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Twitter'snew boss, Elon Musk, responded on Friday to criticism over a new policy thatrequires Twitter users to pay $8 a month for bluetick verification, saying,"Trash me all day,but it'll cost $8."11月5日,推特的新老板埃隆·马斯克针对推特用户需每月支付8美元获得蓝V认证的新政策,用“可以骂我一整天,但要交8美元”这句话回应了批评与争议。As part of changes after a $44bn takeover of thesocial media site, Mr Musk said it was "essential to defeat spam/scam". He added that paid users would havepriority in replies and searches, and half as many advertisements.作为对推特440亿美元收购后变革的一部分,马斯克表示这是 “打败垃圾邮件/诈骗的关键”。他还补充说,这些付费用户将在回复和搜索功能上拥有优先权,广告数量也将减少一半。The sought-after blue tick was previously only availableto high-profile or influential individuals and organizations - who were askedto prove their identity. It has been used as a sign that a profile isauthentic, and is a key tool to help users identify reliable information on theplatform.据悉,蓝V认证通常提供给知名人士或有影响力的个人和组织,用来证明他们的身份。它已经被用作为标志,表明个人资料是真实的。"Powerto the people! Blue for $8/month," the billionaire said on Twitter,criticizing the old method of blue tick verification as a "lords andpeasants system".马斯克在推特上说,“权力属于人民!蓝V认证8美元/月”,批评旧的蓝V认证是“贵族平民制度”。But the move is notsupported by everyone. Earlier, The US technology media The Verge predicted onOctober 31 that Musk's first big move may be to charge all Twitter blue tick verification users about $20 per month. 但此举并没有得到所有人的支持。此前,美国科技媒体The Verge10月31日就预测称,马斯克的第一个大动作可能是对所有推特蓝V认证用户收取每月约20美元的费用。Stephen King, awell-known American author, said "they (Twitter) should pay me" afterthe news broke. He also said that if the policy was true, he would leaveTwitter.美国知名作家斯蒂芬·金在消息传出后表示,“推特应该给我付钱”。他还称,如果这个政策是真实的,他将离开推特。However, Musk responded: "We need to pay the billssomehow! Twitter cannot rely entirely on advertisers. How about $8?"马斯克也对此回应称,“我们需要以某种方式支付账单!推特不能完全依赖广告商,8美金怎么样?”Althoughthe charging policy did not satisfy everyone, Musk reiterated his position in the face of people’s dissatisfaction.尽管此次的收费政策并没有让所有人表示满意,但面对外界的不满,马斯克依旧在推文中重申自己的立场。Twitter on Saturday updated its app in Apple's App Storeto begin charging $8 for sought-after blue check verification marks. In an update to iOSdevices, users who pay $7.99 a month will be able to receive a blue verification mark next to their username.据路透社报道,推特更新了其在苹果应用商店的应用程序,开始对蓝V认证标记收取8美元/月的费用。在对苹果iOS设备的更新中,推特表示,每月支付7.99美元的用户,可以在他们的用户名旁边收到蓝色的认证标记。For now, the new service is only available in the United States, Canada,Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. But Musk has tweeted that "As soon as we confirm it's workingwell in the initial set of countries and we havethe translation work done, it will roll out worldwide."目前,这一新服务仅供美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和英国用户使用。但马斯克已在推特上表示,“一旦我们确认新服务在首批试行国家运作良好,并完成相关翻译工作,这项服务就会在全球推广。”编辑:焦洁          张婉诗英文来源:BBC 观察者网 路透社verification英[ˌverɪfɪˈkeɪʃn];美[ˌverɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]n. 证实spam英[spæm];美[spæm]n. 垃圾邮件reiterate英[riˈɪtəreɪt];美[riˈɪtəreɪt]v. 重申