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A recent HSBC Bank report reveals a remarkable 400 percent year-on-year surge in global durian demand, fueled by the preference of Chinese consumers. China now dominates the market, accounting for an astounding 91 percent of global durian demand, with imports totaling an impressive $6 billion over the past two years.据美国消费者新闻与商业频道9月13日报道,汇丰银行近日公布的报告称,得益于中国消费者对榴莲的喜爱,全球榴莲需求同比飙升400%。中国市场占全球榴莲需求的91%,过去两年,中国进口了价值达60亿美元的榴莲。In 2022, ASEAN durian exports comprised 90 percent of the global total, with Thailand leading as the primary exporter, contributing to an impressive 99 percent of ASEAN's total exports.数据显示,2022年东盟榴莲总出口占全球的90%。其中,泰国作为东盟的主要出口国,其出口量占东盟总出口量的99%。Experts have stated that following the implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), policies such as tariff reductions are benefiting China-ASEAN economic and trade relations.专家表示《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》生效后,关税减免等政策为中国与东盟经贸带来利好。Durian, known as the "King of Fruits", is a tropical fruit rich in vitamin C for immune support, dietary fiber for digestion, antioxidants for protection against oxidative damage, and essential minerals like potassium and magnesium, making it a healthy choice.榴莲被称为“水果之王”,是一种味道独特的热带水果,富含维生素C,有助于提高免疫力。它还含有膳食纤维,促进健康的消化系统,以及抗氧化物质,有助于保护身体免受氧化损害。此外,榴莲还能为人们提供宝贵的能量和矿物质,如钾和镁。However, durian is among the high-sugar and high-calorie fruits. Typically, every 100 grams of fresh durian flesh contains about 140 to 160 calories and approximately 16 to 30 grams of natural sugars. It is generally recommended that adults consume no more than 200 grams of durian per day.但是,榴莲属于高糖高热量的水果之一,每100克的新鲜榴莲肉通常含有约140至160卡路里的热量,以及约16至30克的自然糖分。通常建议成人每天食用榴莲不超过200克。Durian serves as a key ingredient in crafting a delightful array of treats, including delectable durian pastries, cakes, and ice cream. These culinary creations have garnered a devoted following among durian enthusiasts while also enticing newcomers to savor the distinctive flavors of this remarkable fruit.榴莲也被制成了各种美食,如榴莲酥、榴莲蛋糕、榴莲冰淇淋等等。这些榴莲不仅吸引了众多榴莲爱好者,也鼓励了更多人大胆品尝这种独特的水果。Durian英/'dʊərɪən/美/ˈdʊriən/n.榴莲Astounding英/ə'staʊndɪŋ/美/ə'staʊndɪŋ/n.令人震惊的