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英语新闻︱中国APP广受海外用户欢迎Fromthe world's top short video application TikTok to the biggest fast-fashion appShein and emerging music-video app StarMaker, a rising number of mobile appsdeveloped by Chinese companies are influencing people's daily lives across theglobe.用TikTok刷短视频,用SHEIN追赶时尚,用StarMaker唱歌……来自中国的移动应用软件(APP)正成为全球网友日常生活不可或缺的一部分。Anew report published by market consultancy iResearch showed that the overseas revenue ofChina's entertainment apps grew 204 percent year-on-year in 2021.数据研究机构艾瑞咨询发布的《2022年移动应用出海趋势洞察白皮书》显示,2021年中国娱乐类APP呈现井喷式收入增长,增长了204%。Inaddition, a report from US search giant Google said that the downloads of appsmade by Chinese developers among the world's top 1,000 applications nearlydoubled over the past decade, from 8 percent to 14 percent.谷歌发布的《2021移动应用全球化指南》显示,2011年到2021年上半年,中国厂商在前1000名全球应用下载量APP中的占比从8%升至14%。Industryexperts said this demonstrated Chinese companies' strong innovativecapabilities, but they also face challenges amid rising geopolitical tensions.业内人士表示,这呈现了中国企业巨大的创新活力,在日益紧张的地缘政治局势中,中国企业同时面临着艰巨挑战。"Chinesecompanies are playing a bigger role in global mobile app innovation, thanks tothe rapid development of the digital economy. The momentum of digitalconsumption and 5G commercialization promoted the continuous innovation anditerative upgrading of digital technologies, thus driving the huge innovativevitality of app developers," said Wang Peng, a researcher at the BeijingAcademy of Social Sciences.北京市社会科学院研究员王鹏表示:“由于数字经济的快速发展,中国企业在全球APP创新中发挥着越来越大的作用。数字消费和5G技术助力数字技术的不断创新和迭代升级,从而为APP开发者注入了巨大的创新活力。”"TheChinese government has also been making great efforts in driving digitalinnovation and encouraging companies to deeply integrate digital technologieswith the real economy," Wang added.“中国政府也一直在大力推动数字创新,鼓励企业将数字技术与实体经济深度融合。”王鹏补充说。Wangalso said that such efforts have led to the development of a group of industryleaders that are able to leverage their innovative ability to contribute toglobal industrial development.王鹏指出,我国已经培养了一批能够利用其创新能力为全球工业发展做出贡献的行业领导者。TheiResearch report noted that Chinese gaming apps continued to be the majorrevenue driver of the nation's apps overseas, but social networking apps havealso displayed growth momentum over the past year.艾瑞咨询的报告指出,游戏类APP一直是中国应用在海外的主要收入来源,而社交类APP在过去一年也显示出增长势头。TheUnited States, Japan and South Korea were the main overseas sources of incomefor Chinese apps. Notably, downloads of Chinese apps also increased in Africa,the Middle East and Southeast Asia last year, among which the African marketwas the most prominent, with a total growth rate of 18.9 percent year-on-year.北美、东亚(日韩)、欧洲一直是出海应用主要的收入来源地。值得注意的是,中国APP在非洲、中东及东南亚地区下载量有所上扬,其中非洲地区最为突出,增速为18.9%。StarMaker,a karaoke video app enabling users to create and share music videos, quicklywent viral in 102 countries and regions, where it has become one of thebest-selling music apps.StarMaker是一款音配类社交应用,用户在上面可以制作和分享音乐视频。这款应用迅速在102个国家和地区走红,成为热门音乐应用。"Theglobal market is promising for Chinese companies. Though it takes a longtime to develop a brand in foreign markets, Chinese companies are good atresearch and development, meaning products can quickly be technology-driven andmeet local needs," said Fang Han, CEO of Kunlun, the developer ofStarMaker.昆仑万维首席执行官、StarMaker开发者方汉说:“全球市场对中国企业来说大有可为。尽管APP在海外扎根需要很长时间,但中国企业擅长研发,这意味着产品可以迅速由技术驱动,满足当地的需求。”"Aftersuccess in one market, we are also able to quickly spread this to othercountries," Fang said, adding that the company has a dominant position inmarkets in Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East.方汉表示,“在一个市场取得成功后,我们也能迅速将其推广到其他国家。”昆仑万维的出海业务在东南亚、非洲和中东市场占据主导地位。Smalldevelopers from China are also warming up the global mobile app market. US techcompany Apple Inc said that more than 5 million third-party developers in itsiOS app ecosystem are from China, up from 4.4 million a year ago, and they haveincreasingly become a major force in the global app economy.中国的小型APP开发团队也在蓬勃发展。苹果官网发布消息称,苹果大中华区的注册开发者数量现已超过500万,比去为440万,这些开发者已经日益成为全球APP市场的主要力量。However,Huang Leping, head of technology, media and telecommunications at HuataiSecurities, said that many challenges remain for Chinese companies in goingglobal, especially as many countries have tightened up their data protectionpolicies.然而,华泰证券TMT研究组负责人黄乐平表示,中国企业出海仍面临阻力,尤其是在许多国家收紧了数据保护政策的情况下。"Inthe past, companies have been able to build a set of algorithms in China andoffer services in foreign markets, where the data can be interconnected. But inthe future, companies may need to build supporting facilities in variouscountries to do that, which will greatly increase their operating costs andrisks," Huang said.黄乐平说:“过去总部在中国,企业可能可以通过在海外复制一个大的‘总部’来实现‘全球化’,在数据可以互联互通的地方提供服务;未来,一些企业或许需要像抖音一样在各国本地建设配套的算法团队,以使用该国数据。此举会大大增加企业的运营成本和风险。”记者:程钰revenue英[ˈrevənjuː];美[ˈrevənuː]n.税收;财政收入;收益momentum英[məˈmentəm];美[moʊˈmentəm]n.[物]动量; 势头; 动力; 要素,契机promising英[ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ];美[ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ]adj. 有希望的;有前途的