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Rescuers in Turkiye and Syria searched through the frigid night into Tuesday, hoping to pull more survivors from the rubble after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed more than 4,000 people and toppled thousands of buildings across a wide region.土耳其和叙利亚的救援人员在寒冷的夜晚一直搜索到2月7日,希望从废墟中救出更多幸存者。此前,一场7.8级地震成了4000多人死亡,数千栋建筑倒塌。Authorities feared the death toll from Monday's pre-dawn earthquake and aftershocks would keep climbing as rescuers looked for survivors among tangles of metal and concrete.当局担心2月6日黎明前发生的地震和余震将持续造成死亡人数的攀升,因而救援人员正在金属和混凝土的废墟中寻找幸存者。Survivors cried out for help from within mountains of debris as first responders contended with rain and snow. Seismic activity continued to rattle the region, including another jolt nearly as powerful as the initial quake. Workers carefully pulled away slabs of concrete and reached for bodies as desperate families waited for news of loved ones.幸存者在堆积如山的废墟中大声呼救,急救人员与雨雪搏斗。地震仍在持续,包括另一次几乎与第一次地震一样强烈的震动。工人们小心翼翼地移开混凝土板,伸手去找尸体,绝望的家庭在等待亲人的消息。"My grandson is 1 1/2 years old. Please help them, please. ... They were on the 12th floor," Imran Bahur wept by her destroyed apartment building in the Turkish city of Adana on Monday.“我的孙子只有一岁半,求求你们帮助他们,请. ...他们在12楼,”2月6日,伊姆兰·巴胡尔在土耳其阿达纳市被摧毁的公寓前哭泣。Tens of thousands who were left homeless in Turkiye and Syria faced a night in the cold. In the Turkish city of Gaziantep, a provincial capital about 33 kilometers (20 miles) from the epicenter, people took refuge in shopping malls, stadiums, mosques and community centers. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared seven days of national mourning.土耳其和叙利亚成千上万无家可归的人在寒冷中度过了一夜。在距离震中约33公里(20英里)的土耳其省会城市加济安泰普,人们前往购物中心、体育场、清真寺和社区中心避难。土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安宣布全国哀悼七天。Eight rescue experts from China's Zhejiang Rescue Team of Ramunion, a civilian rescue organization, have left for Turkiye after Monday's huge earthquakes jolted the country and its neighbor Syria and resulted in heavy casualties.周一,土耳其及其邻国叙利亚发生强烈地震,造成重大人员伤亡,中国浙江社会救援力量公羊救援队的八名救援专家已启程前往土耳其。Carrying life detectors, tools for dismantling operations and a rescue dog, the team is expected to arrive at the affected area in Turkiye on Wednesday afternoon local time, the team said in a media release early on Tuesday.2月7日一早,救援队在媒体发布会上表示,团队预计携带生命探测器、拆除作业工具和一只搜救犬,预计将于当地时间2月8日下午抵达土耳其的受灾地区。All eight rescuers have rich experiences in international rescue operations, it said.八名救援人员均具有丰富的国际救援经验。Established in 2008, the Ramunion rescue team has participated in 287 rescue missions, 16 of which were out of China.公羊救援队成立于2008年,共参与救援287次,其中境外救援16次。The Red Cross Society of China said that it will send the Turkish Red Crescent and the Syrian Red Crescent cash to help with disaster relief and rescue operations after strong earthquakes shook Turkiye and Syria on Monday.2月6日,土耳其和叙利亚发生强烈地震后,中国红十字会表示将向土耳其红新月会和叙利亚红新月会提供现金,以帮助开展救灾和救援行动。Each organization will receive $200,000, the society said on Monday evening.该协会周一晚间表示,每个组织将获得20万美元。Chen Zhu, president of China's Red Cross, sent letters of sympathy to both groups after the temblors, which killed thousands of people.地震发生后已造成数千人死亡,中国红十字会会长陈竺向这两个国家发出了慰问信。China's Red Cross said that it will keep track of the conditions in the affected areas and will offer more humanitarian aid based on evolving needs.中国红十字会表示将密切关注灾区情况,并将根据不断变化的需求提供更多人道主义援助。Rubble英 [ˈrʌbl]       美 [ˈrʌbəl]n.碎石Topple英[ˈtɒpl]       美[ˈtɑːpl]v.倾倒Aftershock英 [ˈɑ:ftəʃɒk]    美 [ˈæftərʃɑk]n. 余震