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英语新闻|B站年度弹幕出炉!谁“优雅”当选了?Bilibili, a leading video platform popular among China's younger generation, announced on Thursday the phrase of the year on its site to be "You Ya", or "elegant/elegance" when translated literally.深受中国年轻人喜爱的弹幕视频网站哔哩哔哩在周四公布了年度弹幕关键词——“优雅”。The original meaning of“You Ya” isgraceful and stylish in appearance or manner. In traditional Chinese context,it is often used to describe the beauty of artistic harmony, or to praise the cultural taste andetiquette of others.“优雅”原义即优美、高雅,在传统汉语语境中,多用于形容艺术上的和谐之美,或赞美他人的文化品味与礼仪风度。And what is the special meaning of "elegance" in today's Internet context?而现今的互联网语境中,“优雅”有什么特殊意义呢?Elegant/elegance is often used to praise someone who is stronghearted or resilient, or good at staying calm. No matter what the situation is, he or she can maintain a calm and steady mentality.“优雅”往往用于称赞某人因拥有强大的内心或过硬的本领而处变不惊,无论在什么境况下都能找到并保持从容稳健的状态。So, how do you use "elegant/elegance"?所以,大家都是怎么用“优雅”的呢?In a hot vedio How to transform a piano into a barbecue car published by uploader“Handy Geng”, he combined classical instrument and easy-going barbecue in a creative and crafty way. The audience posted bullet comments to say it is“elegance".在UP主“手工耿”的热门视频《自制钢琴烤串车》中,他通过创意和手艺将古典乐器与接地气的烧烤相结合,观众纷纷发弹幕表示这很“优雅”。In another example, "Xia Xia Limb", a disableduploader owner with less than 10,000 followers, contributed a videoandgenerously showed howtousethe prosthetic leg to climb thestairs, which received over 3 million views and a screen full of "elegant"bullet comment.另外一个例子,粉丝数不足一万的残障UP主“夏夏肢乎”投稿视频大方展示自己如何用假肢登上台阶,收获了超300万次播放和满屏的“优雅”弹幕。Traditionally, elegance is often associated with middle- and high-class groups or those with high academic backgrounds. But now, elegance emphasizes an ability to control and balance life for ordinary people.从这些案例中可以看出,传统意义上的“优雅”往往与社会中高阶层或者高文化水平的人群联系在一起,而现在网络上的“优雅”则更强调一种普通人对生活的掌控力。Shao Yanjun, a professor of the Chinese Department of Peking University, said: "When 'elegance', as an Internet 'meme',became popular through bullet comment and social media, the class color and elite attributes in it were obviously weakened, and 'elegance'is no longer a priority.北大中文系教授邵燕君这样说道:“当‘优雅’作为一个互联网‘梗’,通过弹幕与社交媒体流行起来,其中的阶层色彩和精英属性被明显削弱了,‘优雅’不再是特权。Rreal-time comments is a new form of comment that has emerged in recent years, from viewers fly across the screen like bullets while a video is playing.“弹幕”是近几年兴起的一种新的评论形式,指视频播放时观众的实时评论像子弹一样在屏幕上穿梭。Such kind of real-time comments are usually expressed as“bullet comment” in English. If there are so many bullet comments taking up the whole screen while a video is playing, a bullet screen is formed.这样的“弹幕评论”在英语中一般用bullet comments表示,如果视频播放时弹幕评论很多,占据了整个屏幕,就形成了bullet screen(弹幕)。After several years of development, bullet comment has become more than just a way of interaction, it also acts as a bridge between people in the digital age, carrying the connection intentions of young netizens and recording the culturalresonance of the distinctive characteristics of the times.经过几年的发展,弹幕已不仅仅是一种互动方式,还充当了数字时代下人和人之间的桥梁,承载年轻网民的连接意图,记录着具备鲜明时代特征的文化共鸣。As a form of instant interaction, bulletcomment is anintuitional representation of howaudience react to specific content, and the derivative bullet comment culture records the changes in the younger generation and the times. 作为一种即时性互动方式,弹幕直观地呈现了观众对特定内容的反应,由此衍生的弹幕文化,也记录了年轻群体及时代的变迁。Resilient英 [rɪˈzɪliənt]   美 [rɪˈzɪljənt]adj. 能复原的Attribute英 [əˈtrɪbjuːt] 美 [ əˈtrɪbjuːt]n. 属性Resonance英 [ˈrezənəns]  美 [ˈrezənəns]n. 共鸣