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英语新闻|C罗离开后,曼联老板考虑出售俱乐部Manchester United said on Tuesdayit was commencing a process to explore strategic alternatives, including a newinvestment or a potential sale, 17 years after the American Glazer familybought the English Premier League club.11月22日,曼联表示,在美国格雷泽家族收购英超足球俱乐部 17 年后,它正在开始探索战略替代方案,包括新的投资或出售俱乐部。The Glazer family is working with financial advisers on the process,which could lead to a partial sale of the Old Trafford club or investmentsincluding stadium and infrastructure redevelopment, the club said in astatement.俱乐部在一份声明中表示,格雷泽家族正在与财务顾问进行合作,商讨的结果可能是部分出售老特拉福德俱乐部,或对球场和基础设施重建进行投资。       Manchester United fanshave been clamoring for a change of ownership and the Glazershave been the target of intense criticism as the team has gone five yearswithout winning a trophy. The last silverware the Red Devils won was the EuropaLeague and League Cup back in 2017.曼彻斯特联队的球迷一直呼吁“换老板”,格雷泽队一直是强烈批评的对象,因为球队已经五年没有赢得奖杯了。他们赢得的最后一个奖杯是在2017 年的欧罗巴联赛和联赛杯。        "As we seek tocontinue building on the club's history of success, the board has authorized athorough evaluation of strategic alternatives," Avram Glazer and JoelGlazer, executive co-chairmen and directors of United, said in thestatement.  "We will evaluate all options to ensure that we bestserve our fans and that Manchester United maximizes the significant growthopportunities available to the club today and in the future," thestatement said.曼联执行联合主席兼董事阿夫拉姆·格雷泽和乔尔·格雷泽在声明中表示:“在我们寻求继续巩固俱乐部成功历史的过程中,董事会已授权对战略选择进行全面评估。”声明说:“我们将评估所有选择,以确保我们为球迷提供最好的服务,并确保曼联在今天和未来最大限度地利用俱乐部可用的重要增长机会。”       In August, British billionaireJim Ratcliffe had expressed interest in buying United, Reuters reported. At thetime, Elon Musk had also joked about planning to buy the club. The owners areunder pressure with United sitting fifth in the Premier League halfway throughthe season, which has been suspended because of the ongoing Qatar World Cup.据路透社报道,8月,英国亿万富翁吉姆拉特克利夫表示有兴趣收购曼联。当时,埃隆·马斯克也曾开玩笑说打算买下这家俱乐部。由于本赛季已经过半,曼联在英超排名第五,目前,由于卡塔尔世界杯的原因,英超已经暂停。        Manchester United shares jumpedas much as 20 percent after Sky News first reported on the sale process, givingthe club a market capitalization of $2.6 billion. The company was worth $2.5 billion atthe close of US trading on Tuesday. At its peak as a public company, it had amarket capitalization of $4.3 billion in 2018.在天空新闻首次报道了出售过程后,曼联的股价上涨了20%,使俱乐部的市值达到26亿美元。22日美国股市收盘时,该公司市值为25亿美元。在上市公司的巅峰时期,该公司在2018年的市值为43亿美元。       Also on Tuesday, the club saidthat star striker Cristiano Ronaldo will leave with immediateeffect, marking a bitter end to the Portugal captain's second spell at OldTrafford after he said he felt betrayed by the club.同样是在22日,俱乐部表示,明星前锋C罗将立即离开,这标志着这位葡萄牙队长在老特拉福德的第二次执教生涯的痛苦结束,此前他表示感觉自己被俱乐部背叛了。Erik ten Hag is the fifth permanent manager at Old Trafford in the pastnine years and his early months in charge have been dominated by debate overRonaldo's place in the team.  The five-time Ballon d'Or winner hadbeen used sparingly by the former Ajax boss in the Premier League.曼联主教练埃里克·滕·哈格是过去九年来老特拉福德的第五位永久主帅,他在执教的最初几个月一直围绕罗纳尔多在球队中的位置展开争论。这位五次金球奖得主被这位前阿贾克斯主帅在英超联赛中谨慎使用。