间犯下的罪行。He is expected to visit the Exhibition Hall of Evidences of Crime Committed by Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army and the former site of Unit 731 on Tuesday.他计划于13日参观侵华日军第七三一部队罪证陈列馆和731部队遗址。Shimizu, 94, was among the last batch of Unit 731 Youth Corps members sent by Japan to Harbin, China, where he spent more than four months witnessing the war crimes committed by the unit, including the cultivation of pathogens, human dissections and human experiments. He fled China with the retreating Japanese forces on August 14, 1945.今年已有94岁高龄的清水英男,曾是最后一批被派往哈尔滨731部队“少年队”的成员,他在731度过了四个多月,亲眼目睹日军犯下了细菌培植、人体解剖和人体实验这些罪行。1945年8月14日,日军败退,他随日军撤离中国。In 2016, Shimizu revealed his identity as a former Unit 731 member and began to expose the atrocities of the Japanese Imperial Army through public speeches and interviews, aiming to tell historical truths.2016年,清水英男公布了自己曾是731部队“少年队”队员的身份,此后便不断通过公共演讲和采访,致力于向公众揭露侵华日军的暴行,还原历史真相。This visit is Shimizu's first return to Chinese soil in 79 years. He has previously expressed a strong desire to return to China to pray for the deceased and apologize to their families. The trip was made possible by donations from various Japanese civilian groups.时隔79年,清水英男首次回到中国。他一直非常想回来为那些惨遭731部队杀害的人祈福,向受难者家属谢罪。清水英男得到了各种日本民间和平团体的资助,这次行程才得以实现。"The war ended 79 years ago, and most members of Unit 731 have passed away. Shimizu is currently the only surviving member who is willing to expose the Unit's crimes publicly, and he is likely to be the last Unit 731 member to return to Harbin," said Jin Chengmin, curator of the exhibition hall.731部队罪证陈列馆馆长金成民说:“这场战役在79年前早已结束,许多部队成员也早已离世,清水英男是现存的唯一一个愿意向公众揭露731罪行的部队成员,也可能是最后一个能够回到哈尔滨的731成员”。Unit 731 was a top-secret biological and chemical warfare research base established in Harbin as the nerve center for Japanese biological warfare in China and Southeast Asia during World War II.731部队是日军在哈尔滨建立的高度保密的生物战和化学战研究基地,是二战期间,日军使用生物战打击中国和东南亚的神经中枢。At least 3,000 people were used in human experiments by Unit 731, while more than 300,000 people in China were killed by Japan's biological weapons. 至少有3000名受害者被731部队用于人体实验,而至少有300,000名中国人丧生于日本的生化武器。 Germn.细菌Pathogensn.病原体Atrocitiesn.暴行;滔天罪行