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US Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump faced off for the first time Tuesday night in a 2024 US presidential debate in the city of Philadelphia.9月10日晚,美国副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯与前总统唐纳德·特朗普于2024年美国总统选举辩论中首次交锋,此次辩论在费城举行。The debate, hosted by ABC News, started at 9 pm Eastern Time Tuesday (0100 GMT Wednesday) at the National Constitution Center.这场由美国广播公司主持的辩论,于东部时间9月10日晚9点(格林尼治标准时间11日0100)在国家宪法中心开幕。Harris shook hands with Trump after they were introduced on stage. During their over 90-minute debate, they clashed over key issues, including the economy, abortion, immigration, and US foreign policies, aiming to appeal to voters across the country.两位候选人登场后,哈里斯在舞台上与特朗普握手。在超过90分钟的辩论中,两人就经济、堕胎、移民和美国外交政策等关键问题进行激烈辩论,旨在吸引全国选民。Both Harris and Trump touted plans to strengthen the economy and bring down the cost of living. Harris vowed to build an "opportunity economy", citing plans to make housing more affordable and expand the child tax credit. Trump repeated his claim that he would put tariffs on other countries and also criticized the high inflation rates under the Biden-Harris administration.哈里斯和特朗普都提出了发展经济和降低生活成本的计划。哈里斯发誓要建立一个“机会经济”,提到了使住房价格更加实惠和扩大儿童税收抵免的计划;特朗普重申了他将对其他国家征收关税的主张,并批评了拜登-哈里斯政府下的高通胀率。Abortion is a vital issue for both candidates in the debate. Trump emphasized his position that abortion should be a state issue. Harris criticized what she referred to as the "Trump abortion bans" since Roe v. Wade fell. She also highlighted cases where women have been unable to get abortions after being raped or struggled to get miscarriage care在辩论中,堕胎成为两位候选人的重要议题。特朗普强调了他的立场,即堕胎应该由各州自行决定。哈里斯批评了自罗伊诉韦德案被推翻以来她所称的“特朗普堕胎禁令”,还强调了在被强奸后无法堕胎,或为进行流产而挣扎的妇女的案例。They also sparred over US foreign policies regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.他们还就美国对以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突、俄乌冲突和美国从阿富汗撤军的外交政策进行了辩论。Trump repeatedly mentioned US President Joe Biden during the debate, and Harris reminded him, "You're not running against Joe Biden; you're running against me."特朗普在辩论中多次提到美国总统乔·拜登,而哈里斯提醒他:“你不是在和乔·拜登竞选;你是在和我竞选。”The fiery debate also included personal attacks.这场激烈的辩论也不乏人身攻击。"The back-and-forth at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia was riddled with false and misleading comments, including on job growth and a baseless claim about Haitian immigrants," NBC News reported.美国广播电台报道称:“在费城国家宪法中心进行的这场辩论中充斥着虚假和误导性的言论,比如就业增长问题和关于海地移民的无稽之谈”。The debate was the second presidential election debate of the 2024 election, following the first one between Biden and Trump in June.这场辩论是2024年进行的第二场总统选举辩论,上一场是6月份举行的拜登与特朗普的辩论。Biden bowed out of the race in July due to concerns over his age, health, and debate performance. He passed his torch to Harris, who secured the Democratic presidential nomination in August.由于年龄和健康状况堪忧,辩论表现也不佳,拜登在7月份退出了总统大选,他将选举的希望寄托在了哈里斯身上,而哈里斯于8月份获得了民主党总统候选人的提名。Tuesday's debate was critical as polls show a tight race with election day just two months away.距离选举日仅剩两个月,而两位候选人的民意调结果不相上下,9月10日的这场辩论至关重要。Pennsylvania is one of the key battleground states that could significantly impact the election. Surveys of the key battleground states show that Trump and Harris are within a few points of each other and the polls' margins of error.宾夕法尼亚州是对选举具有重大影响的关键战场之一,而对该州的调查显示,特朗普和哈里斯的支持率仅相差几个百分点,且在民意调查的误差范围内。face offv.搏斗;争吵;对峙clashv.发生冲突;争论;打斗toutv.兜售,吹嘘