英语新闻|Busy agenda points to key role in world

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China has again drawn global attention over the past week with a highlypacked diplomatic agenda involving four official visits by internationalleaders, an import expo that attracted enterprises from 127 countries andregions, and a global conference on wetland protection.在过去的一周里,中国紧凑的外交日程再次吸引了全球的关注,其中包括四场国际领导人的正式访问,一场吸引了127个国家和地区企业的进口博览会,以及一场全球湿地保护会议。Analysts said the timing of thevisits and the two grand events held by China, which took place less than twoweeks after the conclusion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Partyof China, epitomized the strong desire of various nations to strengthen exchanges andcooperation with the country and to explore the opportunities offered by itsvast market.分析人士表示,此次四位外国领导人的访问以及在中国举办的两场盛大活动,都是在中共二十大闭幕不到两周后举行的,这体现了各国加强与中国的交流与合作、探索中国广阔市场的强烈愿望。"The string of high-levelmeetings is a testament to China's growing stature on the world stage, andincreasing willingness to engage with other countries on a wide range ofissues," said Andy Mok, a research fellow at the Center for China andGlobalization.中国与全球化研究中心研究员莫天安表示:“一系列高级别会议证明,中国在世界舞台上的地位日益上升,中国也越来越愿意与其他国家讨论各类问题。”President Xi Jinping, who is alsogeneral secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, hostedvisits by Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Communist Party of VietnamCentral Committee, Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Tanzanian PresidentSamia Suluhu Hassan and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Oct 31 to Friday.从10月31日至11月4日,中共中央总书记习近平会见了越南共产党中央委员会总书记阮富仲,巴基斯坦总理夏巴兹·谢里夫,坦桑尼亚总统萨米娅·苏卢胡·哈桑和德国总理奥拉夫·朔尔茨。The president also deliveredspeeches via video link at the opening ceremony of the fifth ChinaInternational Import Expo on Friday and the 14th Meeting of the Conference ofthe Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands on Saturday.习近平还以视频方式在11月4日的第五届中国国际进口博览会开幕式和11月5日的《湿地公约》第十四届缔约方大会上发表了演讲。It was Trong's first overseasvisit since he was reelected to the current position, and the first visit toChina by Sharif, Hassan and Scholz since taking office.这是阮富仲连任总理以来首次出访,也是谢里夫、哈桑和朔尔茨就任总理以来首次访华。During talks with the fourleaders, Xi explained the key outcomes from the 20th CPC National Congress,envisioned the growth of bilateral relations and promoted a host of importantcooperative projects.在同四国领导人的会谈中,习近平阐述了中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会的重要成果,展望了两国关系的发展,推动了一系列重要合作项目。Su Xiaohui, deputy director ofthe China Institute of International Studies' Department of American Studies,said one of the key messages from the talks is that China has remained true toits general direction of deepening cooperation with various nations andattaining win-win cooperation.中国国际问题研究院美国研究所副所长苏晓晖表示,这些会谈传递出的一个关键信息是,中国一直坚持深化与各国合作、实现合作共赢。Guo Yanjun, director of ChinaForeign Affairs University's Institute of Asian Studies, said in an interviewwith Xinhua News Agency that Vietnam and Pakistan are both key neighboringcountries of China, and the latest visits have charted the way forward in promoting bilateral relations and building a community witha shared future between both sides.外交学院亚洲研究所所长郭延军在接受新华社采访时表示,越南和巴基斯坦都是中国的重要邻国,最近的访问为促进双边关系和构建双方命运共同体指明了方向。Su, from China Institute ofInternational Studies, said the latest high-level exchange between China andTanzania is another example of the principles of sincerity, real results,affinity and good faith being upheld by Beijing, and spoke volumes about thelevel of importance China attaches to unity and cooperation with Africa.苏晓晖认为,此次中坦高层交流是真实亲诚理念的又一次生动演绎,充分体现了中国对非洲国家的重视与尊重。The whirlwind one-day visit by Scholz, who was accompanied by ateam of German industry executives, marked the first visit by a European and G7leader to China in almost three years.朔尔茨在德国行业高管团队的陪同下对中国进行了为期一天的旋风式访问,这是近三年来欧洲和七国集团领导人首次访问中国。In a social media post afterhis visit, Scholz highlighted reliability and trust as two values playingimportant roles in German and Chinese culture.朔尔茨访问回国后在社交媒体上强调,可靠和信任这两种价值观在中国和德国的文化中扮演着重要的角色。"At the same time, theyform the basis of diplomatic relations and political partnerships. It is a goodthing that we met in person and held talks," he wrote.“同时,它们也是外交关系和政治伙伴关系的基础。很高兴我们面对面进行了会谈,”他写道。Su said the fact that theGerman chancellor has taken the lead among European leaders in visiting Chinaand conducting face-to-face dialogues with Chinese leaders was a forcefulresponse to theories about decoupling and set a fine example for positive interactionwith China.苏晓晖表示,德国总理在欧洲国家领导人中率先访华,中德领导人面对面直接沟通对话,既有力回击了“脱钩”谬论,也为欧洲其他国家同中国良性互动作了示范。One of the major messages fromXi during the talks and his keynote speech at the CIIE was that China willcontinue to widen its opening-up and share opportunities with the world.习近平在这些会谈以及在进博会上的主旨演讲中传达的一个重要信息就是,中国将继续扩大对外开放,与各国共享机遇。Mok, from CCG, said the visitsby leaders from all over the world show that China is serious about itsresponsibility as "an increasingly important member of the globalcommunity, and demonstrate its confidence that its hard-won insights andexperience can contribute to a safer and more hopeful world".莫天安表示,各国领导人的访华表明,中国认真对待自己作为“国际社会中日益重要的一员”的责任,并表明它相信其来之不易的见解和经验可以促进一个更安全、更有希望的世界。记者:徐伟epitomize英[ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz];美[ɪˈpɪtəˌmaɪz]v. 集中体现chart英[tʃɑːrt];美[tʃɑːrt]v. 制定whirlwind英[ˈwɜːlwɪnd];美[ˈwɜːrlwɪnd]adj. 旋风般的