英语新闻丨Astronaut sets record for time in space

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Senior Colonel Tang Hongbo ended his 216th day in orbit on Tuesday, extending his lead as the Chinese astronaut to have spent the longest time in space.2024年2月27日,汤洪波大校结束了他在轨道上的第216天,成为中国在太空中停留时间最长的人。The 48-year-old from Hunan province is a member of China's second generation of astronauts and mission commander of the ongoing Shenzhou XVII mission. He is also the first person to have returned to China's Tiangong space station.这位48岁的湖南人是中国第二代航天员,是正在进行的神舟十七号任务的指挥官,也是第一个返回中国天宫空间站的人。Tang made his first journey into space in June 2021, on the three-month Shenzhou XII mission, becoming one of the space station's first inhabitants.汤洪波于2021年6月首次进入太空,执行了为期三个月的神舟十二号任务,成为空间站的首批居民之一。During that mission, he spent 92 days and four hours in orbit.在那次任务中,他在轨道上待了92天4小时。On Oct 26, Tang and two crewmates, Lieutenant Colonel Tang Shengjie and Lieutenant Colonel Jiang Xinlin, set out on the Shenzhou XVII mission, arriving at the Tiangong station that afternoon.10月26日,汤洪波和两名队友唐胜杰、江新林出发执行神舟十七号任务,并于当天下午抵达天宫站。By noon on Monday, Tang Hongbo's current mission had lasted 123 days, taking his total time in orbit to 215 days.截至2024年2月26日中午,汤洪波目前的任务已经持续了123天,他在轨道上的总时间为215天。That meant he surpassed Chen Dong, who previously held the record for the longest time in-orbit for a Chinese astronaut after spending a total of 214 days and 15 hours in orbit on two space missions.这意味着他超越了陈冬。此前陈冬保持了中国宇航员在轨道上停留时间最长的记录,在两次太空任务中,共在轨道上停留了214天15小时。The Shenzhou XVII mission crew is scheduled to spend over two more months in orbit, which means Tang Hongbo will return to Earth having clocked about 280 days of orbital flight.神舟十七号任务人员计划在轨道上再呆两个多月,这意味着汤洪波将在完成约280天的轨道飞行后返回地球。He has also made two space flights within the shortest interval — two years and one month — of any Chinese astronaut.他还完成了两次太空飞行,这是中国宇航员中间隔时间最短的一次——两年零一个月。Twenty Chinese astronauts have been in space on 12 space flights.在12次太空飞行中已经有20名中国宇航员进入太空。Among them, Tang Hongbo, Chen Dong and Jing Haipeng — the first Chinese astronaut with four spaceflights — each have more than 200 hours in orbit.其中,汤洪波、陈冬和景海鹏——中国首位进行过四次太空飞行的宇航员——每人在轨道上飞行了200小时以上。Oleg Dmitriyevich Kononenko, a 59-year-old Russian cosmonaut, boasts the longest time in space of any astronaut in the world. He has accumulated more than 900 days in orbit during his five flights to the International Space Station, including his current one-year flight.现年59岁的俄罗斯宇航员奥列格·德米特里耶维奇·科诺年科(Oleg Dmitriyevich Kononenko)自称是世界上在太空停留时间最长的宇航员。在5次飞往国际空间站的任务中,他已经在轨道上累计了900多天,包括这次为期一年的飞行。Orbitn.(环绕地球、太阳等运行的)轨道Boastv.有(值得自豪的东西);吹嘘,夸耀