英语新闻丨Blizzard alert issued for several regions revised

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Snow: Transportation, water supply services face pressure雨雪天气:交通、供水服务面临压力China's northern and central regions are experiencing heavy snowfall and plummeting temperatures, which are posing serious challenges for public transportation and water supply services, and have prompted many schools to suspend classes.华北地区和中部地区正在经历一轮降雪和降温过程,给公共交通和供水服务带来严峻挑战,多所学校宣布停课。The National Meteorological Center on Monday renewed its blue warning — the lowest level of alert in a four-tier system — for cold waves across the country.中国国家气象局周一继续发布寒潮蓝色预警,该预警为四级气象预警中的最低一级。From Wednesday through Friday, blizzards are forecast in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan provinces, with some areas expected to see more than 10 centimeters of snow cover on Sunday, the center said.气象局预报,周三到周五,山西、陕西、河南等省份将出现暴雪天气,周日,局部地区积雪厚度将超过10厘米。The weather will bring a significant drop in temperatures across several regions, including Northwest and Southwest China and parts of South China. Some areas may see temperatures plummet by more than 14 C.寒潮将引起全国多地大幅降温,包括西北、西南以及局部南方地区。一些地区的气温下降幅度将超过14℃。Beijing's first snowfall this winter arrived early on Monday, covering the Chinese capital in a mantle of white overnight and plunging the city into freezing temperatures, with even colder weather looming this week.周一凌晨,北京迎来了今年冬天的初雪,一夜之间,首都银装素裹,地冻天寒。而本周内,北京的气温还会继续下降。The city typically sees its first snow of the season between late November and February. More snowfall is expected this week, with temperatures forecast to plummet as low as -20 C.北京的冬季初雪一般在每年的11月底到次年的2月出现。本周内北京还将降雪,预计温度将降至-20℃。The Chinese capital last saw similarly frigid weather on Jan 7, 2021, when the mercury dropped to -19.6 C. Beijing's all-time low of -27.4 C — a record set on Feb 22, 1966 — remains unbroken.北京上一次出现类似的寒冷天气还是在2021年1月7日,当时的温度低至-19.6℃。而有史以来,北京的最低温度是1966年2月22日的-27.4℃。On Monday, Beijing's weather bureau warned of road icing in large parts of the city, with authorities restricting traffic on some expressways or partially closing sections.周一,北京市气象台发布道路预警信号,对部分高速公路采取交通管制措施,同时封闭部分路段。By 10 am, more than 60 flights had been canceled at the Beijing Capital International Airport. Railway authorities enforced speed limits on lines connecting Beijing and Guangzhou, Guangdong province, causing delays in train arrival and departure schedules. Services on more than 180 bus routes in the city were also suspended in the morning.截至上午10点,北京首都国际机场已有60多个航班被取消。铁路部门对京广高铁上下行列车采取限速运行措施,导致途经该区段的部分旅客列车晚点运行。北京近180条公交线路停运。Beijing's subway ran additional trains during peak hours on Monday, and extend the duration of its services on urban lines by 40 minutes and on suburban lines by one hour in anticipation of traffic disruptions caused by the heavy snowfall.为应对大雪造成的交通中断,北京地铁在周一高峰时段增开列车,延长市区线路高峰运力40分钟,郊区线路高峰运力1小时。In Central China's Henan province, schools suspended classes for the day in the provincial capital of Zhengzhou, which recorded 14.2 millimeters of precipitation with a snow depth of 10 cm, as well as in Anyang.在中部地区的河南省,郑州和安阳的学校采取临时停课措施。郑州降雪量为14.2毫米,积雪深度10厘米。Lyu Xiaona, chief forecaster at the provincial meteorological office, warned of road icing, frozen power lines, low temperatures and strong winds. "Henan was expected to see two rounds of snowfall. The first spell happened on Sunday. The second is expected to start on Tuesday night," Lyu said.河南省气象台首席预报员吕晓娜提醒,预计将出现道路结冰、电线结冰、低温和强风现象。“预计河南将出现两轮降雪。周日将出现第一轮降雪。第二轮预计将于周二晚上开始。” 吕晓娜说。In Jinan, the capital of East China's Shandong province, authorities issued an advisory recommending off-peak working schedule to alleviate traffic pressure on the roads. Government departments and other organizations were urged to implement flexible working hours, except for essential services. Many schools held classes online on Monday.山东省济南市发布“应对强降雪天气实行错峰上下班倡议书”,建议错峰上班,缓解道路交通压力。除保障城市正常运转和便民服务岗位外,其他机关及企事业单位人员实行错峰上下班。周一,多校实施线上教学。Northeast China's Heilongjiang province was hit particularly hard over the weekend, with temperatures dropping between -25 C and -30 C in some areas on Sunday. The frigid weather is expected to last the whole week.本周末,黑龙江省受到极寒天气的严重影响,周日部分地区的气温降至-25℃至-30℃。未来一周,极寒天气预计将持续。Plummeting temperatures are posing serious challenges to water supply services. Emergency repair teams have been dispatched to areas where water pipes have been reported frozen, according to state broadcaster China Central Television.气温骤降给供水服务带来了严峻挑战。据中国中央电视台报道,紧急维修队已派往出现水管冻结的地点。In North China's Shanxi province, heavy snowfall and low temperatures have disrupted public transportation services. Special traffic control measures have been implemented on highways covered in snow, CCTV reported.在山西省,大雪和低温影响了公共交通服务。据中央电视台报道,交警对积雪路段以及结冰路段实施交通管控措施。Blizzard英/'blɪzəd/ 美/'blɪzɚd/n. 暴风雪