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This year’s combined Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday in China, from Sept 29 to Oct 6, saw a surge in consumption, as reflected in data.数据显示,今年9月29日至10月6日,中秋节假期与国庆节假期相连,消费激增。The extended Golden Week holiday showcased a vibrant travel and entertainment landscape with busy highways, crowded tourist spots and a thriving film industry.延长的黄金周假期里,高铁业务繁忙、景区游客爆满、电影业欣欣向荣,旅游与娱乐呈现出生机勃勃的图景。Chinese people made over 800 million domestic tourist trips and tourism-related revenue surpassed 750 billion yuan, reflecting sustained enthusiasm and growing numbers.国内旅游出游人数超过8亿人次,国内旅游收入超过7500亿元。人们的旅游热情持续高涨,出游人数不断攀升。These trends highlight people’s desire for a better life and China’s strong economic vitality.这样的趋势凸显了人们对更加美好生活的向往以及中国经济的强劲活力。This year’s eight-day holiday showed a strong rebound in the domestic tourism sector, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.文旅部称,国内旅游业在今年的八天假期中显著回暖。During the holiday, spanning from Sept 29 to Friday, domestic attractions welcomed around 826 million visitors, marking a 71.3 percent year-on-year increase and a 4.1 percent growth compared to 2019 figures before the pandemic.自9月29日至10月6日,假期期间国内景点访客量8.26亿左右,同比增长71.3%,与疫情前2019年的数据相比上涨4.1%。Tourism-related revenue also surged, totaling about 753.4 billion yuan ($103 billion) over the eight days, a year-on-year increase of 129.5 percent and a 1.5 percent growth compared to 2019 numbers.旅游相关收入同样大幅攀升,八天内达到7534亿元(约合1030亿美元),同比增长129.5%,与疫情前2019年的数据相比上涨1.5%。National-level nighttime cultural and tourism hubs played a vital role in boosting nighttime consumer activity. From 6:00 pm on Sept 28 to 6:00 am on Oct 6, these 243 hubs attracted 112 million visitors, averaging 57,600 visitors per night, marking a substantial increase in foot traffic and economic activity.国家级夜间文旅中心在促进夜间消费活动中发挥了重要作用。自9月28日傍晚6时至10月6日清晨6时,243家国家级夜间文旅中心吸引了1.12亿旅客,平均每晚接待5.76万人,有力促进了步行交通和经济活动。According to the Ministry of Transport, on the Oct 6, or the final day of the combined holiday, China is expected to see a total of 59.89 million travelers across railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation, a 58.4 percent increase compared to the same period in 2022.交通运输部表示,双节假期的最后一日,即10月6日,全国预计有5989万旅客搭乘铁路、高速公路、水路及民航交通,较2022年同期增长58.4%。Specifically, a total of 18.8 million passengers were expected to be served by railways, which is a 156.1 percent jump from 2022.其中,预计有1880万旅客搭乘铁路交通,较2022年增长156.1%。Civil aviation accommodated 2.24 million passengers and national expressways hosted 57.85 million vehicles, representing a surge of 176.0 percent and 66.2 percent from the previous year, respectively.224万旅客选择民航出行,高速公路国道车流量达5785万辆,较2022年分别增加了176.0%和66.2%。Border inspection agencies across China saw more than 11.8 million entry and exit trips made during the eight-day holiday, with an average of 1.48 million trips per day, a 2.9-fold increase compared with the same period of 2022, according to the National Immigration Administration.国家移民管理局称,全国各地边境管理部门八天假期期间接待的出入境旅游人次增加了1180万,平均每日增加148万,较2022年同期增加2.9倍。Meituan, a popular service platform in China, published data on consumer spending during the Golden Week holiday on Oct 5.国内备受欢迎的服务平台美团于10月5日公布了黄金周假期的消费数据。It showed that daily average spending on services and retail across the country increased by 153 percent compared to the same period in 2019, making it the most prosperous Golden Week in five years.数据显示,全国服务与零售领域日均消费较2019年同期上涨153%,使得今年黄金周的繁荣程度成为过去五年之最。The top five cities in terms of spending during this holiday were Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, and Shenzhen.假期期间全国消费额度最大的五个城市分别为上海、北京、成都、重庆和深圳。This year’s holiday also saw a notable increase in dining out. Data showed that in-restaurant dining spending across the country grew by 254 percent compared to 2019.今年假期的外出餐饮消费同样大幅增加。数据表明,全国堂食消费额度较2019年上涨254%。The availability of high-quality dining options contributed to the boost in the restaurant industry during the holiday season.外出餐饮的高质量选项为黄金周餐饮业的发展提供了动力。As of 9:00 pm on Oct 6, the total box office earnings for the Golden Week holiday reached 2.72 billion yuan ($376.09 million), according to box office tracker Beacon.根据灯塔票房实时数据,截止10月6日上午9时,黄金周假期电影总票房达27.2亿元(约合3.7609亿美元)。The total number of moviegoers during this year’s holiday period exceeded 65 million, with a total of 3.53 million screenings, marking a more than 70 percent increase in box office earnings compared to the previous year’s holiday season.整个假期的观影人数超过6500万,放映场次达353万,票房收入较去年假期上涨70%。Zhang Yimou’s crime suspense movie Under The Light secured the top spot with earnings of 880 million yuan, followed by The Ex-Files 4: Marriage Plan and The Volunteers: To the War in second and third place, respectively.张艺谋导演的《坚如磐石》以8.8亿元票房位居榜首,第二与第三位分别为《前任4:英年早婚》《志愿军:雄兵出击》。Golden Week holidayn.黄金周假期Cultural and tourism hubsn.文旅中心