英语新闻|Biden promises new military aid for Kyiv 拜登宣布增加对乌军援

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US President Joe Biden made an unannounced visit to Kyiv on Monday to meet with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, a striking gesture of solidarity coming days away from the one-year anniversary of the conflict with Russia.2月20日,美国总统拜登未经宣布访问基辅,与乌克兰总统沃洛基米尔·泽连斯基会面,这一声援姿态引人注目,因为几天后就是乌克兰与俄罗斯冲突一周年。Speaking alongside Zelensky at Mariinsky Palace, Biden recalled the fear nearly a year ago that Russian forces might quickly take the Ukrainian capital. "One year later, Kyiv stands," he said.拜登在马林斯基宫与泽连斯基一同发表讲话,回忆了近一年前的担忧,即俄军可能会迅速占领乌克兰首都。“一年后,基辅站了起来,”他说。The Ukraine visit came at a crucial moment as Biden looks to keep allies unifiedin their support for the country, with the conflict expected to intensify as both sides prepare for spring offensives. Zelensky is pressing allies to speed up delivery of pledged weapon systems and is calling on the West to deliver fighter jets to Ukraine, something that Biden to date has declined to do.拜登访问乌克兰正值关键时刻,他希望希望让盟友保持对乌克兰的支持,在双方准备春季攻势之际,预计冲突将加剧。泽连斯基敦促盟友加快交付承诺的武器系统,并呼吁西方向乌克兰交付战斗机,而拜登迄今拒绝这样做。In Kyiv, Biden announced an additional half-billion dollars in US assistance — on top of the more than $50 billion already provided — including shells for howitzers, antitank missiles, air surveillance radars and other aid, but no new advanced weaponry.拜登在基辅宣布,美国在已经提供500多亿美元援助的基础上,将再提供5亿美元援助,包括榴弹炮炮弹、反坦克导弹、空中监视雷达和其他援助,但没有提供新的先进武器。Ukraine has also been pushing for battlefield systems that would allow its forces to strike Russian targets that have been moved back from front-line areas, out of the range of HIMARS missiles that have already been delivered.乌克兰还一直在推动建立战场系统,能够让部队打击已经从前线地区撤回的俄罗斯目标,这些目标超出了已经交付的HIMARS导弹的射程。Zelensky said he and Biden spoke about "long-range weapons and the weapons that may still be supplied to Ukraine even though it wasn't supplied before". But he did not detail any new commitments. "Our negotiations were very fruitful," he added.泽连斯基表示,他和拜登谈到了“远程武器,以前没有提供但仍可能向乌克兰提供的武器”。但是他没有详细说明任何新的承诺。“我们的谈判很有成效,”他补充说。Biden's mission with this visit, coming ahead of a scheduled trip to Warsaw, Poland, was to underscore that the US is prepared to stick with Ukraine "as long as it takes" to repel Russian forces, even as public opinion polling suggests that US and allied support for providing weaponry and direct economic assistance has started to soften, The Associated Press commented.拜登此次访问的任务在原定的波兰华沙之行之前进行,强调美国准备与乌克兰“坚持到”击退俄罗斯军队,尽管民意调查显示,美国及其盟军对提供武器和直接经济援助的支持已经开始减弱,美联社评论道。For Zelensky, it added, the symbolism of having the United States president stand side by side with him on Ukrainian land as the anniversary nears is no small thing as he prods the US and European allies to provide more advanced weaponry and to step up the pace of delivery.对于泽连斯基来说,它还说,对泽连斯基来说,在周年纪念日临近之际,美国总统与他并肩站在乌克兰的土地上,其象征意义非同小可,因为他敦促美国和欧洲盟友提供更多先进的武器装备并加快交付速度。'War machine' protest对“战争机器”的抗议Speculation has been building for weeks that Biden would pay a visit to Ukraine around the Feb 24 anniversary. The White House had repeatedly said that no presidential trip to Kyiv was planned, even after the Poland visit was announced this month.几周以来,外界一直在猜测拜登将在2月24日周年纪念前后访问乌克兰。白宫曾多次表示,没有计划对基辅进行总统访问,即使在本月宣布对波兰进行访问后也是如此。On Sunday, hundreds of protesters attended a rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, slamming the US' role as a "war machine" in overseas conflicts.2月19日,数百名抗议者在华盛顿林肯纪念堂举行集会,抨击美国在海外冲突中扮演“战争机器”的角色。Organizers said the rally was to protest the massive amounts of money being funneled into Ukraine, as well as the US' role in the ongoing conflict. "Billions of taxpayers' dollars are being torched at the altar of US hegemony, the military-industrial complex, and a corrupt Congress," they said in a news release.组织者表示,这次集会是为了抗议大量资金流入乌克兰,以及美国在持续冲突中所扮演的角色。他们在新闻发布会上说:“数十亿纳税人的钱在美国霸权、军工联合体和腐败的国会的祭坛上付之一炬。”Jimmy Dore, a US political commentator and media personality, spoke at Sunday's rally, saying: "Do you know we could end this war today through diplomacy? But our politicians want to enrich weapons manufacturers, so they keep donating to them."美国政治评论员兼媒体人吉米·多尔在2月19日的集会上发表讲话说:“你知道我们今天可以通过外交结束这场战争吗?但我们的政客想要让武器制造商发财,因此不断向他们捐款。”Cat McGuire, a protester from New York City, said the overarching goal of the rally was to stop the conflict in Ukraine. "People have to wake up," she said. "There's massive warmongering propaganda and, unfortunately, too many people have bought into it."来自纽约市的抗议者凯特麦奎尔说,集会的首要目标是停止乌克兰的冲突。“人们必须醒来,”她说。“有大量的好战宣传,不幸的是,有太多人买账了。”Other speakers and protesters also lashed out at the US military-industrial complex, a powerful interest group made of the military, private defense contractors, and politicians.其他发言人和抗议者也猛烈抨击美国军工复合体,这是一个由军方、私人国防承包商和政客组成的强大利益集团。After the rally, the protesters marched to the White House, chanting slogans including "No NATO, no war".集会结束后,抗议者游行至白宫,高喊“没有北约,就没有战争”等口号。Eric Reeves, a protester from Texas, said that the military-industrial complex, which has huge influence on Washington's decision-makers, is way out of control. The US government is "not doing the will of the American people" and is "making decisions without consulting us", he added.来自德克萨斯州的抗议者埃里克·里夫斯表示,对华盛顿决策者有巨大影响的军工复合体已经完全失控。他补充道,美国政府“没有按照美国人民的意愿行事”,“在没有征求我们意见的情况下做出决定”。Counterpart英 [ˈkaʊntəpɑːt] 美 [ˈkaʊntərpɑːrt]n. 职能(或地位)相当的人Solidarity 英 [ˌsɒlɪˈdærəti]  美 [ˌsɑːlɪˈdærəti]n.团结Speculation英[ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn]美[ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn]n.推断