英语新闻|Build a better nation, Xi tells HK students

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President Xi Jinping has called on students from a high school in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to develop a deep love for the motherland and its people, hone their abilities and become talents capable of shouldering important responsibilities from an early age.国家主席习近平给香港一所中学的高一年级全体学生回信,勉励他们厚植家国情怀,锤炼过硬本领,早日成长为可堪大任的栋梁之才。In his reply to a letter from students at Pui Kiu Middle School, Xi underlined patriotism as the core of the Chinese national spirit, saying that the noble tradition of loving both the motherland and Hong Kong long upheld by the Hong Kong people is a crucial cornerstone for the stable and enduring implementation of "one country, two systems".习近平在给培侨中学学生的回信中强调,爱国主义是中华民族精神的核心,广大香港同胞素有爱国爱港光荣传统,这是“一国两制”行稳致远的重要基础。In his letter dated July 24, the president said he was pleased to learn that the students had developed a stronger sense of pride in being Chinese and a sense of responsibility as the SAR's young generation after participating in activities such as interacting with astronauts who are aboard China's Tiangong space station.习近平主席在7月24日的回信中写道:“得知你们通过参与在韩志愿军烈士遗骸归国安葬仪式、与‘天宫’航天员互动等活动,更加深刻体会到身为中国人的自豪、身为香港年轻一代的使命与担当,我很欣慰。”"I hope that you can integrate the pursuit of knowledge with exploration of the world, gain a profound understanding of global developments and delve into the history, culture and realities of the motherland," Xi wrote in the letter.他在信中写道:“希望你们把读万卷书与行万里路结合起来,深刻认识世界发展大势,深入了解祖国的历史文化和现实国情。”He encouraged the children to contribute their strength to building an even better Hong Kong and the cause of national rejuvenation.他勉励学生们为建设美好香港、实现民族复兴积极贡献力量。Founded in 1946, Pui Kiu Middle School was one of the first Hong Kong schools to raise the national flag after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The school has nurtured generations of people who love both the motherland and Hong Kong.培侨中学创办于1946年,是新中国成立后首批升起五星红旗的香港学校之一,建校以来培养了大批爱国爱港人才。The students from the school recently wrote to the president to share their takeaways from events aimed at strengthening patriotism. In the letter, they also shared their resolve to carry forward the spirit of loving the nation and Hong Kong and contribute to national development and the SAR's prosperity.近日,培侨中学高一年级全体学生给习近平主席写信,汇报参与学校爱国主义教育活动的心得体会,表达赓续爱国爱港精神、为国家强盛和香港繁荣贡献力量的决心。In a statement released on Tuesday, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu said the SAR appreciates the reply letter from Xi, adding that the president's earnest expectations for youths in Hong Kong to fulfill their mission and responsibilities as the younger generation in the city were palpable in the letter.香港特别行政区行政长官李家超25日代表特区由衷感谢国家主席习近平给香港培侨中学高一年级全体学生回信。他表示,回信字里行间彰显习主席对青年履行香港年轻一代的使命与担当的殷切期许。While the letter conveyed care and encouragement to the school, it also served as an impetus for all schools in Hong Kong to organize various activities outside the classrooms, guiding the youths to deepen their understanding of the nation's history, culture and realities, Lee said.李家超说,这封回信既让同学感受到习主席的关怀和勉励,亦是对全港学校的激励,推动他们积极在课堂以外安排更多不同类型的活动,引导青年深入了解国家的历史文化和现实国情。The letter will also inspire schools in the SAR to strengthen their students' sense of national pride, national identity and patriotism, turning these values into action and passing on the spirit of loving the country and Hong Kong to future generations, he added.这封回信将强化他们的家国情怀、国家观念和国民身份认同,将爱国爱港精神化作行动,薪火相传。Jasper Tsang Yok-sing, chancellor of Pui Kiu Middle School, expressed appreciation to the president on behalf of the school at a meeting at the school on Tuesday, saying that the reply from Xi was "a milestone in the education on patriotism in Hong Kong".培侨中学校监曾钰成代表学校对习近平主席表示衷心感谢并表示,这是香港爱国主义教育发展的里程碑,习近平主席的回信令培侨师生深受感动。Xi's letter was profoundly touching for the school's faculty and students, and the school will continue to lead the way for the students in learning traditional Chinese culture and building up their emotional bonds with the motherland, he said.,未来将引领学生学习中国优秀传统文化,培育家国情怀,继续推广爱国主义教育事业。Jeff Sze Chun-fai, the SAR's under-secretary for education, said the SAR authorities will use concrete actions to respond to Xi's earnest expectations and keep enriching the national education system.香港特区政府教育局副局长施俊辉发言表示,特区政府将以行动回应习主席的嘱托,不断充实国民教育体系。Fong Yiu-lam, vice-chairman of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Association, said the letter not only extends support and encouragement to the younger generation in Hong Kong but also reaffirms the commitment to "one country, two systems".粤港澳大湾区青年总会副会长方耀林说,这封信不仅是对香港青年一代的支持和鼓励,也重申了“一国两制”的承诺。Responsibility英/rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ 美/rɪˌspɑːnsəˈbɪləti/n.责任,负责Patriotism英/ˈpætriətɪzəm/美/ˈpeɪtriətɪzəm/n.爱国主义,爱国精神