英语新闻丨Bid to smear HKSAR security law criticized

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Officials strongly condemned some Western politicians on Wednesday for criticizing Hong Kong's new national security law, saying the attacks cannot stop the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from achieving greater success.3月20日,香港官员就西方政客抹黑《维护国家安全条例草案》的言论发表强烈谴责,称这些言论不能阻止香港特别行政区取得进一步发展。The SAR will enforce the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance on Saturday after it was unanimously cleared by the Legislative Council on Tuesday. The law has been created to prevent and punish five types of acts endangering national security, including treason, theft of State secrets and espionage.3月19日,《维护国家安全条例草案》获得立法会一致通过,将于3月23日执行。该法旨在预防和惩治叛国罪、窃取国家秘密罪、间谍罪等五种危害国家安全的行为。Some Western politicians have been critical of the ordinance, claiming that it will undermine Hong Kong's freedom. Among those who have been critical are David Cameron, the foreign secretary of the United Kingdom and Josep Borrell, high representative for foreign affairs and security policy of the European Union.一些西方政客对该条例提出批评,称其将损害香港的自由。其中包括英国外交大臣戴维·卡梅伦和欧盟外交事务和安全政策高级代表何塞普·博雷尔。The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday said it is firmly opposed to some countries and organizations denigrating and smearing the SAR's national security ordinance.3月20日,中国外交部表示,坚决反对一些国家和组织抹黑抹黑香港国家安全条例。At the Foreign Ministry's regular news conference, spokesman Lin Jian said the ordinance is a milestone in the development of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong. It helps the city fulfill its constitutional responsibility of safeguarding national security, and further strengthens the security foundation for Hong Kong's development, Lin said. Lin stressed that any attack and smear on the ordinance is destined to be in vain.在外交部例行记者会上,发言人林健表示,该条例是香港“一国两制”发展的里程碑。这有利于香港履行维护国家安全的宪制责任,进一步夯实香港发展的安全基础。任何对条例的攻击和抹黑都注定是徒劳的。In a strongly worded statement issued on Wednesday, a spokesperson for the Commissioner's Office of the Foreign Ministry in Hong Kong refuted Cameron's remarks, emphasizing the new security law, legislated under Article 23 of the Basic Law, will not affect Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, and will fully protect the normal activities of foreign institutions and personnel in the SAR.3月20日,外交部驻港特派员公署发言人发表严厉声明,驳斥卡梅伦的言论,强调根据基本法第二十三条制定的新国安法不会影响香港的高度自治并将全力保障外国机构和人员在特区的正常活动。The spokesperson noted that the Sino-British Joint Declaration does not give the UK any right to interfere in Hong Kong affairs after the city's return to the motherland in 1997. He urged the British politicians to give up the illusion of continuing to peddle colonial influence in the city, and stop interfering in the internal affairs of China and the SAR.发言人指出,香港自1997年回归后,《中英联合声明》并没有赋予英国任何干涉香港事务的权利。他敦促英国政客放弃继续在香港兜售殖民影响力的幻想。停止干涉中国内政和特别行政区的内政。In a separate statement, the commissioner's office urged the EU to face up to Hong Kong people's broad support for the legislation, saying the ordinance is set to provide strong legal protection for the city's high-quality development and opening-up, better safeguard the properties of local residents, boost the confidence of local and overseas investors, and create a safer, and a more convenient and efficient business environment.公署在另一份声明中敦促欧盟正视香港民众对立法的广泛支持,称该条例旨在为香港高质量发展和对外开放提供强有力的法律保障,更好地保护财产增强当地和境外投资者信心,营造更安全、更便捷、更高效的营商环境。The HKSAR government too on Wednesday condemned some Western countries, organizations and politicians for continuously making slanderous, highly misleading and false statements on the ordinance.港府也对一些西方国家、组织和政客不断就该条例发表诽谤性、高度误导性和虚假言论发表强烈谴责。A spokesperson for the SAR government emphasized that the ordinance was broadly supported by various sectors in Hong Kong, helping the city effectively prevent, stop and punish acts that endanger national security.特区政府发言人强调,该条例得到香港各界广泛支持,有利于香港有效预防、制止和惩治危害国家安全的行为。Chris Tang Ping-keung, the secretary for security, said that only those who want to undermine the city do not want Hong Kong to have a law to protect national security. Experts familiar with Hong Kong affairs also criticized the smear campaign. Grenville Cross, senior counsel and former director of public prosecutions of the Hong Kong SAR, said some Western politicians only view the ordinance as a stick to beat Hong Kong with.保安局局长邓炳强表示,只有那些想破坏香港的人才不希望香港有一部维护国家安全的法律。香港事务专家也对抹黑行为提出批评。香港特别行政区高级律师、前检察长格伦维尔·克罗斯表示,一些西方政客只把该条例视为打击香港的大棒。He pointed out that the primary allegation is that it threatened human rights. On the contrary, Cross said the ordinance spares no effort to protect human rights, which goes further than any law in other common law jurisdictions such as Australia, Canada, the UK and the United States.克罗斯指出,西方主要指控是新条例威胁人权。但该条例反而是在不遗余力地保护人权,这比澳大利亚、加拿大、英国和美国等其他普通法司法管辖区的任何法律都更进一步。British political and international relations analyst Tom Fowdy said that there is a persistent view that the city cannot make national security laws but only accept Western backed political interference. Fowdy called the view "nonsensical", saying that only those who have attempted to weaponize the city against China violate the city's long-standing strengths.英国政治和国际关系分析师汤姆·福迪表示,人们一直认为香港不能制定国家安全法,而只能接受西方支持的政治干预。这种观点“荒谬”至极,并表示只有那些试图将武器化香港以此来对抗中国的人才真正侵犯了香港的利益。treason英 /ˈtriː.zən/ 美/ˈtriː.zən/n.叛国罪smear 英 /smɪər/ 美/smɪr/v.抹黑