英语新闻丨Beijing aims to be exemplar of digital ec(1)

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Beijing will develop into a global exemplar city for digital economy with an overall transformation in production, governance and lifestyle driven by digitization, Yin Yong, mayor of the city, said on Sunday during the second session of the 16th Beijing Municipal People's Congress.2024年1月21日,北京市市长殷勇在周日举行的第十六届北京市人民代表大会第二次会议上表示,北京将发展成为全球数字经济的典范城市,在数字化的驱动下实现生产、治理和生活方式的全面转变。In recent years, the city has pioneered in key technology, infrastructure and application related to the digital sector. "For example, Beijing built 30,000 5G bases last year. It has about half of the country's generative artificial intelligence large model products available for the public. It has a 160-square-kilometer high-level demonstration zone for automatic driving," Yin said while delivering a government work report during the opening ceremony of the session.近年来,该市在数字领域的关键技术、基础设施和应用方面进行了开拓。殷勇在会议开幕式上发表政府工作报告时表示:“例如,去年北京建设了3万个5G基站。北京拥有全国一半左右的生成式人工智能大型模型产品可供公众使用,还拥有160平方公里的自动驾驶高级示范区。”In 2023, the city's GDP reached 4.4 trillion yuan ($61.16 million), up 5.2 percent year-on-year, while the digital economy contributed 42.9 percent to its GDP, compared with 41.6 percent in 2022. Beijing has set a GDP growth target of 5 percent for this year, according to the government work report.2023年,北京市的GDP达到4.4万亿元人民币(合6116万美元),同比增长5.2%,而数字经济对GDP的贡献率为42.9%,2022年则为41.6%。根据政府工作报告,这一年北京制定了5%的GDP增长目标。In 2024, the city will further improve underlying technology of AI and make its AI models as advanced as international ones, promoting its application in government administration, the medical field, industries and life services, according to the work report.根据政府工作报告,在2024年,北京市将进一步提高人工智能的基础技术,使其人工智能模型与国际先进水平接轨,推动其在政府管理、医疗领域、工业和生活服务等领域的应用。Automatic driving will be applied in more scenarios such as airports, railway stations and urban road cleaning. The city is developing more emerging digital infrastructure such as 10-gigawatt optical network and internet of vehicles to serve the construction of a smart city, the report added.自动驾驶将应用于更多的场景,如机场、火车站和城市道路清理。报告补充说,北京市正在开发更多的新兴数字基础设施,如10千兆瓦光网络和车联网,以服务于智慧城市的建设。Luo Aiwu, director of Beijing Building Construction Research Institute Co's scientific research and quality management department, said at a news conference on Sunday that construction of a smart city aims to bring better living experiences for residents and improve their sense of happiness.北京建筑工程研究院有限公司科研质量管理部主任罗爱武在周日的新闻发布会上表示,建设智慧城市旨在为居民带来更好的生活体验,提高他们的幸福感。"We can foresee a broader coverage of digital devices. Intelligent transport will ease traffic jams. The internet of things can monitor pollution. We can also explore more possibilities such as showing the location of barrier free facilities as well as number of tourists at an attraction, on portable devices to improve tourism experience," said Luo, who is also a member of the 14th Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.罗爱武也是中国人民政治协商会议第十四届北京市委员会的成员,他认为,“我们可以预见数字设备的覆盖范围将更加广泛。智能交通将缓解交通拥堵。物联网可以监测污染。我们还可以探索更多的可能性,例如在便携设备上显示无障碍设施的位置以及景点的游客数量,以改善旅游体验。”In the latest development, 15 automatic patrolling vehicles last week began to guard industrial parks, subway stations and shopping malls round the clock within a 60-sq-km area in the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area. It was the first road test for such vehicles in China.在最新的进展中,上周开始,15辆自动巡逻车在北京经济技术开发区一个60平方公里的范围内24小时守卫工业园区、地铁站和购物中心,这是中国首次对这种车辆进行路试。On one side of the vehicles is a display screen that broadcasts anti-fraud information, safety tips and other videos. Inside, it is loaded with explosion-proof equipment, fire extinguishers, first aid kits, rescue equipment and security equipment. Residents can press a button to seek help. The speed is 10 to 15 km per hour. Residents can speak to the police and the real-time pictures will be transferred back, in an innovative form of urban governance. The vehicles were developed by Neolix Autonomous Vehicle.车辆的一侧有一个显示屏,播放防欺诈信息、安全提示和其他视频。车内装有防爆设备、灭火器、急救箱、救援设备和安全设备。居民可以按下按钮寻求帮助。速度为每小时10到15公里。居民可以与警方对话,实时图片将被传回,是一种创新的城市治理形式。这些车辆由新石器龙码科技(Neolix Autonomous Vehicle)开发。Automatic driving progress自动驾驶进展In September 2020, Beijing started building a high-level automatic driving demonstration zone, and has since tested multiple commercial applications such as automatic trucks and those running on highways.在2020年9月,北京开始建设高水平的自动驾驶示范区,并测试了自动卡车和高速公路上行驶的车辆等多种商业应用。More than 800 vehicles from 28 companies have been tested at the automatic driving demonstration zone with an overall distance of over 20 million km. The zone has already used unmanned vehicles in passenger transport, logistics, cleaning and express delivery, serving 2 million people.来自28家公司的800多辆车辆已经在自动驾驶示范区内进行了测试,总距离超过2000万公里。该区已经在客运、物流、清洁和快递等领域使用无人驾驶车辆,为200万人提供服务。Kong Lei, director of the administrative committee of the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, said the zone will expand another 440 sq km to Tongzhou and Shunyi districts. In the future, passengers will also be able to take unmanned vehicles from the area to Beijing Daxing International Airport.北京经济技术开发区管委会主任孔磊表示,该区将再扩大440平方公里,覆盖通州区和顺义区。未来,乘客还将能够乘坐无人驾驶车辆从该区前往北京大兴国际机场。Liu Mingmin, chief marketing officer of Neolix Autonomous Vehicle, said China has a large consumer group, the best scenarios and a complete industrial chain to support rapid development ofautomatic driving."The low manufacturing cost and strong support from the policies also give companies much confidence to bring ideas from labs to products on the market," he said. "With more roads open for automatic driving and more supportive measures from the government, Beijing has set a good example for other cities."蔚来汽车首席营销官刘明民表示,中国拥有庞大的消费群体、最佳的场景和完整的产业链,可以支持自动驾驶的快速发展。他说:“低制造成本和政策的大力支持也让企业有信心将创意从实验室转化为产品。随着越来越多的道路开放自动驾驶,以及政府出台更多的支持措施,北京为其他城市树立了良好的榜样。”He welcomed the fact that the work report said the government encourages the development of emerging technologies and the digital economy.刘明民对工作报告中提到的政府鼓励发展新兴技术和数字经济表示欢迎。The company's 300 unmanned vehicles have been used in the demonstration zone, the Olympic Forest Park and the 798 Art Zone.蔚来汽车公司的300辆无人驾驶车辆已经在示范区、奥林匹克森林公园和798艺术区使用。anti-fraud 反诈骗automatic driving 自动驾驶