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US President Joe Biden, despite a majority of Americans polled not supporting his run for a second term, announced via video on Tuesday that he will seek the White House again in 2024.4月25日,美国总统乔·拜登通过视频正式宣布2024年竞选连任,尽管民调显示大部分受访者不支持他连任。Biden, 80, a Democrat, is gearing up for a possible showdown with his Republican predecessor Donald Trump, 76, who announced on Nov 15 that he plans to seek another term.现年80岁的民主党人拜登正准备与76岁的共和党人唐纳德·特朗普再次对决,此前,特朗普于2022年11月15日宣布正式竞选2024年大选。In declaring his formal entry into the 2024 campaign, Biden said he decided to run again because the "battle for the soul of America" is continuing, and he also referenced "MAGA extremists" in a jab at Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan.在宣布正式加入2024年的竞选活动时,拜登说,他决定再次参选是因为美国仍处于“为国家灵魂而战”的斗争中,他还提到了“MAGA极端分子”,讽刺特朗普的“让美国再次伟大”口号。On the campaign trail in 2020, Biden told voters that his presidency would be a bridge to the next generation, a comment that some interpreted as a signal that he would serve only one term, but he has decided to forge ahead.在2020年的总统大选中,拜登告诉选民,他的总统任期将成为通向下一代的桥梁,一些人将此评论解读为拜登只有一届任期的信号,暗示,但拜登已决定再次参选。There also had been speculation as to whether Vice-President Kamala Harris would remain on the ticket. But she appeared frequently in the three-minute campaign video, which concluded with a "Biden-Harris" logo.也有人猜测副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯是否会参与竞选。但哈里斯频繁出现在三分钟的竞选视频中,视频以“拜登-哈里斯”的标志结束。"Joe and I look forward to finishing the job, winning this battle for the soul of the nation, and serving the American people for four more years in the White House," Harris said in her own statement.哈里斯在自己的声明中说:“我和拜登期待着完成这项工作,为国家的灵魂赢得这场战斗,并在白宫再为美国人民服务四年。”Trump released his own video Monday ahead of Biden's announcement, whom he said has done more "damage" than the "five worst presidents in American history" combined. Trump went after Biden on issues ranging from the strength of the dollar, inflation, border security and the deadly withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan in August 2022.4月24日,在拜登宣布参选之前,特朗普发布了自己的视频,特朗普说拜登造成的“破坏”比“美国历史上最糟糕的五位总统”加起来还多。2022年8月,特朗普在美元强势、通货膨胀、边境安全以及美军从阿富汗撤军等问题上炮轰拜登。"Banks are failing. Our currency is crashing, and the dollar will soon no longer be the world standard, which will be our greatest defeat in over 200 years," Trump said.特朗普说:“银行正在倒闭,美元正在崩溃,很快将不是‘世界标准’,这是我们200多年来的最大失败。”Analysts and pollsters said that US voters are ambivalent about both likely candidates, as there has been somewhat of a national fatigue over a potential Trump-Biden rematch in 2024.分析人士和民调机构表示,美国选民对两位可能的候选人都持矛盾态度,因为对于2024年特朗普和拜登潜在的再次对决,美国人民都感到了“疲乏”。Polls found that the majority of Americans, to whom Biden has appealed for support to finish the job, show no enthusiasm about his possible second term.民调显示,尽管拜登积极寻求民众支持,但大多数美国人对拜登可能的第二任期表现消极态度。Biden also will face a primary challenge from Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who announced last week that he will seek the Democratic nomination.拜登还将面临来自小罗伯特·肯尼迪的挑战,后者在上周宣布角逐民主党总统大选党内提名。Trump also will face a primary opponent in Nikki Haley, who previously was governor of South Carolina and US ambassador to the United Nations, and likely former vice-president Mike Pence and US Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. But Trump's biggest potential challenger could be Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has yet to announce whether he will run.特朗普还将面对美国前驻联合国大使与前南卡罗来纳州州长妮基·黑莉、前副总统迈克·彭斯和南卡罗来纳州的参议员蒂姆·斯科特。但特朗普最大的潜在对手可能是佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯,德桑蒂斯尚未宣布是否参选。"