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A group of South Korean students are suing the government because their college admission examination ended 90 seconds earlier than scheduled.因在参加高考时被提前90秒收走试卷,韩国学生将政府告上法庭。They are asking for 20 million won each - the cost of a year's studying to retake the exam.他们要求每人获赔2000万韩元,这也是他们复读一年所需的费用。The error affected the rest of the students' exams, their lawyer says.涉事考生律师说,这一失误影响了学生们的其他考试。The country's college admission test, known as Suneung, is an eight-hour marathon with back-to-back papers in multiple subjects.韩国高考又称为韩国大学修学能力考试(简称“修能”),是一场长达八小时的马拉松测试,多个科目连轴开考。The Suneung is one of the hardest exams in the world.“修能”考试是全球难度最高的考试之一。A number of measures to help students concentrate are taken during the annual event such as closing the country's airspace and delaying the opening of the stock market.在一年一度的考试期间,韩国采取了诸多措施帮助学生集中注意力,例如,关闭国家领空、推迟股市开盘。The results of this year's exam were released on 8 December.今年的考试成绩于12月8日公布。The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday by at least 39 students, claims that the bell rang earlier at a test site in the capital Seoul during Korean - the first subject of the exam.这起由至少39名学生于19日提起的诉讼称,在首尔某考点,第一科韩语考试期间铃声提前响起了。Some students protested immediately, but say the supervisors still took their papers away. The teachers recognised the mistake before the start of the next session, and gave the one and half minutes back during the lunch break but they could only mark blank columns left on their papers and were not allowed to change any existing answers.一些学生立即提出抗议,但他们表示监考官仍拿走了他们的试卷。老师们在下一科考试开始前意识到了这个错误,并在午休时间给学生一分半钟的时间,但他们只能填写未作答的题目,不允许更改任何现有答案。The students said they were so upset that they could not focus on the rest of the exam, Yonhap news agency reports. Some reportedly gave up and returned home.据韩联社报道,学生们表示,他们非常沮丧,无法集中精力参加剩下的考试。据报道,一些人放弃考试回家了。Their lawyer Kim Woo-suk told local media that education authorities had not apologized.考生们的代理律师金宇锡告诉当地媒体,教育部门并没有道歉。Public broadcaster KBS quoted officials who said the supervisor in charge of the specific test center had misread the time.韩国广播公司KBS援引官员的话称,负责该考场的监考官看错了时间。This is not the first time students have sued over a bell rung too early. In April, a court in Seoul awarded 7 million won ($5,250; £4,200) to students who claimed they were disadvantaged at the 2021 Suneung exam because their bell rang about two minutes earlier.这已经不是韩国考生第一次因被提前收卷而提起诉讼了。2021年韩国“修能”考试时,交卷铃声提前大约两分钟响起。今年4月,首尔一家法院受理了此案件,并判决给受害学生700万韩元(约3.8万元人民币)的补偿。Suneungn.韩国大学修学能力考试(简称“修能”)