Ronaldo reacted with an explosive interview on TalkTV last week in whichhe said he felt "betrayed "by the club and had no respect for TenHag.罗纳尔多在上周接受TalkTV的爆炸性采访时表示,他感觉被曼联“背叛”了,并称他不尊重主教练滕·哈格。The Portugal captain, who is currently competing in his fifth World Cup,also took aim at the Glazers, claiming they "don't care about theclub".罗纳尔多这位葡萄牙队长目前正在参加他的第五届世界杯,他也抨击格雷泽家族“不在乎俱乐部”。"Cristiano Ronaldo is to leave Manchester United by mutualagreement, with immediate effect," United said in an earlier statement.曼联官方发布公告称:“克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多将在双方同意的情况下离开曼联,立即生效。”"The club thanks him for his immense contribution across two spellsat Old Trafford, scoring 145 goals in 346 appearances, and wishes him and his familywell for the future."“俱乐部感谢他在老特拉福德的两个赛季中做出的巨大贡献,在346场比赛中攻入145球,并祝他和他的家人未来一切顺利。”The Glazers bought the club for 790 million pounds ($939 million) in2005 in a highly leveraged deal which has been criticized for loading debt ontothe club.格雷泽家族在2005年以7.9亿英镑(9.3907 亿美元)的高杠杆交易收购了该俱乐部,该交易一直被批评为俱乐部增加债务。United has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 2012, whenthe Glazers sold 10 percent of their holding via the listing and have sold moreshares since.自2012年以来曼联在纽约证券交易所上市,当时格雷泽家族通过上市出售了10%的股份,此后又出售了更多股份。The Raine Group is acting as financial adviser and Latham &WatkinsLLP is the legal adviser to Manchester United.雷恩集团担任曼联的财务顾问,Latham& Watkins LLP 担任曼联的法律顾问。Rothschild and Co. is acting as financial adviser to the Glazer family shareholders.罗斯柴尔德公司担任格雷泽家族股东的财务顾问。Among the fan protests against the Glazers was one in May 2021 thatforced the postponement of a home match against Liverpool, one of the club'sbiggest rivals. It was the first Premier League match to be postponed becauseof a protest.2021年5月,在球迷对格雷泽队的抗议中,有一场抗议迫使主场对阵利物浦的比赛推迟,利物浦是俱乐部最大的竞争对手之一。这是第一场因抗议而推迟的英超联赛。United and Liverpool were among a group of big clubs that said theywanted to establish a European Super League in April 2021 but then withdrew,partly because of objections from many fans in England.曼联和利物浦等大型俱乐部表示,他们希望在2021年4月建立欧洲超级联赛,但随后又退出了,部分原因是英格兰的许多球迷反对。Liverpool is also "exploring a sale "according to clubchairman Tom Werner. In May 2022, Chelsea Football Club was sold to aconsortium led by an investment group fronted by Todd Boehly and ClearlakeCapital for $3.2 billion.据俱乐部主席汤姆维尔纳称,利物浦也在“探索出售” 。2022年5月,切尔西足球俱乐部以32亿美元(25亿英镑)的价格卖给了由Todd Boehly和Clearlake Capital投资集团牵头的财团。United finished sixth last season in its worst Premier League campaignin terms of points earned, failing to qualify for the lucrative Champions League competition.曼联上赛季在他们最糟糕的英超联赛中排名第六,没能进入利润丰厚的欧洲冠军联赛The club won the last of its record 20 top-flight league titles in 2013,the year the great Alex Ferguson stepped down as manager after more than 26years in charge.2013年,他们赢得了20个顶级联赛冠军中的最后一个,这一年弗格森在执教曼联超过26年之后卸任主教练一职。The club has hired Dutch manager Ten Hag in a bid to turn around itsfortunes. Despite his run-ins with Ronaldo, Ten Hag has delivered improvedperformances to earn the approval of United supporters.俱乐部从阿姆斯特丹阿贾克斯聘请了荷兰籍主教练埃里克·哈格,以期扭转他们的命运。clamor英 [ˈklæmə(r)]  美  [ˈklæmər]v.喧闹striker英 [ˈstraɪkə(r)]  美  [ˈstraɪkər]n.前锋lucrative英 [ˈluːkrətɪv]  美  [ˈluːkrətɪv]adj.获利多的