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The nation's second C919, China's first self-developed narrow-body jet, was delivered to its first customer, China Eastern Airlines, on Sunday morning in Shanghai.7月16日上午,中国东方航空在上海接收第二架国产窄体客机C919。As more C919s are put into commercial operation, the homemade aircraft should perform better and more safely, industry experts said.业内专家表示,随着越来越多的C919投入商业运营,国产飞机的性能应该会更好、更安全。The jet took off on a ferry flight from Shanghai Pudong International Airport at 10:06 am, and landed at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport at 10:20 am. It will officially join China Eastern's aircraft fleet on Sunday, according to the Shanghai-based carrier.上午10:06,飞机从上海浦东国际机场调机飞往上海虹桥国际机场,于上午10:20着陆。总部位于上海的东航表示,这架飞机将于7月16日正式加入东航机队。"The delivery of a second C919 for commercial operation demonstrates that China's aviation industry has entered the stage of using more self-developed jets," said Zheng Hongfeng, founder and CEO of VariFlight, an aviation data and solution service provider.航空数据和解决方案服务提供商飞友科技(飞常准)创始人、CEO郑洪峰表示:“第二架C919飞机交付用于商业运营,这标志着中国航空业已经进入了使用更多自主研发飞机的阶段。”"As more C919 jets are put into commercial use, their safety will increase, and their manufacturer, the Commercial Aircraft Corp of China, will fall more in line with market demand," Zheng added.郑洪峰补充:“随着更多的C919喷气式飞机投入商业用途,这些飞机的安全性能将会提高,飞机的制造商中国商用飞机有限责任公司将会按照市场需求降低价格。”As the second of five C919 aircraft to be delivered to China Eastern, the new jet has the same cabin layout as the first. On Friday, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued the plane with all the necessary certifications for commercial operation.7月14日,中国民用航空局向这架飞机颁发了商业运营所需的所有认证。此次接收的C919大型客机为东航首批采购5架C919客机中的第2架,客舱布局与首架机保持一致。China Eastern said that the jetliner will initially join the first C919 on flights between Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and Chengdu Tianfu International Airport in Sichuan province, and will later fly to more Chinese cities.东航表示,第二架C919将与首架机“搭档”,首先执飞“上海虹桥—成都天府”航线,后续将逐步拓展更多航线。"The reason we are first flying the C919 between Shanghai and Chengdu is that it is an adequate flying distance, and the east-west flight will better allow the jet to adapt to environmental conditions, including temperature and humidity," Li Yangmin, general manager of China Eastern Airlines, was quoted as saying by Chinese financial news outlet Yicai.中国财经媒体《第一财经》援引东航总经理李养民的话表示“我们将上海到成都选为C919的首飞航线,原因是这条航线的行距合适,而且东西方向飞行,从飞行的性能来说,对环境的适应性会比较好,包括温度湿度等方面。”"The strength of China Eastern's security capabilities and heavy passenger traffic along this route also confirmed it was the right choice," Li added.“东航在这条航线上的资源保障能力总体也不错,而且这条航线的客流量也不错,”李养民补充说。The first C919 has a layout of 164 seats, with eight in business class and 156 in economy class.首架C919飞机有164个座位,其中商务舱8个,经济舱156个。Following its maiden flight in 2017, the first C919 for commercial use was delivered to China Eastern on Dec 9, 2022, by COMAC, its manufacturer. After the first successful commercial flight between Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and Beijing Capital International Airport on May 28, the jet has been put into operation on the Shanghai-Chengdu route.继2017年首飞后,2022年12月9日,中国商飞公司将首架商用C919交付给东航。2023年5月28日,东航开启了C919首个商业航班“上海虹桥——北京首都”,之后这架C919就在沪蓉快线上运营至今。"Since commercial operations kicked off, many passengers have specifically booked flights on the C919 to enjoy the experience of flying on a large, Chinese-made passenger jet," said Lin Zhijie, an aviation industry analyst.航空分析师林智杰表示:“自从投入商业运营以来,许多乘客专门预订C919的航班,以体验中国制造的大型客机。”The C919 is comparable to the Airbus A320 and Boeing B737, and offers a brand-new alternative on the market, which should help break the duopoly maintained by Boeing and Airbus and help promote competition and the healthy development of the global civil aviation market, said Lin, who is also a columnist at carnoc.com, one of China's biggest civil aviation websites.林智杰同时也是中国最大的民航网站——民航资源网的专栏作家。他表示,C919投入商业运行为全球的干线飞机市场提供了新的产品选择,打破了波音和空客的双寡头垄断,促进了民用飞机市场的良性竞争。The first C919 has completed 87 commercial flights as of July 12 — two between Beijing and Shanghai and 85 between Shanghai and Chengdu, according to China Eastern.据东航表示,截至7月12日,首架C919已经完成了87次商业飞行,其中京沪航班2班,沪蓉航班85班。With average load factors of about 80 percent, the first C919 has served 11,095 passenger trips and flown for a total of 250.10 hours.首架C919的平均载客率近80%,累计服务旅客11,095人次,累计商业运行250.10小时。Jet英 /dʒet/美 /dʒet/n. 喷气式飞机Commercial英 /kəˈmɜːʃl/美 /kəˈmɜːrʃl/adj. 商业的