英语新闻丨Beijing slams Lai's 'stopover' in US

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Beijing has strongly opposed the "stopover" in the United States by Lai Ching-te, Taiwan's deputy leader, calling him a "troublemaker through and through" and stating that the move "seriously violates the one-China principle, and gravely undermines China's sovereignty and territorial integrity".中方强烈反对台湾地区副领导人赖清德“过境”窜美,称他是“彻头彻尾的麻烦制造者”。并表示此举“严重违反一个中国原则,严重损害中方主权和领土完整。”The remarks came after Lai arrived in New York on Sunday on his way to Paraguay — one of only 13 states that retain official ties with Taiwan — to attend the inauguration of the country's new president.赖清德周日抵达纽约,前往巴拉圭,参加巴拉圭新总统的就职典礼。巴拉圭是仅13个与台湾保持正式关系的国家之一。The Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Sunday that China strongly condemns the US decision to arrange the so-called stopover for Lai, who clings stubbornly to the separatist position for "Taiwan independence", in a move that seriously violates the one-China principle.外交部周日在一份声明中表示,中国强烈谴责美国安排赖清德所谓中途停留的决定。赖清德固执地坚持“台湾独立”的分裂立场,这严重违反了一个中国原则。The Taiwan question is at the core of the core interests of China, the bedrock of the political foundation of China-US relations, and the first red line that must not be crossed in China-US relations, the ministry said.外交部表示,台湾问题是中国核心利益中的核心,是中美关系政治基础中的基础,是中美关系第一条不可逾越的红线。Urging the US to stop fudging and hollowing out the one-China principle, it said Beijing is closely following the developments of the situation and will take resolute and strong measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity.该部门敦促美国停止虚化掏空一个中国原则,并表示中方正密切跟踪事态发展,将采取坚决有力措施捍卫国家主权和领土完整。Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said in a statement on Sunday that "under the guise of so-called transit, Lai engages in activities that aim to betray Taiwan's interests and seek personal gains by selling out the island to the US".国务院台湾事务办公室新闻发言人朱凤莲在周日的一份声明中表示,赖清德打着“过境”的幌子,干着到美卖台、谋取私利的勾当。"These actions not only harm the interests of the people on the island but also the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, making him a complete troublemaker," she said.她说:“这些行为损害岛内民众利益,破坏台海地区和平稳定,他是彻头彻尾的“麻烦制造者”。”Zhu said "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and the actions of the separatist forces run counter to the mainstream opinion on the island, which seeks peace, development, communication and cooperation with the mainland.朱凤莲表示,“台湾独立”与台湾海峡的和平与稳定不相容,分裂势力的行动又与岛内主流意见相悖,主流意见希望与大陆保持和平、发展、交流和合作。Ultimately, such actions will only push Taiwan into a dangerous situation of conflict and jeopardize the well-being of the Taiwan people, she said.她说,最终,这样的行动只会把台湾推入危险的冲突局势,危及台湾人民的福祉。A group of Taiwan residents gathered at the airport where Lai set off on Saturday to protest his visit to the US. They shouted slogans accusing Lai of relying on the US to seek "independence" and colluding with the US to destroy Taiwan.一群台湾居民在赖清德周六离开的机场聚集起来抗议他访问美国。他们高喊口号,指责赖清德依赖美国寻求“独立”,并与美国勾结破坏台湾。Chi Chia-lin, who heads the Reunification Alliance Party in Taiwan, joined the protest and said the US has betrayed its commitment to Beijing, and that it has been frequently arranging the so-called "transit" trips for island politicians.台湾统一联盟党主席戚嘉林也加入了抗议活动,他说美国背叛了对中国的承诺,并经常为台湾政客安排所谓的“过境”旅行。"We will tell the world that we support the reunification of the two sides of the Strait, and call on Lai to face up to our voice for cross-Strait peace," he said.他说:“我们将告诉世界,我们支持海峡两岸的统一,并呼吁赖清德正视我们支持海峡两岸和平的声音。”Lai, 63, Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party's 2024 leadership candidate, has previously called himself a pragmatic worker for "Taiwan independence". Last month he claimed "entering the White House" was his aim, which led to the US immediately seeking a clarification from him.现年63岁的赖清德是台湾执政党民进党2024年的领导人候选人,此前他称自己是“台湾独立”的务实工作者。上个月,他声称“进入白宫”是他的目标,这导致美国立即寻求他的澄清。Arriving at an airport in the US, Lai was greeted by Ingrid Larson, managing director of the American Institute in Taiwan's Washington office. He was scheduled to make another stopover in the US on his way back to Taiwan.赖清德抵达美国机场时受到了美国在台协会华盛顿总部执行理事蓝莺的欢迎。赖清德计划在返回台湾时再在美国过境一次。Lai's trip follows Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's "transit" in the US in April, which prompted counter-measures including large-scale military drills by the People's Liberation Army.赖清德此行是在台湾地区领导人蔡英文四月份在美国“过境”之后,该事件引起包括人民解放军大规模军事演习在内的反击措施。Ji Ye, deputy director of Xiamen University's Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies, said the "transit" happened against the backdrop of an increasingly strategic competition between China and the US.厦门大学台湾研究所副所长季烨表示,“过境”发生在中美之间战略竞争日益激烈的背景下。He said that with Taiwan's regional election scheduled in January and the US presidential election scheduled at the end of next year, the Taiwan question is expected to become a focal point of political campaigns, adding greater uncertainty to the situation across the Taiwan Strait.他说,台湾地区选举预定于明年一月,且明年底美国总统大选,台湾问题预计会成为政治竞选的焦点,这将给台湾海峡的形势带来更大的不确定性。Under these circumstances, Beijing is expected to see increased pressure in the coming months to safeguard the one-China principle, and the battle against separatism and interference will likely intensify, he added.他补充说,在这种情况下,预计中方将在未来几个月增加维护一个中国原则的压力,并可能会加强对分裂以及干涉的反对。principle英/'prɪnsɪp(ə)l/美/'prɪnsəpl/n.原则