The American public is ambivalent about both President Biden and former president Trump, but they are the likely nominees of their parties. Once those nominations are confirmed in the summer national party conventions, partisans on both sides will line up behind their candidates," said Cal Jillson, a political scientist and historian at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.达拉斯南卫理公会大学的政治学家和历史学家卡尔·吉尔森说:“美国公众对总统拜登和前总统特朗普都持矛盾态度,但拜登和特朗普很可能是各自政党提名的总统候选人。一旦这些提名在夏季全国党代会上得到确认,双方的党派人士都会支持他们的候选人。”"Biden's suggestion in 2020 that he might serve only one term as president, because many were concerned about his age at that time, was overcome by his sense that there was more he wanted to accomplish and that his conduct in office had shown that age had not slowed him down," Jillson told China Daily.吉尔森告诉《中国日报》:“拜登在2020年表示自己可能只担任一届总统,因为当时许多人担心他的年龄,但他觉得自己想完成更多的事情,而且他在任期间的行为表明,年龄并没有拖累他。”"No one wants the rematch — the Trump fans because they don't like Biden but fear that Trump will lose to him again, and the Biden fans because they have done this once already," William C. Banks, distinguished professor emeritus at Syracuse University College of Law in New York, said in an email.纽约雪城大学法学院名誉教授威廉·C·班克斯在一封电子邮件中表示:“没有人想看拜登和特朗普之间的重赛,特朗普的粉丝不想看是因为他们不喜欢拜登,但又担心特朗普会再次输给他,而拜登的粉丝则不想看,则是因为他们已经经历了一次。”Both the current and former president could face resistance from the public as a whole in a general election, according to The Associated Press, whose poll released on Friday found only 26 percent of Americans overall want to see Biden run again, and only about half of his own party members think he should do so.据美联社报道,现任总统和前任总统在大选中都可能面临来自公众的阻力,4月21日,美联社公布的民调显示,只有26%的美国人希望看到拜登再次参选,而拜登所在的民主党中大概只有一半人认为他应该再次参选。The poll also found 65 percent of US adults said they would probably or definitely not support Trump in a general election, compared with 56 percent who said the same about Biden.民调还发现,65%的美国成年人表示,他们可能不会或肯定不会在大选中支持特朗普,而对拜登持相同看法的比例为56%。Ahead of Biden's announcement, a national NBC News poll found that just 28 percent of registered voters surveyed wanted Biden to run again, with 35 percent of respondents saying they believe Trump should run for president again.在拜登宣布参选之前,NBC新闻的一项全国性民调发现,只有28%的受访注册选民希望拜登再次参选,35%的受访者表示他们认为特朗普应该再次参选总统。According to the survey, 70 percent of all Americans — including 51 percent of Democrats — believe Biden should not run for a second term.根据这项民意调查,70%的美国人认为拜登不应该竞选连任,51%的民主党人持相同意见。The same poll found 60 percent of Americans, including a third of Republicans, do not think the former president should run in 2024.这项民意调查发现,60%的美国人认为特朗普不应该参与2024年总统大选,三分之一的共和党人持相同意见。The survey also found that nearly half of those who don't want Biden to run say the president's age is a "major" reason. As the oldest president to be inaugurated, in 2021, Biden would be 86 at the end of a full second term.调查还发现,近半数不希望拜登参选的人表示,拜登的年龄是一个“主要”原因。  2021年,拜登成为最年长的就职总统,如若竞选连任成功,他在第二个任期结束时将年满86岁。The voters' responses reflect their judgment on Biden's performance, and Biden's re-election wish reflects his, noted Stanley Renshon, a political scientist at City University of New York.纽约城市大学政治学教授斯坦利·任尚指出,选民的反应反映了他们对拜登表现的判断,而拜登的连任愿望也反映了他的意愿。"Trump is viewed as someone who loses, then whines about it. He may also face other criminal indictments that would weaken his campaign. His only advantages are a core of strong support, and that Biden is not popular," Renshon said.任尚说:“特朗普被看作是输了后抱怨的人。他还可能面临那些会拖累竞选活动的刑事起诉。他的唯一优势是强有力的支持,而拜登并不受欢迎。”Biden's overall approval rating has remained at 42.1 percent as of Tuesday, according to an aggregation of polls by the political website FiveThirtyEight.政治网站FiveThirtyEight的民意调查汇总显示,截至4月25日,拜登的总体支持率一直保持在42.1%。Democrat英/ˌdeməˈkrætɪk/ 美/ˌdeməˈkrætɪk/adj.(美国)民主党的Republican英/rɪˈpʌblɪkən/ 美/rɪˈpʌblɪkən/adj.(美国)共和党的Election英/ɪˈlekʃ(ə)n/ 美/ɪˈlekʃ(ə)n/n.选举