英语新闻丨All-out rescue efforts urged after bridge collapse

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President Xi Jinping has urged all-out rescue and relief efforts to safeguard people's lives and property after the collapse of a highway bridge in Shaanxi province.习近平主席对陕西商洛市柞水县境内一高速公路桥梁发生垮塌作出重要指示,要求全力抢险救援,强化巡查排险。Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the instruction after the bridge, located in Zhashui county in the city of Shangluo, collapsed at around 8:40 pm on Friday due to flash floods caused by heavy rain.7月19日20时40分许,陕西商洛市柞水县境内一高速公路桥梁因山洪暴发发生垮塌。灾害发生后,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平高度重视并作出重要指示,According to a preliminary estimate, 17 cars and eight trucks had fallen into the river. As of 7 pm on Sunday, rescue workers had recovered 15 bodies, China Central Television quoted the National Fire and Rescue Administration as saying. Efforts were underway to locate the remaining missing people, according to the administration.据CCTV报道,国家消防救援局初步估计,有17辆汽车和8辆卡车坠河。截至7月21日晚7时,救援人员已经找到了15具尸体,目前正在努力搜寻其余失踪人员。Xi said in the instruction that the immediate priority is to carry out rescue operations, make every effort to search for the missing, and minimize casualties. He also called for efforts to assist the families of those affected by the collapse.习近平主席强调,当务之急是全力抢险救援,千方百计搜救失联人员,最大限度减少人员伤亡,并妥善做好家属安抚等善后工作。Xi emphasized the importance of well-planned rescue efforts and the prevention of secondary disasters.要注意科学施救,细致排查周边安全隐患,严防次生灾害。He said that as the critical period of flood control approaches, it is imperative for regions and relevant departments to be extra vigilant, fulfill their duties diligently, improve monitoring systems and early warning mechanisms, strengthen inspections, and implement various measures meticulously to guarantee the safety of people's lives and property.习近平强调,当前正值“七下八上”防汛关键期,各地区和有关部门要高度重视、压实责任,加强监测预警,强化巡查排险,落实落细各项措施,切实保障人民群众生命财产安全。Premier Li Qiang, who is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, has given instructions to spare no effort in searching for and rescuing the missing people, investigate the cause promptly, and take measures to prevent secondary disasters.中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李强作出批示,要尽一切努力搜救失联人员,尽快查明原因,妥善做好善后工作,并抓紧排查处置险情,严防次生灾害。Vice-Premier Zhang Guoqing, who also is a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, has led a working team to the site to guide rescue efforts.中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理张国清率有关部门负责同志赶赴现场指导救援处置工作。